According To Experts In The AI Industry, AI Poses A Threat On Human Existence

Top industry leaders, academics, and even some celebrities have in the recent week sounded rather ‘frantic’ alarms regarding the threat artificial intelligence poses to the existence of the human race. In a brief statement, they claim that an AI extinction event should be a top priority for all involved.

Part of the statement read, “Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.” It was signed by several industry leaders and published by the Center for AI Safety.

Some of those who signed it include OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, Geoffrey Hinton known as the “godfather” of AI, Microsoft’s CTO Bruce Schneier, musician Grimes, and Google’s Kevin Scott among many others.

This warning is part of a trend where more and more experts are coming clean with predictions that AI could be potentially fatal for humanity.

Dan Hendrycks, the executive director of the Center for AI Safety, said that the statement was “reminiscent of atomic scientists issuing warnings about the very technologies they’ve created. As Robert Oppenheimer noted, ‘We knew the world would not be the same.’”

There Are Those Who Dismiss The Fear Of AI

While most news outlets in the past few months have been filled with warnings on the danger AI poses, there are those who dismiss them.

One such character is Kyunghyun Cho, a prominent AI researcher and an associate professor at New York University. Professor Cho as per an article by Venture Beat, has expressed his frustration with the current discussions about AI.

 According to Cho, these “doomer” narratives are a cry for attention that is distracting from the real issues around AI. Referring to these ‘whistleblowers as “hero Scientists,” Cho warned against taking their warnings and doom predictions as gospel.

“First of all, I think that there are just too many letters. Generally, I’ve never signed any of these petitions… It’s very clear that nuclear weapons, climate change, and potential rogue AI, of course, can be dangerous.

But there are many other harms that are actually being made by AI, as well as immediate benefits that we see from AI, yet there was not a single potential proposal or discussion on what we can do about the immediate benefits as well as the immediate harms of AI.” Cho said in the interview with Venture Beat.

According to Cho, the reason that these warnings about AI are catching on is because “In a sense, it is a great story.” He goes on to add that there is nothing wrong with the excitement around AI.

The problem is that all sides, that is the public, researchers, and policymakers, all seem to focus on the positives and negatives of the technology instead of “being critical about it.”

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