Barcelona is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and one of the things that make it so special is that the entire city has something interesting to visit. But this may also be a problem because the spots are spread all over town…There’s many companies that offer Barcelona tours but the real question is: which is the best way to discover the city?

Check out our Barcelona Tours


There’s at least three ways to visit Barcelona: with the touristic bus, with a bike-tour or walking. It all depends on how much time you have. The touristic bus is a great idea if you only have one or two days in town or if you want to have a general view of the city. The bus offers an audio guide and in just 6 hours you get to know almost all the important spots. Which is the inconvenient of this kind of tours from my point of view? That they are not personal, you’re just one more in the crowd.


The Barcelona bike tours are a good idea if you have time to go uptown (Parc Güell or Sagrada Familia) or if you want to enjoy the view from Montjuïc Mountain, for example. But be careful because most of the city is not yet ready for bikes. If you chose the bike tours I suggest you go with a guide and with a group, otherwise it can be somehow dangerous.


So, what is my recommendation to discover my city? WALK IT! It’s true that some spots like Sagrada Familia are far from everything, but they’re well connected with the metro, which works great here. For the rest, walk, walk, walk!


With a Barcelona tour you won’t miss anything because you won’t be driving or passing by Pedrera so fast that you can’t even take a picture! Moreover, there are some neighborhoods like Barri Gòtic or Born where you can’t go with a bus, a car and even with a bike it’s difficult because they are only for pedestrians.


The Barcelona walking tours, of course, have a fixed itinerary but they’re always more flexible than anything else. You can stop your guide to ask questions, you can take pictures and the rhythm is more relaxed. Another thing that I like about walking tours is that you get to know people from all over the world and if the guide is a local (be sure it is!) you can ask her or him questions about our traditions and culture. There’s no one better to tell you about Barcelona that someone who has lived here forever!


Another good thing about walking Barcelona when your on your own (after the tour) is that you can stop whenever you what for a cup of coffee in a wonderful square, you can spend 20 minutes in a lovely little shop in El Born trying on dresses or have as much time as you want in the silence of one of our majestic gothic churches. I really enjoy getting lost in the small streets and discovering new places every day.

Planning a trip to Paris ? Get ready !

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  1. The best travel book : Rick Steves – Paris 2023 –Ìý
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