Barcelona is a city full of things to do and the real question is: Barcelona activities: what are the best things to do in the city? Here’re some ideas based on my own experience as a local.

Barcelona activities: what are the best things to do in the city?

Barcelona is a very sunny city, it almost never rains and I’ve only seen snow twice in 27 years! So let’s say you’ll get to see the sun here. That’s why one of the best Barcelona activities is a picnic in “La Ciutadella”. La Ciutadella is the biggest park in Barcelona and it’s in the city center. On weekends it’s full of people playing music, parents and kids with their bikes or friends just laying in the grass and sunbathing. Sometimes you can even join a yoga class! So prepare sandwiches (remember Catalan way: bread with tomato) and go to the park!


Another great Barcelona activity is a visit to the city Aquarium, is the biggest one in Europe! Just because of this it deserves a visit. In fact, it’s a great activity to do specially if you have kids. You’ll be able to see more than 450 different species in 4 million liters of water! The best of it is that there’s a tunnel where you get to see the sharks… scary? No! Really fun!


One of the most famous buildings in Barcelona is the Picasso museum. If you like contemporary art this is a must Barcelona activity for you! This museum is not only interesting because of the works of art hanging there but also because the building is a work of art itself! It’s an amazing palace from the XVIII-XIV century, a great example of the Catalan gothic style. One tip for the museum, it’s free Sunday afternoons and the first Sunday of each month during all the day!


Barcelona is a very old city, there’s more than 2000 years of history behind its walls. Of course you’ve got to go to a museum to see the roman steps in town (by the way, the Barcelona History Museum is just amazing) but there’s a street in the city where you can find oldies from almost every period of the modern era. It’s called “Banys Nous”. Jewelry, clothes, art, toys… and much more!


And last but not least…What happens in Barcelona at night? You know what they say about NY, don’t you? “It’s the city that never sleeps”, well, Barcelona is its best competitor! There’s always some club open to go dancing at night… Monday and Tuesday, “Apolo Club”, Wednesday, “Sidecar Club”, Thursday, “Plataforma” and Sunday, “Moog”. Of course Friday and Saturday, everything is open! By the way, in Barcelona we start parting quite late…we enter the club at 1:30 am! Don’t go there before 1 am because it won’t be open…

If you’re not really a fan of clubs, Plaça Reial is you’re area. It’s a very big square with a lot of nightlife for all ages. Situated in the city center close to Las Ramblas, it’s full of bars where you can stay until 3 am.


All those activities are the ones a local may do any Saturday. Of course you’re going to find tourist everywhere in this city but don’t worry, we, the Barcelonians, will be there too! I’ll come back with some more Barcelona activities for you to enjoy the city on its best, but for the moment, this seems like a pretty nice day… doesn’t it?

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