Patti Maghamfar – travel blogger


Every other week, Discover Walks will share with some great insight from Travel bloggers from around the world who fell in love with Paris. They will share their favorites addresses and things to do while in Paris. Because genuine advice and stories are so important to us, in addition to our born-and-raised Parisian tour stories, we now bring you real advice from fellow travelers.

Bonjour Patti, can you tell us more about who you are?

My name is Patti, I am 61 years-young and I was born in Oakland, California in the United States. I grew up in a tiny town in Nevada and lived most of my adult life in northern California. My husband and I are both retired and we live in Maryland.

Why did you start writing ?

In 2011, I started writing a blog for our Bed & Breakfast Inn, which we owned at the time, with the primary purpose of bringing exposure to the inn and it provided a window for those who wanted to know where/how we were.

In the process, I released the creative writer and amateur photographer in me. I also discovered I have a voice, which in turn led to the launch of in October, 2012.

Patti & Abi at the Palace of Versailles

Patti & Abi at the Palace of Versailles. Photo credit:

Why did you start traveling?

We like to say we have been traveling through life together for 40 years. As for destination travel I don’t know that we have a definitive answer as to why we travel. When we walked the Camino de Santiago in 2015 we were asked many times why we were walking. Our answer usually took the form of, because we can. I guess the same applies to why we travel.

What’s special about your blog?

By sharing our journey, we hope to inspire others to redefine their path of retirement. Boomer-aged travel is on the rise and we are excited to be a part of the growing trend. As a writer I look for the personal voice to share with my readers; the human interest side of the story with equal parts of humor and heart.

Our blog offers readers a variety of content including classic road trips, adventures abroad and the latest trends in redefining retirement.

What would be your top 3 things to do in Paris?

Oh gosh, there are so many choices. Aside from the iconic things such as the Eiffel Tower, my favorite things to do in Paris include a bicycle tour of the city, taking a very long stroll along the Seine and eating Nutella crepes! And, while Versailles is always a must-see, I highly recommend a day trip to Chateau Fontainebleau.