
By Floriane Gaber

My name is Floriane. I have always been interested in the arts in public spaces; I have devoted several books to it. Today I am a tour guide and I take visitors to discover Paris. I have had the chance to visit around sixty countries and, each time, I have asked myself: “What makes this place really special?” ". My new project is therefore to write a series of articles on the theme “How to put a city on the map?”

11 articles published

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By Floriane Gaber

Ceremonies, medals and all that stuff

The opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games must take place on the Seine*. An exceptional fact because, since the restoration of the modern Olympics, this event generally takes place in a stadium. The medals, for their part, will be three in number (gold, silver, bronze). But do we know that the rewards have not […]

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By Floriane Gaber

Chariots of Fire

In 1900 in Paris, the British completely dominated tennis, both individually and in doubles, notably by fielding the very first woman medalist at the Olympics. But it is within “mixed” teams that they establish themselves in polo. The notion of “nation” is not yet fixed at the Games and athletes from several countries can compete […]


By Floriane Gaber

Asterix at the Olympics

Asterix is ​​a small cartoon character, symbol of Gallic resistance against the Roman invaders. During one of his adventures, he found himself propelled to Olympia, the historic cradle of the Games. Many years later, during the Olympics organized in 1900 in Paris, French athletes particularly distinguished themselves. It must be admitted that they made up […]


By Floriane Gaber

Tarzan at the Olympics

From their first participation (at the Athens Olympics in 1896), American athletes imposed their supremacy, with 11 gold medals. In 1900, the very large proportion of French athletes propelled them to the top of the ranking, but in 1924, it was again the USA which had the greatest number of victories and an overwhelming majority […]


By Floriane Gaber

Games for everyone?

Low-class competitors were not the only ones to suffer a form of ostracism during the Olympic Games organized in Paris in 1900 and 1924. Women and people of color were also subject to particular treatment, with some being surprised of their prowess, with others openly criticizing their participation in the Games. And in this matter, […]


By Floriane Gaber

Did you say “popular”?

In 1900, the types of sports (recognized or not by the IOC*) indicated a divide between the participants, the audiences and the places where the competitions took place. Paris is thus, in a way, “cut in two”: elite sports in the West and popular sports in the East. Line 1 of the metro, inaugurated for […]


By Floriane Gaber

Olympic or not?

Of the 477 events organized in Paris in 1900 as part of the International Physical Exercise Competitions*, only 95 were subsequently approved by the IOC. Whoever wants to claim the title of “Olympic sport” cannot claim to be. Looking at contemporary rankings, it must be admitted that certain disciplines do not fail to amaze. Among […]

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By Floriane Gaber

Paris, Olympic city

Historically, Parisian heritage sites have been the setting for sporting competitions. Once again, the 2024 Olympics will rely heavily on these spectacular environments to create unique settings. But a few months before the launch of the event, certain points still remain to be resolved. Will the “city of lights” rise to the challenge? A bullfight […]

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By Floriane Gaber

Paris invaded by the Olympics

If the Olympiads of the Republic were confined to the Champ de Mars at the end of the 18th century, the second edition of the modern games, much more ambitious in 1900, struggled to find its place in a city cluttered by the Universal Exhibition and used places not particularly dedicated to sport. In 1924, […]

And Paris invented the modern Olympics


By Floriane Gaber

And Paris invented the modern Olympics

If the ancient Olympics were designed in Greece in the 8th century BC, the modern Olympics were indeed held at the baptismal font in Paris. On November 25, 1892, in the large auditorium of the Sorbonne, Pierre de Coubertin called for the restoration of the Olympic Games. Two years later, in the same place, the […]

5/7/1924, inauguration of the Olympic Games at the Colombes stadium [opening ceremony].


By Floriane Gaber

The Olympic Games in Paris: The Big Reunion

In 2024, Paris (France) will host the Olympic Games from July 26 to August 11, and the Paralympic Games from August 28 to September 8. Not really a great first for the French capital since the Olympics will be organized there for the sixth time. Six times ? Some may be surprised And yet… The […]