The World Cheese Awards, often referred to as the cheese ‘Oscars’ will be held, for the first time ever, in Portugal’s charming city, Viseu. The highly anticipated event will take place from November 15th to 17th, 2024, featuring thousands of entries around the globe. The awards collaborate with the to shine a light on local cheese-making.

A grand event

This is the biggest cheese-only competition in the world. With over 60 countries from four continents setting their sights on top honors, evaluation will be done by a panel of 250 international juries. The juries include cheese traders, and global buyers who are ‘responsible for large food distribution chains in the world.’ According to Bruno Costa from the WCA, there are also at least 4,500 cheeses in the competition.

Artisanal cheese & participation requirements

Participation is open for artisanal producers only. As stated by organizers, the event is 100% artisanal production, locking out any products made in the factory.  Interested persons can register to participate between June 13th and September 16th on the event’s official website. Besides cheese, products such as wine, sausages and sweets will also be featured. Participants can visit the for entry eligibility, prices and terms.

Beyond the competition; A cheese festival

While the competition will take place on November 15th, the event will also feature a cheese festival, offering cheese lovers a great time to sample a wide variety of cheeses from all over the globe. On 16th and 17th, the Pavilhão Multiúsos will welcome attendees to ‘share the best in the world’ in the cheese sector. Trophy winners will be announced on 18th November.

For Portugal, hosting the World Cheese Awards marks a significant milestone for its cheese industry, as it showcases its cheese-making traditions to an international audience. Journalists from 60 countries, including USA, Japan, and South Korea, will be in attendance, offering coverage of the event. The venue, Viseu, is located in the country’s Dão wine region, making it a perfect fit for this grand occasion. The city also has a thriving food and drink culture, and attendees can explore its treats beyond the scheduled event.

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