25 Wealthiest People from Iran


*Originally published by Linda on October 24th 2022 and Updated by Vanessa R in September 2023 and Updated by Beatrice J on March 2024

Wealth can be defined as a valuable financial asset that can be converted and used in transactional businesses. An individual who possesses a substantial net worth can be regarded as being wealthy.

Wealth can be acquired through ones endeavours but can also be inherited through ones lineage. Iran has seen numerous developments during the past decade. The development of the technological industries, economy and trading markets has seen to the rise of millionaire and billionaires.

1.Hassan Khosrowshahi

Hassan is an Iran businessman, investor and philanthropist. He is the founder of Future Shop. Futureshop has become a large retail computer and consumer electronics shop. The company acquired Best Buy for an estimate of $580 milion.

Hassan was born from a wealthy family and therefore had a upper hand in business. He obtained his law and economics degree at the University of Tehran. He was thereafer absorbed into the family business.

In 1982, he and Vancouver founded the futureshop. The business grew and became one of the largest retail electronics shop. After the shutting doen of future shop, he took  turn to matters estated development, phmacceutical, investment and philanthropy. His net worth is over 1.2 billion US dollars.

2.Pierre Morad Omidyar

Pierre Morad Omidyar, photo by Joi.

Pierre is a philanthropist, software engineer, and entrepreneur of Iranian ancestry. He was the founder of e-bay and has served as its chairman from the year 1998 to 2015. Pierre has been ranked as one of the wealthiest people from Iran and also the 24th richest person in the whole world.

After his studies at the Tufts University, he started working for Claris, an Apple subsidiary. He was also the co-founder of Ink-Development. Ink-Development is an American computer software company which was later renamed as e-bay.

The development of e-bay was made by him by designing original computer codes. This was done by his at the age of 28. The online service was launched on the 4th of September 1995. His success and wealth can be attributed to the thriving nature of e-bay.

3.Omid Kordestani

Omid Kordestani, photo by JD Lasica.

Omid Kordestani is a businessman who holds a set at the board of twitter. He has held the post of executive chairman of Twitter from 2015 to 2020. Other than the posts held at Twitter, he has been a special advisor to the CEO at Google and director of Vodafone.

He pursued an undergraduate in Electronical Engineering at the San Jose State University.  His career began by him working at the Silicon Valley as a marketing manager. In the company he gained the well needed skills to start up his own industry.

He later on became the Vice-president of Netscape. Netscape is an American based independent computer service company. His estimate net worth is at2 Million US dollars.

4.Asadollah Asgaroladi

Asadollah Asgaroladi is famously known as banker and a real estate expert. Asadollah has been named as one of the top wealthiest persons in Iran. He has an estimated wealth worth $10 billion.

His success can be traced back to the period he took part in the exportation dried fruits, nuts and spices. He was the president of the Hasas co. that took part in such business. His wealth increased tremendously during the 90s, during which there were two exchange rates for the US dollars.

His wealth can also be attributed to the fact that he held the post of presidency for several international Chambers of Commerce. He held that pot in the Iran-China, Iran-Australia, Iran-Russia Chambers.

5.Babak Zanjani

Babak Zanjani, photo by Fars Media Corporation.

Babak Zanjani is an Iranian billionaire and managing director of the UAE-based Sorinet Group. The company has been regarded as the largest conglomerates. The business includes hospitality, cosmetics, finance and banking.

He has however has been accused of withholding $2.7 billion of government money. Other than those accusations he has been convicted of corruption. He was sentences to death and is awaiting execution of the orders.

6.Farhad Moshiri

Farhad Moshiri is one of the most successful Iranian businessmen based in Monaco. He both the chairman and holds shares of USM.  He is also the majority owner of the football club, Everton.

He became a chartered certified accountant after his studies in economics and statistics at the University Collage of London. He later on worked for various Professional services firms.

His wealth can be attributed to the fact that he was the co-owner of Red & White holdings, which purchased 14.65% of Arsenal F.C. Moshiri has recently in 2022 increased his shares in the Everton Club to 94% which make his a majority shareholder.

His estimate net worth by 2020 is 2.9 billion US dollars.

7.David Alliance

David Alliance also referred to as Baron Alliance is a prominent democrat politician and businessman. His career began way early when he was just at the age of fourteen. At that young age he worked at the bazaars of Iran.

He chairs the N Brown Group plc and holds up to 33% of the shares of the company. The company is based in Manchester and deals with clothing, foot ware and homewares.

It is even believed that he was once the wealthiest person in the United Kingdom and the richest in Iran. His net worth is an estimate of about 1.5 billion US dollars. Hiss philanthropic nature has been seen in the donations he has made to political organizations.

8.Isaac Larian

Isaac Larian is a billionaire business man who owns the largest privately owned toy company. MGA Entertainment Inc. was founded back in 1979 and manufactures children toys and entertainment products. The company produces a wide range of entertainments products for kids.

He began his journey at a very young age when he moved to the United States with only $750 and unable to speak English. After working as a dishwasher and bus-boy within the first year in the US, he pursued Engineering at California State University.

He later on founded a mail-order company called, Surprise Gift Wagon. The company sold decorative brass products from Asia. After the failure of the company, he switched to importing electronics. The company then switched to toys in the year 1997, which saw their first internal success of the company.

9.Manny Mashouf

Manny Mashouf at club Element, photo by Toglenn.

Manny Mashouf is an Iranian businessman and philanthropist. He is known as the founder of Bebe stores. The brand develops and produces a line of women’s` accessories, apparel and perfume fragrances.

He graduated the University of San Francisco with a degree in political science. After he completed he studies he managed a steakhouse. He later on founded and chaired Bebe stores.

The success of the company made him to be listed as one the richest Americans. Forbes listed him as the 242 richest American.

He also at some point partnered with Giovanni Agnelli and Scott Bloom and founded Argonaut pictures back in 2007. His net worth stands at 1.3 billion dollars.

10.Hourieh Peramaa

Hourieh Peramaa is a born billionaire property investor. She has made headlines by purchasing the most expensive house in London.by 2008; he estimated real estate investment was up to 1 billion euros. She was a refugee at the age of 17. It was at this moment that she met her future husband.

Indeed Iran has seen numerous developments during the past decade and it has produced some of the wealthiest people in the world. It has managed to develop massive technological industries, economy and the trading markets.

11. Ghermezian family

The Ghermezian family is one of the best cases of how Iranian billionaires regularly stay together as a family. The family owns many shopping centre chains in addition to a variety of other enterprises. The Ghermezian brothers are employed by Triple Five Worldwide, a business empire that specialises in retail, entertainment, and real estate. Several notable retail centres, like the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, are run by the brothers Eskandar, Nader, Raphael, and Bahman.

Jacob Ghermezian started his first company in 1917 in Tehran, serving as the family’s patriarch. However, the family didn’t form the Triple Five Group, which consisted of 5 Ghermezian family members, until 1959, when they relocated to Alberta, Canada. Today, this wealthy Iranian family runs a number of companies that serve hundreds of millions of clients globally. Thinking creatively and developing as a unit—as a family and as a business—is the secret to their success.

12. Merage family

The Merage Family, another well-known Iranian family, currently lives in Orange County, California. The invention of microwaveable snacks enabled the Merage brothers, Paul and David Merage, to build up their wealth. Chef America was founded in 1977, and Nestle eventually purchased it for US$2.6 billion. Since then, the family has expanded their portfolio of businesses, focusing mostly on real estate and capital markets.

The MIG Capital was co-founded by Paul Merage, his son Richard, and a relative named Gret Merage. whereas David Merage is in charge of the Consolidated Investment Group. The Merage family are known for their charitable endeavours in addition to being one of the wealthiest families in Iran.

13. Hamed Haddadi

15 Wealthiest People from Iran

, , via Wikimedia Commons

One of the most well-known and accomplished basketball players from Iran, Hamed Haddadi competed in the League of Iranian Basketball and was coached by Petrochimi Bandar Imam. In 2018, he made his NBA debut. He is the only player who has attained this rank. He is a centre who won a gold medal and the West Asia Championship in 2004 and 2005. His estimated net worth is said to be 30 million USD. 

14. Hossein Hedayati

Iranian businessman Hossein Hedayati is well-known for having made major contributions to the country’s energy industry. He has proven himself as a prominent player in the country’s energy scene thanks to his knowledge and leadership, which have been instrumental in guiding the development of the business.

15. Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh

15 Wealthiest People from Iran

, , via Wikimedia Commons

Iranian businessman Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh is well known for his work in the auto sector. He has effectively negotiated the challenging environment of Iran’s automotive industry thanks to his acute business acumen, making a substantial contribution to its expansion and development.

He has gained respect and recognition all throughout the industry as a result of his smart investments and leadership. Due to his steadfast dedication to commercial excellence and innovation, Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh has become a significant player in Iran’s vital automotive industry.

16.Mohsen Rafighdoost


Mohsen Rafighdoost is an Iranian politician and military figure. Rafighdoost is best known for his association with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a powerful paramilitary organization in Iran. Rafighdoost played a significant role in the Iranian Revolution of 1979, which led to the overthrow of the Shah and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He was one of the founding members of the IRGC and served as its first Minister of the Revolutionary Guards under Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. During his tenure in the IRGC, Rafighdoost was involved in various military and security operations, both domestically and internationally.

Beyond his military and political roles, Rafighdoost has been associated with business interests in Iran. He has been reported to have significant influence and connections within Iran’s economic and political spheres.

17.Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani

Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a towering figure in Iranian politics, wielded significant influence throughout his life. Emerging from humble beginnings, Rafsanjani became a pivotal figure in the Iranian Revolution of 1979, aligning himself closely with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s vision for an Islamic Republic.

His journey from a seminary student in Qom to becoming one of the most powerful figures in Iran showcased both his political astuteness and his unwavering commitment to the revolutionary cause. Rafsanjani’s tenure as Speaker of the Parliament and later as President of Iran marked a period of pragmatic governance, where he sought to balance revolutionary ideals with the realities of governing a nation.

His presidency saw efforts to modernize Iran’s economy and engage with the international community, albeit within the framework of Islamic principles. His legacy continues to shape the trajectory of Iran, with his pragmatic approach serving as both an inspiration and a point of contention for future generations of Iranian leaders and citizens alike.

18.Babak Zanjani


Babak Zanjani, a prominent Iranian businessman, has been both celebrated for his entrepreneurial ventures and embroiled in controversy due to his involvement in various sectors, notably the oil industry. Zanjani rose to prominence as a key player in Iran’s oil trade, amassing significant wealth and influence through his extensive network of business connections.

His ventures, which included oil trading and investments in various sectors, positioned him as one of Iran’s wealthiest individuals and a symbol of entrepreneurial success. However, Zanjani’s fortunes took a downturn when he became entangled in legal troubles and allegations of financial misconduct. In 2013, he was arrested on charges of embezzlement and fraud, accused of withholding billions of dollars in oil revenue owed to the Iranian government.

19.Mostafa Davoodi

Mostafa Davoodi, an influential Iranian businessman, has left a notable mark on the country’s economic landscape. With a diverse portfolio spanning construction, development, and other sectors, Davoodi’s rise to prominence mirrors Iran’s journey through periods of economic growth and transition.

As a key player in the nation’s business sphere, Davoodi’s ventures have contributed significantly to Iran’s infrastructure development and urban expansion. His strategic investments and entrepreneurial acumen have not only propelled his own success but have also fueled employment opportunities and economic growth in various regions across Iran.

20.Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi Khoeiniha


Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi Khoeiniha is a notable Iranian businessman with diverse interests across various sectors. Khoeiniha’s journey to prominence in Iran’s business landscape has been marked by his astute investments and strategic ventures. With a keen eye for opportunities, he has successfully navigated Iran’s evolving economic terrain, establishing himself as a key player in industries ranging from technology to manufacturing.

Khoeiniha’s entrepreneurial endeavors have not only contributed to his personal wealth but have also had a broader impact on Iran’s economy, driving innovation and job creation. His commitment to business excellence and forward-thinking approaches have earned him respect within Iran’s business community and beyond.

21.Mahmoud Khayami

Mahmoud Khayami is an influential Iranian businessman who has made significant contributions to the country’s economy, particularly in the field of privatization. As the Chairman of the Iranian Privatization Organization (IPO), Khayami has played a pivotal role in the privatization of state-owned enterprises, aiming to foster economic growth and encourage private sector participation in various industries.

Under Khayami’s leadership, the IPO has implemented policies and initiatives to streamline the privatization process, attract investment, and enhance efficiency in formerly state-owned enterprises. His efforts have helped to create opportunities for entrepreneurship, innovation, and job creation, contributing to the overall development of Iran’s economy.

Beyond his role in privatization, Khayami is also involved in other business ventures, leveraging his expertise and experience to drive growth and success in various sectors. His entrepreneurial spirit and vision have earned him respect within Iran’s business community, and he is regarded as a key figure in the country’s economic transformation.

22.Mohsen Sazegara


Mohsen Sazegara is a notable Iranian political activist, journalist, and businessman. He was a prominent figure in the Iranian Revolution of 1979, initially supporting the establishment of the Islamic Republic but later becoming disillusioned with the regime’s authoritarian tendencies. Sazegara held several influential positions in the early years of the revolution, including serving as a deputy prime minister and head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB).

However, Sazegara’s views evolved over time, and he became a vocal advocate for democracy, human rights, and political reform in Iran. He founded the political party, the Front for Consolidation of Democracy, and was actively involved in various opposition movements aiming to bring about democratic change in Iran.

23.Mehrdad Bazrpash


Mehrdad Bazrpash is prominently known for his contributions to the country’s industrial and economic development. As the Chairman of the Bazrpash Industrial Group, he has played a significant role in various sectors, including manufacturing, construction, and infrastructure.

Bazrpash’s entrepreneurial journey began with humble beginnings, but his vision and determination propelled him to success. Under his leadership, the Bazrpash Industrial Group has undertaken numerous projects, contributing to job creation, innovation, and economic growth in Iran.With a focus on excellence and innovation, Bazrpash has earned a reputation for his commitment to quality and efficiency in business operations.

His leadership has not only led to the expansion of his own company but has also inspired others in the Iranian business community to strive for excellence.

24.Mohammad Royanian

Mohammad Royanian, Chairman of the Royan Group, epitomizes the essence of entrepreneurial spirit and forward-thinking leadership in Iran’s business realm. With a steadfast commitment to excellence and innovation, Royanian has steered his conglomerate to become a powerhouse in the fields of construction and real estate, leaving an indelible mark on the nation’s urban landscape.

Under Royanian’s leadership, the Royan Group has become synonymous with groundbreaking architectural designs, premium quality construction, and sustainable urban development. His unwavering dedication to delivering projects of the highest standards has earned the group a sterling reputation both domestically and internationally.

Royanian’s impact extends beyond the realm of business. He is deeply committed to corporate social responsibility, actively engaging in philanthropic initiatives aimed at improving the lives of underprivileged communities in Iran.

25.Mohammad Saeed Asgaroladi


Mohammad Saeed Asgaroladi is a prominent Iranian businessman known for his multifaceted contributions to the country’s economy and commerce. As the head of the Asgaroladi Group, he has established himself as a key figure in various sectors, including trade, commerce, and industry.

Born into a family with a long-standing tradition in business, Asgaroladi’s entrepreneurial journey began at an early age. Over the years, he has leveraged his acumen and expertise to expand the family business into a diversified conglomerate with interests spanning from food and agriculture to manufacturing and logistics.

 From pioneers in construction and real estate like Mohammad Royanian to influential figures in telecommunications like Amir Mansour Aria, these individuals embody the spirit of innovation, resilience, and ambition that have propelled Iran’s economic growth and development.

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