20 interesting Facts About Malawi


Malawi is a landlocked country in the Southeast Africa. Mozambique borders it on the east and south, Tanzania on the north and northeast, and Zambia on the west. Nearly a third of the land in Malawi is covered by Lake Malawi, the ninth largest lake in the world.

A impoverished nation, Malawi has a GDP per capita of slightly over $1,000. But it’s also a stunning nation with a fascinating history and culture. 20 fascinating facts about Malawi are shown below:

1. It Hosts The Highest Number Of Fish Species Of Any Lake In The World

Canoes on Lake Malawi. , , via Wikimedia Commons

With over 1,000 species, Lake Malawi has the most fish species of any lake in the world. This includes numerous species that are unique to the lake and cannot be found anywhere else on the planet.

The huge size, lengthy geological history, and variety of habitats of Lake Malawi are some of the reasons for the diversity of fish there. The ninth-largest lake in the world, Lake Malawi, has been cut off from rivers and other lakes for millions of years. Because of this, the lake’s fish have evolved into numerous different species.

The variety of fish in Lake Malawi is also influenced by the variety of habitats. The depths, temperatures, and forms of Lake Bottom vary widely. This gives various fish species different niches to specialize on.

The environment of Lake Malawi is significantly influenced by the fish there. They serve as a source of food for other creatures like birds and crocodiles. They also aid in reducing the number of algae and other plants.

2. Malawi Is The Birthplace Of The Cichlid Fish

Cichlid fish are indigenous to Malawi. Fish in the cichlid family are distinguished by their vivid colors and sophisticated social behaviors. They rank among the most well-liked species of fish for aquariums.

Lake Malawi is home to more cichlid species than any other lake in the world, with over 1,000 different varieties. This includes numerous species that are unique to the lake and cannot be found anywhere else on the planet.

The huge size, lengthy geological history, and variety of habitats of Lake Malawi are some of the reasons for the diversity of cichlids that inhabit it. The ninth-largest lake in the world, Lake Malawi, has been cut off from rivers and other lakes for millions of years. Because of this, the lake’s cichlids have evolved into many different kinds.

The diversity of cichlids is also influenced by Lake Malawi’s diverse habitats. The depths, temperatures, and forms of Lake Bottom vary widely. This gives various cichlid species different niches to specialize on.

The cichlids in Lake Malawi are crucial to the environment of the lake. They serve as a source of food for other creatures like birds and crocodiles. They also aid in reducing the number of algae and other plants.

3. Malawi Is Home To The World’s Smallest Mammal

The bumblebee bat, which is the tiniest mammal in the world, is found in Malawi. The bumblebee bat, also called the Kitti’s hog-nosed bat, is a species of bat that may be found in Malawi and other countries in Africa.

The bumblebee bat is tiny enough to fit in a teaspoon and weighs approximately as much as a penny. Its fur is brown or grey, and it has a long nose and big ears. Animals called bumblebee bats are nocturnal and eat insects.

Because they aid in the management of insect populations, bumblebee bats are crucial components of the ecosystem. Also effective pollinators, they are.

Deforestation and habitat degradation put bumblebee bats in danger. In order to preserve this rare species, it is critical to safeguard the woodlands where bumblebee bats reside.

4. Malawi Is One Of The Poorest Countries In The World

One of the world’s poorest nations is Malawi. The World Bank estimates that Malawi has one of the lowest per capita GDPs in the world in 2021 at $1,040.

Malawi has improved recently despite its extreme poverty. The economy has been continuously expanding, and the rate of poverty has somewhat decreased. But Malawi still has a long way to go before it can address its problems with poverty.

The government of Malawi is attempting to address the causes of poverty, such as low agricultural production, rapid population increase, and a lack of infrastructure. To enable Malawi reach its full potential, more work needs to be done.

5.It Is One Of The Most Densely Populated Countries In Africa

One of the most populous nations in Africa is Malawi. Malawi has a population density of over 165 people per square kilometer, with a total population of over 19 million and a land area of slightly over 118,000 square kilometers. Malawi is now the tenth most populous nation in Africa as a result.

The high population density in Malawi is a result of various reasons. The high fertility rate in the nation is one of the causes. Over five children are born into the average Malawian woman’s lifetime. This fertility rate is among the highest in the world.

The low death rate in Malawi is another element that contributes to the nation’s high population density. In Malawi, the average person lives to be over 65. Compared to just a few decades ago, when the average life expectancy in Malawi was less than 40 years, this is a substantial gain.

6. Malawi Is A Popular Tourist Destination

Mount Mulanje. , , via Wikimedia Commons

Malawi is a well-liked vacation spot with lovely scenery, welcoming locals, and a fascinating culture. Some of the attractions for visitors in Malawi offers a variety of attractions for visitors to take pleasure in, such as: Malawi Lake with more fish species than any other lake in the world may be found in Lake Malawi, the ninth largest lake in the world. Mount Mulanje is a stunning mountain that rises more than 3,000 meters above sea level. The Zomba Plateau is a high plateau that gives breathtaking views of the surroundings and is a well-liked location for trekking and camping. Various animals, including as elephants, zebras, and antelope, call it home.

7. Malawi Is Also Home To The World’s Largest Freshwater Crab

Freshwater Crab. , , via Wikimedia Commons

In Malawi and other countries in Africa, rivers and streams are home to the Potamon fluviatile crab. It is a nocturnal creature that consumes fish, insects, and other tiny creatures for food. The crab will consume anything it can find because it is a scavenger.

Although the Potamon fluviatile crab is an essential component of the ecology, it also poses a risk to people. Through contact with the crab’s urine or faeces, humans can contract diseases like bilharzia, which the crab may carry.

In Malawi, people also like eating the Potamon fluviatile crab. Crab meat is frequently offered at special occasions since it is regarded as a delicacy.

8. Malawi Is Home To The World’s Largest Baobab Tree

Baobab Tree. , , via Wikimedia Commons

The largest baobab tree in the world, with a circumference of more than 30 meters, is found in Malawi. The Sunland Baobab is a tree that may be found in Malawi’s Mangochi area.

A baobab tree in Sunland is thought to be more than 2,000 years old. The trunk of this enormous tree is so wide that it would take 20 individuals to wrap their arms around it. With limbs that extend more than 20 metres into the air, the tree is also exceptionally tall.

A well-liked tourist attraction is the Sunland Baobab tree. The tree’s hollow interior is visible to visitors who climb inside. The tree is a well-liked location for camping and picnics.

9. Lake Malawi Is So Large That It Is Sometimes Referred To As The “Calendar Lake”

Due to its size, Lake Malawi is frequently referred to as the “Calendar Lake” since it resembles a calendar in shape. Lake Malawi is almost the same size as a calendar page, being 560 kilometers (350 miles) long and 75 kilometers (47 miles) wide.

Lake Malawi is a well-liked vacation spot because of its breathtaking scenery, clear waters, and variety of species. More fish species exist in the lake than any other lake in the world, numbering over 1,000. Numerous of these fish are endemic to Lake Malawi, which means they cannot be found anywhere else on Earth.

10. It Is The First Country Outside Of Denmark To Have A Factory For Brewing Carlsberg Beer

Carlsberg Beer. , CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

The first nation outside of Denmark to get a Carlsberg brewery is Malawi. In 1968, the Malawian city of Blantyre saw the founding of the Carlsberg Malawi brewery. The Danish Foreign Minister made the proposal for the brewery after being unimpressed with the beer Malawi was offering at the time.

Carlsberg Green, Carlsberg Special Brew, and Carlsberg Export are just a few of the Carlsberg beers made in the Carlsberg Malawi facility. In addition, the brewery makes several additional beers, including Tuborg Green and Guinness.

The Carlsberg Malawi brewery is a significant contributor to the national economy of Malawi. More than 1,000 people work at the brewery, which turns out more than 1 million hectoliters of beer annually. The brewery is also a significant exporter of beer, with shipments made to numerous nations throughout the globe.

11. The Chambo Fish Is One Of Malawi’s Favorite Delicacies

Chambo fish. , , via Wikimedia Commons

One of Malawi’s favorite foods is the Chambo fish. A cichlid fish species that is unique to Lake Malawi is the chambo fish. For Malawians, it is a favorite food source that is frequently provided at festive events.

Omega-3 fatty acids and protein are both found in abundance in chambo fish. Additionally, because it contains little mercury, it is a healthy option for both kids and pregnant women.

Several techniques can be used to prepare chambo fish. You can grill, fry, or bake it. Additionally, it can be used to produce soups and stews.

12. Its Top Exports Are Tea And Tobacco

Two of the most significant crops grown in Malawi are tea and tobacco. Malawi is one of the top tea exporters in the world, and tea is a significant source of income for Malawian farmers. Despite being a more contentious crop due to its health dangers, tobacco is a significant source of income for Malawian farmers.

In Malawi’s highlands, where the weather is cool and humid, tea is grown. Black tea, green tea, and white tea are just a few of the teas that are produced in Malawi. Tea from Malawi is renowned for both its superior quality and distinctive flavor.

In Malawi’s lowlands, where the weather is hot and dry, tobacco is farmed. Flue-cured, burley, and dark-fired tobaccos are among the several types of tobacco produced in Malawi. Malawian tobacco is renowned for its superior quality and flavor.

13. Malawi Has A Long History Of Human Habitation

Humans have lived in Malawi for a very long time—more than 100,000 years. Archaeological sites at Mwanganda’s Cave and Nkhudzi Bay include the earliest traces of human habitation in Malawi. Stone tools and other items found at these locations date back more than 100,000 years.

Hunter-gatherers were the earliest people to live in Malawi. They roamed around a lot in quest of food and lived in small groups. The inhabitants of Malawi eventually developed agriculture and established permanent communities.

Cowpeas, sorghum, and millet were among the first crops grown by Malawi’s early farmers. They also raised domesticated animals including sheep, goats, and cattle. Malawi’s population increased as a result of the development of the agricultural sector.

14. Malawi Is Home To A Number Of Important Archaeological Sites

Chongoni Rock Art Area. , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Numerous significant archaeological sites, like the Nchalo Ruins and the Chongoni Rock Art Area, may be found in Malawi.

In the Dedza District of Malawi, the Chongoni Rock Art Area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Over 120 rock shelters with rock art can be found in the area. The rock art is from the Stone Age and the Iron Age, and it features images of spirits, humans, animals, and people. An important cultural and historical location, the Chongoni Rock Art Area offers a window into the way of life of Malawi’s ancestors.

In Malawi’s Chikwawa District, there is a national monument called the Nchalo Ruins. The ruins are what are left of a sizable metropolis that the Chewa people constructed in the 15th and 16th centuries. The city served as the governmental and religious hub of the Chewa kingdom in addition to being a significant commerce hub. An significant archaeological site, the Nchalo Ruins offer a window into the Iron Age way of life of the Chewa people.

15.  Malawi Is A Linguistically Diverse Country

Malawi has a wide variety of languages. In Malawi, more than ten languages are spoken, with Chichewa being the most widespread. The languages Tumbuka, Yao, Sena, and English are also spoken in Malawi.

More over 50% of Malawians speak chichewa, the country’s official language. Among the Bantu languages, Chichewa is connected to Bemba and Nyanja, which are spoken in southern and central Africa.

The official language of Malawi is English, which is also the language of business and education. Many Malawians also speak English as a second language.

More than 10% of people speak Tumbuka, a Bantu language. In Malawi’s northern area, Tumbuka is the primary language.

More than 10% of people speak the Bantu language Yao. In Malawi’s southernmost region, Yao is spoken.

More than 7% of people worldwide speak Sena, a language of the Bantu people. In Malawi’s central area, Sena is a language spoken.

16. It Is A Male-Dominated Society

Malawi is a society where men predominate. The nation’s laws, traditions, and practices all reflect this. Women are frequently treated unfairly in employment and school, for instance, and are not permitted to own land in their own names in Malawi.

The male-dominated society in Malawi is a result of a variety of reasons. The high poverty rate in the nation is one of the causes. Many poor women are compelled to stay at home and take care of their family, which restricts their access to education and jobs.

The culture of Malawi is another element that contributes to the male-dominated society there. Men are seen as the superior sex in Malawian culture, which is patriarchal. The way women are treated in Malawi reflects this. They frequently lack access to basic rights and are frequently viewed as less than males.

There are some drawbacks to Malawi’s predominantly male society. It restricts women’s ability to realize their full potential. Additionally, it causes violence towards girls and women.

17. Malawi Is The Birthplace Of The Marimba

The Marimba. , , via Wikimedia Commons

The marimba was first played in Malawi. The marimba is a musical instrument comprised of a number of wooden bars that make sound when tapped with mallets. The marimba is well-liked all around the world and is utilized in jazz, world music, and classical music, among other musical genres.

Over 1,000 years ago, the earliest marimbas were created in Malawi. Originally, the marimba was a sacred instrument used in religious rituals. The marimba started to be utilized in different circumstances, such as social gatherings and festivals, as it evolved into a more secular instrument.

18. The Game Of Bawo Is Popular In Malawi

The Game Of Bawo. , , via Wikimedia Commons

Bawo is a game that originated in Malawi. In Africa, a mancala game called bawo is popular. In Malawi, it is a well-liked game that is frequently performed at social events and festivals.

Two players compete in the game of bawo, which is played on a board with 12 holes. On their respective side of the board, each player has six holes. Four seeds are placed in each hole at the beginning of the game.

The seeds are rotated around the board by the players. To collect more seeds than the opposing player is the game’s objective. By inserting their seed into a hole containing the seed of another player, a player can capture seeds. The player then seizes the seed of the opposing player and every seed that is hidden below it.

When one player has seized every seed belonging to the opposing player, the game is over. At the conclusion of the game, the person with the most seeds wins.

19. Christianity Is The Dominant Religion

The nation of Malawi is Christian. A 2018 census revealed that 83% of Malawians identify as Christians. The Catholic Church, the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP), and the Seventh-day Adventist Church are the three biggest Christian denominations in Malawi.

European missionaries brought Christianity to Malawi for the first time in the 19th century. The missionaries helped spread Christianity across the nation by establishing churches and schools.

Malawian culture and society have been significantly shaped by Christianity. Many Malawians value Christian principles like kindness, forgiveness, and love. Christianity has contributed to Malawi’s development and support of education.

While Christianity predominates in Malawi, a small minority of people practice Islam. 13% of the population is Muslims. Religious freedom is protected by the constitution in Malawi, a secular nation.

20. The Country Was A British Colony From 1891 to 1964

Up until 1964, Malawi was a British colony. Malawi was given a protectorate by the British in 1891, and in 1907 it became a British colony. When Malawi was governed by the British, it was known as Nyasaland.

The growth of Malawi was significantly influenced by the British colonial administration. The British developed new crops and technology, as well as roads and railroads. In addition, the British built hospitals and schools.

In 1964, Malawi broke apart from the British Empire. Hastings Banda presided over the nation as its first leader.


Malawi is a landlocked nation in southeast Africa that is renowned for its breathtaking Lake Malawi, varied wildlife, and dynamic culture. With a long history that dates back more than 100,000 years, Malawi provides tourists with an extraordinary and unforgettable experience.

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