Top 10 Tips to Date French Women


*Originally published by Philipp on February 2021, Updated by Vanessa R in August 2023 and Updated by Felix in March 2024

French women are revered worldwide for their beauty, style, seductiveness, and a certain je ne sais quoi. But they can also famously play hard to get. Want to jump into the French world of dating but aren’t quite sure how? Here’s an insider’s guide with our top 10 tips to date French women.

1. Be yourself

This may sound like the most basic advice, but it really is important if you want to have any kind of healthy dating relationship. To put it bluntly: don’t pretend to be someone or something you’re not.

It’s important to be honest and be comfortable being yourself around your partner in any relationship, but this is especially true when it comes to dating French women. While the French may play on subtlety at times when it comes to romance, integrity and honesty are important cultural values here. And a French woman won’t hesitate to call you out on your behavior if she finds it unacceptable, and more than likely you won’t have another chance.

2. Give her meaningful compliments

One of the best tips for dating a French woman (or any woman, really) is to compliment her. Again, honesty comes into play here. Make sure your compliments are meaningful, personal, and sincere. You can tell her she’s beautiful, but she’s probably heard that a thousand times. Get creative, and compliment something other than her physical appearance.

For example, you can tell her how much you adore her personality, admire her quick wit, are inspired by her creativity, or how hearing her laugh makes you happy inside… Just make it personal and from the heart. 

3. Don’t underestimate her

Seriously, you do not want to underestimate a French woman. Equality is really important in France, and this goes for dating too. The relationship should be balanced, not one partner being the constant leader and the other being the constant follower. Don’t make the mistake of underestimating her, or you’ll be old news and fast.

4. Flirt like it’s your full-time job

If the French have earned a reputation for being flirtatious, it’s because they do it so well. Most of the time it’s just harmless fun, but when you want to date a French woman, you’ll have to pull out all the stops. Flirt with her like it’s your full-time job, but in a tasteful and respectful way. If the feeling is mutual, she’ll respond with her own French flirtations – and may even teach you a thing or two about how it’s done.

5. Romantic gestures can go a long way

The French are famed for their romantic ways, and after living here for the better part of a decade, I can tell you there’s a reason for this. Romance is a part of the culture here, and if you want to date a French woman,  romancing her is key.

I’m not talking about huge, public, over the top gestures either – that doesn’t really fly here. It can be something as simple as surprising her with her favorite flowers, cooking a meal she loves for your date night, or more involved like planning a day trip or weekend away.

6. Take the initiative – but not every time

French women get a reputation for being quite independent, but that doesn’t mean she won’t appreciate you taking the initiative sometimes. But as with any relationship, the key here is balance.

So this means it’s up to you to plan things, and other times let her take the lead. You planned the last date? It’s her turn to choose this time. She decided on the film you just watched together? You can suggest the next activity. Now I know this seems incredibly simple, but believe me: establishing this kind of balance is essential if you want to successfully date a French woman.

7. Dress to impress

One of the most important pieces of advice for dating French women is to dress to impress. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you need to be dripping in designer labels or even follow the latest trends. But France is a slightly more formal culture than what you may be used to when it comes to how people dress, and this is especially true in Paris.

If you have a date with a French woman, don’t make the mistake of showing up too casual for the occasion. Wear an outfit that makes you feel comfortable and that makes you look put together – show that you put an effort into your appearance. She will appreciate this, and looking sharp only boosts your confidence.

8. Mind your manners

The French culture is always evolving, but has managed to hold onto some of it’s more ‘old-fashioned’ values. One important tip for dating French women is to mind your manners. Show her respect and courtesy, just as one would have done in decades past. You can open doors for her, hold an umbrella for her when it’s raining, offer to help carry things, etc.

9. Take your time

Another top 10 tip for dating French women is don’t be afraid to take your time. Most serious dating relationships tend to develop over time in France. Couples usually meet through work, school, mutual friends, or are friends themselves before anything romantic occurs. And even then, the American ‘dating game’ doesn’t exist here. There’s no rush to define the relationship or ‘become exclusive’, but all this rather seems to be assumed and develops naturally.


10. Make it clear that it’s a date

Yes, this seems like a no-brainer, but dating situations can be more ambiguous in France than what you might be used to in your culture. That being said, it’s very culturally acceptable for a man and woman to go out to lunch, drinks, or dinner together, without it being a date or including any romantic undertones. 

So last on my list of the top 10 tips to date French women would be to make sure she knows it’s a date, and not just sharing a friendly meal. Then, once you’ve made your intentions clear, it’s time to plan an unforgettable date with the French woman of your dreams.

5 Most Beautiful French Women

1. Alizee (Jacotey)

5 Most Beautiful French Women

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In 1999, Mylène Farmer discovered the talented and gorgeous French singer and dancer Alizee, who then shot to fame. As of right now, Alizée is known as one of the most prominent female French artists of the twenty-first century. Also, she is the contemporary French artist that sells the most songs worldwide. Because she has both a tremendous amount of talent and beauty, Alizée is the perfect choice for our list.

2. Roxane Mesquida

10 Tips to Date French Women

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You may have guessed from her picture that Roxane is a model. She was 14 years old and already working as a model when Elite Model Management first noticed her. As of right now, she is represented by international modelling agency IMG Models. She is not only one of the most stunning French models we have ever seen, but she is also perhaps one of the most attractive French women.

3. Constance Jablonski

10 Tips to Date French Women

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Constance is one of the most well-known and successful French supermodels. This lovely woman has walked in a variety of notable fashion shows and appeared for a number of prestigious brands, including Alberta Ferretti, Cesare Paciotti, D&G, Donna Karan, Calvin Klein, Hermes, Nine West, Majestic Filatures, and many others.

4. Marion Cotillard

10 Tips to Date French Women

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The most admirable lady working in the Hollywood film industry is undoubtedly Marion Cotillard. She has worked on many widely praised and financially successful Hollywood films. She won the Oscar for Best Actress in 2007 for her portrayal of the French singer Édith Piaf in the biopic La Vie en Rose. This indicates that she is a talented actress and that every role she performs is made more appealing and unforgettable by her beauty.

5. Eva Green

5 Most Beautiful French Women

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Eva Green is a French actress who is currently active in Hollywood. Like Marion Cotillard, she radiates an appealing charm. She portrayed a gorgeous and sensual Bond girl in Casino Royale (2006), a badass and extremely hot antagonist in 300: Rise of an Empire (2014), and a seductive but dangerous Ava Lord in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2016). (2014). She is one of the sexiest French women working in Hollywood and one of the most beautiful and skilled actresses in the industry.

10 Best Outdoor Activities for a Romantic Date

There’s nothing quite like sharing an outdoor adventure with that special someone to set the mood for romance. Getting out into nature allows you to escape the stresses of everyday life and truly connect with your partner away from distractions. Plus, trying a fun new activity together creates shared memories and brings out laughter and smiles. As a hopeless romantic who loves spending time outdoors, I have come up with some fantastic ideas for outdoorsy date nights that are sure to impress. Whether you prefer an adrenaline rush or something more low-key, there are many possibilities for couples looking to spice things up.

You could go hiking on a scenic trail, spot wildlife, and stop for a romantic picnic. If you are feeling adventurous, give rock climbing or whitewater rafting a shot; getting out of your comfort zone builds trust and bonding. For a relaxing time, stargaze with your loved one, roast meat over a campfire, or spend a day fishing side-by-side. An outdoor date allows you to appreciate nature’s beauty together while making each other the priority. Join me as I count down some outdoor activities to try on a romantic date.

These are the ten best outdoor activities for a romantic date:

1. Try Camping Snuggled up with a Cracking Fire and story-telling

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On top of the list, for a reason is camping. Camping allows you to truly disconnect from the world and reconnect with your partner in a serene natural setting. Pitch a cozy tent, and then cuddle next to the warm, crackling campfire. Look into each other’s eyes at the mesmerizing glow as you share stories, dreams, and laughs long into the night. When ready for bed, step outside and gaze at the vast, night sky, marveling at the infinite cosmos. Camping allows you to be fully present while surrounded by nature’s peaceful embrace.

2. Biking through Scenic Routes and enjoy Nature together

Grab some bikes and hit scenic paths or trails together for an active yet laid-back romantic outing. As you pedal side-by-side, you will get to admire the beautiful natural surroundings at a leisurely pace. Stop to take in breathtaking views of rolling hills, sparkling lakes, or lush forests along the route. With the fresh air breezing through your hair, you can chat, laugh, and simply enjoy quality time in each other’s company. You may even spot some local wildlife! At the end, share a picnic or refreshments as you bask in the afterglow.

3. Maybe a Hot Air Balloon Ride would help share inspiring Views and Quiet Moments

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Drifting peacefully high above the earth in a hot air balloon offers an unmatched vantage point for a romantic adventure. As the craft gently ascends, snuggle close and watch in wonder as the landscape unfurls beneath you, revealing awe-inspiring panoramic views. Up amongst the clouds, you’ll experience tranquil moments together away from the noise and busyness of the ground. With just the peaceful whir of the burners, you can soak in the beauty of the sun rising or setting over the horizon. Spot wildlife scampering below as you glide serenely through the wide-open skies.

4. Rock Climbing sounds like a Trust Building Adventure

Rock climbing provides an exhilarating, trust-building adventure to share as a couple. From scaling soaring cliffs to navigating challenging boulders, you will conquer new heights together. Secure each other’s safety ropes as you climb, coaching one another through difficult stretches. Celebrate with high-fives and electrifying embraces after reaching each summit. The adrenaline rush of defying gravity builds resilience, while the seamless teamwork strengthens the bond. Surrounded by awe-inspiring natural landscapes, you will make memories to reminisce over for years as you both revel in the accomplishment of yet another challenging but conquered feat together.

5. Sailing would help Sail through Waters and enjoy the Cool Breeze

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Set sail together and let the gentle rocking of the waves lull you into a state of pure tranquility. As you drift across calm waters aboard a sailboat, you will feel an unmatched sense of peace and connection. The fresh breeze caresses your face, taking in the wide-open vistas while relishing each other’s presence without the distractions of life on land. With only the lapping water and hypnotic sway of the boat around you, engage in intimate conversation. Create lifelong memories under the sun’s radiance or the moon’s romantic glow.

6. Have a Telescope, Blanket and have a wonderful Stargazing Night

Perhaps the most romantic activity on the list is stargazing. Spread a cozy blanket, set up a telescope, and prepare for an enchanting evening under the vast, twinkling night sky. As the inky darkness falls, snuggle up close and let your eyes adjust to the celestial showcase unfolding before you. With no light pollution to obscure the view, you can pick out constellations, meteor showers, and even planets with breathtaking clarity. Take turns identifying the cosmic wonders through the telescope lens as you exchange hushed facts and starry-eyed glances. Learn, cuddle, and be present together while marveling at the infinite beauty of the universe.

7. A Picnic in a Scenic Natural Setting can Create everlasting memories

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Pack a basket brimming with gourmet treats and your favorite beverages, then seek out the perfect scenic spot for two. As you unpack the portable feast, breathe in the fresh air and take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the great outdoors surrounding you. Whether you’ve chosen a meadow overlooking rolling hills, a secluded beach, or a shady grove of trees, you’ll feel instantly relaxed in this natural setting. Feed each other bites of charcuterie, cheese, fruit, and decadent desserts as you relish the slower pace.

8. Hand in Hand Exploring trails on a Beautiful Hiking journey

Lace up your boots and set out hand-in-hand on a hiking adventure through nature’s scenic trails. With each step, you will leave the stresses of the world behind and become fully immersed in the present moment together. Wind along paths that lead you to discover breathtaking vistas – misty waterfalls, wildflower meadows, or panoramic mountain overlooks. Pause to take in these jaw-dropping views and steal kisses surrounded by such natural splendor. The peaceful rhythm of walking provides ample opportunity for connected conversation or contented silence as you simply enjoy one another’s company.

9. Horseback Riding for first-timers and Experts might add a Skill to Your Repertoire

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Whether a beginner or expert, gently trot through sun-dappled trails and over rolling hills on horseback, your beloved one riding alongside you. As you make your way leisurely through picturesque landscapes, feel an intimate connection with the natural world and each other. The rhythmic gait of the horses creates a hypnotic, relaxing cadence suited for unguarded conversation and deep bonding. Take in the sights, sounds, and scents of the great outdoors from this unique vantage point – flowering meadows, babbling brooks, and rustling leaves on the breeze. Pause along the way to appreciate panoramic vistas together before continuing your romantic journey.

10. Walk along the Shoreline for an amazing Beach Sunset View

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Stroll along the beach together as the evening sun begins dipping toward the horizon, casting golden hues across the shimmering waves. With each barefoot step, let the warmth of the sand massage your soles as the rhythm of the lapping tide sets a tranquil melody. Find a cozy spot to snuggle up and watch day turn to night in nature’s most mesmerizing display. As the sky morphs through a kaleidoscope of bright pinks, oranges, and reds, share gentle kisses in the glow of the setting sun. A beach sunset provides the ultimate romantic ambiance.

No matter which outdoor activity you choose for your romantic rendezvous, the quality time spent enjoying nature’s wonders together will bring you closer. I would recommend that you get out there, try something new, and let the fresh air and natural scenery reignite those sparks with your significant other. You won’t regret making the great outdoors your romantic playground.

Planning a trip to Paris ? Get ready !

These are ´¡³¾²¹³ú´Ç²Ô’²õÌý²ú±ð²õ³Ù-²õ±ð±ô±ô¾±²Ô²µÂ travel products that you may need for coming to Paris.


  1. The best travel book : Rick Steves – Paris 2023 –Ìý
  2. Fodor’s Paris 2024 –Ìý

Travel Gear

  1. Venture Pal Lightweight Backpack –Ìý
  2. Samsonite Winfield 2 28″ Luggage –Ìý
  3. Swig Savvy’s Stainless Steel Insulated Water Bottle –Ìý

We sometimes read this list just to find out what new travel products people are buying.