5 Artist’s Homes You Can Visit in Paris


One of the first things I did when I moved to Paris was make my way into the east of the city to a lesser known neighborhood called Menilmontant.

It’s a short metro ride from the city centre, right through to the bohemian area in the 20th arrondissement. It had been part of my bucket list to see the apartment where Edith Piaf herself spent most of her life.

The apartment is mostly available for viewing from the street however you can also arrange private viewing times to go inside and see the home. It’s known as the Edith Piaf museum and is filled with memorabilia.

Edith Piaf’s old apartment in Paris – by Ouicoude –

It’s quite something to walk the streets and see the buildings that influential Parisian artists once called home. In some ways it makes the artists we hold to such esteem slightly more personable and relatable.

Throughout Paris, as well as in some countryside towns nearby, there are other artists homes still open to visitors. Here are the five worth seeing during your time in the French capital.

1. Musée Delacroix in Paris

6 Rue de Furstemberg

In 1857 Eugène Delacroix moved into his last known residence in the city of Paris. It is situated on the Left Bank almost directly across from the Pont des Arts.

Eugène Delacroix was the leader of the painters in the French Romantic genre of the arts. Most of his more famous works hang in the Louvre Museum, which is just across the Seine River from his house .

Musée Delacroix – by Gramille –

His old home is filled with the works that didn’t make it into the major museums. You’ll visit this house in a museum style setting of its own, with Delacroix’s works spanning all across the walls of the place.

I love that this museum doesn’t take very long to properly enjoy. You can make your way through it even if you just have an hour to spare during your walk through this part of town. Take note that the space is closed on Tuesdays.

2. Musée Gustave Moreau in Paris

14 Rue de la Rochefoucauld

Gustave Moreau was actually influenced by our afore mentioned friend, Eugène Delacroix. He reveled in the vibrance and drama of the works and went on to produce over 8000 works of his own that are still celebrated today.

Moreau was also famously an art school drop out. The thought that his works would be so relevant to the Parisian art world was largely unexpected.

Gustave Moreau Museum – by Eunostos –

Three years before his death, Gustave Moreau began to transform the three story apartment he was living in into a museum for his own works. Its fascinating to visit a museum that was curated by the artist himself. What’s more, many of the living quarters of the home are still preserved and open for visit as well.

3. Monet’s House near Paris

Giverny, Normandy

Taking a day trip out of Paris to see the place where our beloved Monet spent over forty years of his life seems like a good way to spend one’s time, no?

Just 80 kilometers outside of the city, you’ll come to the artists old residence in Upper Normandy, France.

Monet lived in a vibrant, plant filled townhouse. He called this home for all the years between 1883 and 1926. It is noted that he renovated both the house and the gardens to suit the whimsical world inside of his head.

Monet’s House in Normandy – by Normandy Tourist Board –

Inside you’ll enjoy viewing all of his old furniture and day to day possessions. The space still holds his personal collection of artistic works including his series of old Japanese prints.

Back in Paris, take a trip to the 16th arrondissement and treat yourself to an afternoon at the Monet Museum of Paris. Here you’ll be able to view the actual Water Lilies series and draw parallels between the artwork and the gardens of his home in Normandy — remarkable!

4. Auberge Ravoux near Paris


Another very cool day trip to do from Paris would be the 28 kilometers out to the tiny village of Auvers-sur-Oise in the north west.

Here remains one of Van Gogh’s last residencies. Never one to stay in the same place for too long, Van Gogh lived in 37 different places throughout Paris and greater France during his life.

Van Gogh’s old room – by WvdV –

He reportedly only spent 70 days living in this village, but it is said to have inspired over 80 of his works. This is also the only vicinity out of his 37 homes that is still standing and preserved to this day.

His home was actually a room in an Inn. The Inn will take care of your tour of Van Gogh’s room quarters and you’ll be able to eat a meal in the dining area that he did as well.

5. Musée Rodin in Paris

77 Rue de Varenne

Auguste Rodin lived in this modern townhouse from 1908. The 7th arrondissement was once an artists hub back in the day and where many of the painters and sculptors moving to Paris sought to stay.

The museum is filled with thousands of works by the artists himself and pieces collected by him over the years including original Monets, Renoirs and Van Goghs.

Musée Rodin – by Завсегдатай –

The townhouse sits on the eastern boundary of Invalides. A free guided walking tour would be the best way to move through this area without missing any of the history that it has to offer.

While there are preserved artists homes all through Paris and greater France, these are the five I would most recommend making the time for.

I hope it goes without saying that Edith Piaf’s old place over in Menilmontant takes a silent sixth spot and should also be on everyones tourism radar! Will you promise to visit?

Planning a trip to Paris ? Get ready !

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  1. The best travel book : Rick Steves – Paris 2023
  2. Fodor’s Paris 2024 –

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  1. Venture Pal Lightweight Backpack –
  2. Samsonite Winfield 2 28″ Luggage –
  3. Swig Savvy’s Stainless Steel Insulated Water Bottle –

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