20 Craziest Laws You Will Find In Dubai


*Originally published by Diana K in November 2023 and Updated by Vanessa R in March 2024

Although Dubai is renowned for its grandeur, skyscrapers, and opulent lifestyle, it also has several unusual regulations that may shock visitors from other nations. Being a conservative nation, many of the laws in Dubai are hard to come to terms with. These laws regulate the behavior of individuals in terms of what they wear to who they live with. While some of the laws may not be enforceable, it is important that one remains extra keen as they interact in Dubai. Here are 20 of Dubai’s craziest laws.

1. PDA (Public Displays of Affection) are not allowed in public places

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In Dubai, public displays of affection like kissing, embracing, or holding hands are frowned upon due to the conservative nature of the culture. Infringers may face fines or perhaps jail time. If violators are found kissing or engaging in more dangerous behavior when they are apprehended will determine their nationality and the severity of the punishment.

Avoid crowded spots and public parks where there are lots of people around to see your act if you’re in Dubai as a tourist and want to engage in some PDA while there without getting arrested or deported.

2. It is illegal to drink or possess alcohol in public places

Only licensed establishments like hotels, bars, and restaurants are permitted to provide alcohol. Alcohol consumption and possession are prohibited in public areas like parks, beaches, and streets. Infractions while under the influence can result in jail time or fines.

In Dubai, it’s usual for visitors or expats to argue with one another while drinking beer. But, those who lose their composure when drinking run the risk of being arrested as well! The same is true if you are caught drinking in public and stumble around aimlessly or, worse, start fights. In such a case, you may face up to a year in jail.

3. Swearing or using offensive language in public is prohibited

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You should respect the culture of the UAE because it is a conservative country. In Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), using curse words and profanity is illegal. The use of vulgar or insulting language online and in other forms of communication is strictly prohibited in the United Arab Emirates.

Anyone who uses any “indecent language” on the Internet or in any other form of communication is subject to a fine of no more than AED 500,000 ($160,000) and a prison sentence of up to three years, as stated in Article 331 of the UAE Criminal Code. A fine of up to SR10 million ($2 million) and up to five years in prison are the possible penalties for using “indecent language” in Saudi Arabia. The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority claims that

4. Eating, drinking, or smoking in public during the holy month of Ramadan is prohibited

During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. Eating, drinking, or smoking in public places during this time is not allowed. Violators can face imprisonment or fines.

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5. Women are required to dress modestly in public places

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In public spaces like restaurants, malls, and beaches, women are required to dress modestly. The wearing of revealing attire is prohibited, including short skirts and sleeveless tops. Infringers may face fines or jail time. Both men and women in Dubai should cover their shoulders and knees when they are out in public.

Men should wear long pants and shirts that cover their arms, while women must wear a headscarf, or hijab, in select sacred and public areas. Both sexes are prohibited from wearing shorts; children’s clothing is included in this restriction. Women are also prohibited from showing off their hair in public or donning bikini tops. Tank tops are acceptable for men but not for women, who are subject to less dress regulations.

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6. It is illegal to gossip

In Dubai, creating and disseminating rumors is illegal. It is a serious offense that carries a maximum two-year prison sentence or punishment of Dhs one million. Anyone “makes or communicates a false statement affecting an individual’s honor, good character, or financial condition” is subject to the law.

Also, it is against the law to spread rumors that could harm someone’s reputation or incite fear in the public. The severity of the offense and if it was done purposefully will determine the appropriate punishment.

7. Taking photos of individuals without their consent is illegal

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In Dubai, taking pictures of people without their consent is prohibited. This law also covers things like structures, cars, and even animals. Regardless of whether you do it for personal or professional reasons, the law requires you to get the subject’s permission before taking a photo.

“Any person who breaches the requirements of this legislation shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years and/or a fine not exceeding Dh500,000,” states Section 1 of Law No. 4 of 2012 Pertaining to the Protection of Personal Data. The same rule further specifies that, depending on the offense, anyone found guilty will be penalized between Dh3,000 and Dh30,000.

8. You have to keep your car clean

It is crucial to maintain your automobile clean if you own a car in Dubai. It not only improves the appearance of the car but also lessens the chance of receiving a ticket or other punishment from the law.

Owners of cars who neglect to properly maintain them risk receiving fines of up to 5,000 AED. Also, it is forbidden to wash your automobile in any public area of Dubai, including the beach. The Dubai Municipality has begun enforcing a policy whereby those who wash their automobiles in unsuitable locations are subject to fines.

9. Fundraising is illegal in Dubai

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Dubai forbids fundraising. If you are caught doing so, you could be subject to jail time, fines ranging from 250,000 to 500,000 AED, or even deportation. Each type of gift must receive the Islamic Affairs and Charity Activities Department’s approval in the United Arab Emirates (IACAD).

This is done to ensure that any funds raised are solely used for humanitarian endeavors and never for profit or personal advantage. Hence, soliciting gifts without IACAD’s consent is prohibited. If you formed a charity without first receiving IACAD’s approval, you might be breaching the law.

10. The use of poppy seeds is prohibited

Bread, pastries, and other foods have poppy seeds on them. They are also used to prepare a variety of sweets, including cakes and muffins. Because poppy seeds are addictive when consumed, they are not allowed to be used in cooking in the United Arab Emirates.

Poppy seeds are severely forbidden in Dubai. Anyone found in possession of them could be subject to harsh punishments, such as a jail sentence, as well as having their possessions seized by customs officials at airports or border crossings.

11. Eating or drinking on public transport is illegal in Dubai

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The fine for breaking this law is about $27. Although the law was created to deter littering, the police have repeatedly utilized it unlawfully. The Public Transport Security Command of the Dubai Police, which recently launched a campaign called “No Eating and Drinking on Trains,” enforces the rules.

Throughout the campaign, officers were stopping those who weren’t abiding by the rules and fining them. The sanctions apply to drivers and passengers alike. Drivers who are caught eating while operating a car face a $136 fine. Moreover, spitting or chewing gum in public may be punished with a fine or a jail sentence.

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12. It is illegal to flush the toilet after 10 pm

It’s against the law to flush the toilet after 10 o’clock in Dubai. According to the city’s website, this regulation was put into place to reduce flooding and water waste so that “residents may enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep.” This law is prevalent around the world, however it is less prevalent in Western cities than it is in Asian ones.

13. It illegal to live with someone you are not married to

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Living together with someone you are not married to is prohibited in Dubai. Although the law might appear quite simple, it’s actually more intricate than that. You can’t just move into a house or apartment with a partner of the same sex. If you’re single and looking for somewhere to stay for a while, then it’s actually against the law for anyone to rent an apartment for you unless they’re your parents or siblings.

14. It is illegal to check someone’s phone without their consent

In the United Arab Emirates, it is against the law to peek into someone else’s mobile phone without that person’s consent. If detected, you risk receiving a punishment of up to AED10,000 ($2,700).

The implication of this is that even if your partner has lost their phone and you want to check it for them, you can’t do it without their explicit consent. This holds true even if you suspect that they are abusing drugs or cheating on you.

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15. Taking photos of road accidents scenes is illegal 

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In the UAE, photography typically may be a perilous endeavor. You are not allowed to demand photos of any traffic accidents that you witness while traveling, due to the ban on photographing military structures, courts, and palaces.

This might cost you anywhere from 50,000 to three million dirhams (or £10,788 to £647,262) and put you in danger of being deported. This also applies to aviation accidents: it is strictly forbidden to broadcast pictures and videos on social media.

15. It is illegal to feed pigeons and other wild birds

In Dubai, it is against the law to feed pigeons and other wild birds in public areas. The authorities believe that feeding these birds can lead to an increase in their population, which can cause problems like unsanitary conditions and damage to buildings. If caught feeding birds, you may face a fine.

16. Chewing gum on public transportation is prohibited

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Chewing gum is not allowed on public transportation in Dubai, including buses and the metro. This law aims to keep the public transport system clean and prevent gum from sticking to seats, floors, and handrails. If you are caught chewing gum, you may be asked to dispose of it or face a penalty.

17. Dancing in public is not allowed without a permit

In Dubai, dancing in public places is not permitted without obtaining a proper permit from the authorities. This law applies to all forms of dancing, including street performances and flash mobs. The purpose of this law is to maintain public order and respect the cultural sensitivities of the region. Violators may face fines or other legal consequences.

18. Jaywalking is illegal and can result in fines

15 Craziest Laws You Will Find In Dubai

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Crossing the street at undesignated areas, known as jaywalking, is illegal in Dubai. Pedestrians are required to use designated crosswalks and follow traffic signals. This law is strictly enforced to ensure the safety of both pedestrians and drivers. If caught jaywalking, you may be subject to a fine.

19. It is illegal to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to access blocked websites

In Dubai, using a VPN to access websites that are blocked by the government is illegal. The authorities maintain strict control over internet content to protect cultural and moral values. If caught using a VPN to bypass these restrictions, you may face legal consequences, including fines and potential imprisonment.

20. Bouncing checks is a criminal offense that can lead to imprisonment

Writing checks without sufficient funds, also known as bouncing checks, is considered a serious criminal offense in Dubai.

This law aims to protect businesses and individuals from financial fraud. If you write a check that bounces, you may face legal action, including fines and even imprisonment, depending on the severity of the case.

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