Greatest wonders of the world (1906). Photo unattributed –

The 7 Wonders of the world and why you should visit them


Have you ever thought about how wonderful will it be to visit all the 7 wonders of the world? It feels phenomenal right? When the time does not wait for anyone, who are you waiting for? Common folks, its time to take a trip to the seven wonders of the world.

There aren鈥檛 enough superlatives to describe the 7 wonders as each one is unique and will make you speechless the moment you witness the Wonders.

1. The Great Wall of China 鈥 China

The Great wall of China. Photo by Hao Wei from China –

The first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the word 鈥淐hina鈥 it flashes the images of some famous personalities such as Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, and Jack Ma, the whole Kung-fu movies come in a flash, and yes, something strikes your mind more than them?

 Well, that鈥檚 The Great Wall of China, the incredibly impressive structure which will make you in awe the moment you witness this beauty. Wan Li Chang Cheng is the Chinese name of the Great Wall of China which literally means 鈥渢he long wall of 10,000 miles鈥. Instead of being one long unbroken wall, the structure took parts from various diverse segments.

 The wall was used to protect China from invaders from the north and is now one of the 7 World wonders of the world which attracts millions of tourists.

2. Chichen Itza 鈥 Mexico

Chichen Itza. This image was created with Hugin. Photo by Daniel Schwen –

This marvelous site represents an important portion of Mauryan history. You can walk among the ruins of the city and still be wondering about what they created.

 Chichen Itza is one of the most visited archaeological sites in Mexico and is one of the 7 wonders of the world which will make you wonder seeing its massive architecture built by the Maya people.

The people have left the incredible stonework artistry to the modern world which is inspiring.

3. The Colosseum of Rome 鈥 Italy

Colosseum in Rome-April 2007. Photo by Diliff –

The Roman Colosseum is one of the best creations of the Romans. This 21-century-old monument is the largest amphitheater in the world and an absolute treat to our eyes which will remain forever in our memories.

 It has a capacity to accommodate 50,000 people who used to spectate the gladiator combats. The Colosseum had underground complexes known as hypogeums which caged the gladiator warriors and animals.

 Even though two-thirds of the original was destroyed, this structure still stands as the most loved Roman structure and impresses people to date with its impressive structure.

4. The Rose City of Petra 鈥 Jordan

The Rose City of Petra. Photo by Ahmad Qaisieh –

The Rose City of Petra is an ancient city in Jordan carved into the red rocks of Petra and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The moment you see the city, you will have a question popping as if the city was carved from a dream.

It is such a beauty known for its rock-cut architecture. The pink rocks will add more beauty to their construction.

You will find temples, tombs, and amphitheaters all the way when you explore the streets. This place flourished as an important trade center, especially for spices.

The 鈥淩ose City鈥 reflects authentic Greek architecture that attracts millions of travelers across the world.

5. Machu Picchu 鈥 Peru, South America

Machu Picchu, Per煤. Photo by Diego Delso –

Machu Picchu is definitely one of the world’s impressive sights that everyone should at least see once in their lifetime. Perched high on the Andes Mountain of 2,430 meters above sea level and structured of limestones.

 Machu Pichu is a perfect example of the Inca鈥檚 engineering feast. This renowned structure of the Inca Civilization is extremely famous for its dry-stone walls and breathtaking site and they were also home to some creepiest catacombs. 

 This beautifully constructed Machu Picchu in Peru never fails to attract millions of visitors to admire its beauty. There is no wonder that this astonishing place had topped the 7 World wonders list.

6. Christ the Redeemer 鈥 Brazil

Christ the Redeemer – Cristo Redentor, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Photo by Arne M眉seler –

This art deco statue of Jesus Christ is a symbol of Christianity around the world and remains an iconic landmark of Brazil and Rio. This statue is 30 meters tall and 28 meters wide.

 Located at top of the 700 meters tall Corcovado mountain in Tijuca Forest National Park, which is watching over the city of Rio de Janeiro. Christ the Redeemer statue never fails to give a heavenly feeling to the visitors.

7. Taj Mahal 鈥 India

Taj Mahal, Agra, India. Photo by Yann, edited by King of Hearts –

Taj Mahal is the final wonder among the 7 Wonders of the world undoubtedly one of the best monuments in the world and the pride of India.

Built by the Mughal king, Shah Jahan for his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal, It is one of the historical places in India you should visit. Most importantly this structure stands as an epitome of love.

 It took about 22 years and 20,000 workers to construct the Taj Mahal, which includes an immense garden with a reflecting pool. The mausoleum is full of white marble that displays semiprecious stones in geometric & floral patterns of shapes.

Taj Mahal always remains as a symbol of love and a universally admired masterpiece.


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