How to plan a trip to Paris


Paris is known as a romantic city, the city of Quasimodo and Esmeralda, but also as a gastronomic center where cooking lovers, like Ratatouille, become star chefs. If you鈥檝e always dreamt of coming to Paris since your childhood but you never had enough time or energy to plan a trip there: here are a few tips from a local Parisian to help you organize everything. Trust me, you will enjoy your trip much more if you don鈥檛 have any bad surprises when arriving! Read on and find out how to plan a trip to Paris!

First of all, keep calm!


There are no worries to have about going to Paris. Parisians are known for being arrogant and grumpy but they are still very nice people and are becoming more tourist friendly. If you are afraid of big cities, don鈥檛 worry! Paris is a safe city and nothing untoward will happen to you!

Decide when to go and how long to stay


Now that you are not nervous anymore about coming to Paris, you can start planning everything. You first have to look at your schedule and think about the dates and the length of your trip. There is no lean season in Paris and it鈥檚 a lively city during the whole year so if you want more details about Paris at each season you can have a look at this article: 鈥Best time to visit Paris鈥.

My advice is to go in the mid-season because it鈥檚 when Paris has its nicest colours but it鈥檚 likely to rain as spring is also the season of the 鈥giboul茅es de mars鈥, which is the French version of the 鈥April showers鈥.

Concerning the length of your trip, it really depends on how much time you have, how many things you want to see and what鈥檚 your budget of course! But I would say that you should not stay less than three days because Paris is a huge city. I think it鈥檚 worth spending at least four days to discover all the big landmarks and museums and to enjoy the Parisian 鈥art de vivre鈥.

Choose the means of transport


As Paris is still one of the first world tourist destinations it鈥檚 quite easy to get there. You can reach Paris either by plane, by train or by car. Many airline companies offer low-cost flights from European cities.

There are two airports in Paris, Orly and Roissy Charles de Gaulle, so don鈥檛 forget to check on your flight booking at which airport you are landing.

To go to Paris from the airport you can take a bus – from Roissy or Orly for about twenty euros round trip ticket -, and Orlyval from Orly for ten euros, a train (the RER line B from Roissy) or a taxi which will cost about thirty euros from Orly and fifty euros from Roissy. If you live in a bordering country or in England, taking the train is another option to go to Paris and it鈥檚 sometimes cheaper than the plane!

Apply for a French visa if necessary

Unless you are a citizen of the EU or of a country of the European Economic Area, you will be likely to need a Schengen visa to go to France. However, there are many exceptions. For instance, citizens from Australia, England, Canada, the United States don鈥檛 need a visa.

is the complete list of people exempt from visa requirements.

Book your accommodation

First, choose between staying at a hotel or renting an apartment or an Airbnb. Here is a list of the pros and cons of hotels and Airbnb if you hesitate: 鈥How to choose your accommodation in Paris鈥.

Then think about what you want to visit and what kind of neighbourhoods you would like to discover. Because even if you can easily reach the big landmarks with the bus or the metro from everywhere, it鈥檚 nicer to walk in Paris so you should have a look at the distance from your accommodation! Once you鈥檝e made up your mind you can look at the different types of hotels and Airbnb.

Get familiar with Paris’s transport network


Paris is not as huge as London but taking the metro is much faster than walking and will help you gain time if you don鈥檛 stay very long. It鈥檚 quite easy to use the metro in Paris. The ticket costs 1.90鈧 for one journey and to find a metro station you have to look for the yellow sign M or the green fantasy entrances.

The metro is not so expensive compared to the price of taxis in Paris. In addition, metro in Paris is safe. You have to pay attention to your bag and belongings but not more than in any other place in Paris because cameras deter pickpockets.

If you want a few tips for your first time in Paris, you can read this article!

Make a list of what you really want to see

Even if you stay here for two weeks you won鈥檛 be able to cover everything in Paris so just think about all the places you definitely want to go to during your trip. Then make a realistic time schedule considering the distances and knowing that you might have to queue.

Don鈥檛 go to the Louvre and Orsay on the same day if you don鈥檛 want to get tired of museums. Save some time for strolling around Paris and getting lost in its little streets because it鈥檚 a very good way to become familiar with the city!

And plan some free time to experience Parisian life by sitting at caf茅s in Saint Germain, going to bars in the Latin Quarter, drinking beers or wine on the Seine banks or going clubbing near the Champs Elys茅es.

Check the opening days and hours

Most of the museums in Paris are closed on Tuesdays, such as Le Louvre or Pompidou), but also on Mondays, like the Orsay but you鈥檇 better check for their opening days and hours. Some museums are opened at night once a week, usually on Wednesdays or Thursdays.

Pre-book some of your visits


For very touristy places such as Versailles, the Louvre, Orsay or the Eiffel Tower I advise you to buy your ticket online in advance because you will gain time as you will have to go in the line only once instead of twice and sometimes you will even be able to skip the line!

Look at the sightseeing tours


Don鈥檛 jump on the first sightseeing bus you pass in front of because most of them are tourist traps and cost over thirty euros. You will only stay five seconds in front of the big landmarks. So, look carefully at all the different tours, by bus, by boat or on foot.

Walking is probably the best way to discover a city and see all the little details and hidden gems but also to experience Parisian life and meet the locals. Discover Walks offers free walking tours (which are only tip supported) done by born and raised Parisians. Enjoy!

Start packing


It can either be the easiest or the most difficult part of the trip organization as you probably know that Parisians are known for their chic fashion. However, you don鈥檛 have to dress very classy. The most important thing is to bring clothes and shoes in which you feel comfortable in.

But if you want more details you can read those two articles: 鈥Packing tips鈥 and 鈥What to wear in Paris? A guide for all season鈥.

Try to learn a few French words and phrases

Knowing the words 鈥Bonjour鈥, 鈥Merci鈥, 鈥Au revoir鈥 will be very appreciated in stores or restaurants or if you ask for directions in the street or the metro. These very easy words can change everything as it means you know French etiquette and Parisians will be more likely to help you. And that鈥檚 almost all you need to communicate with French people. Our English skills are improving and we are not as bad at learning English as we used to be. But, if you want to learn a few more sentences to guarantee you can have a more fluent dialogue with the locals, read this article about the 20 must-know French phrases for your visit to Paris.

If you鈥檝e done all that鈥檚 on this list I think you鈥檙e ready to go to Paris. So, bon voyage (have a good trip) and 脿 bient么t (see you soon) on one of our many tours! If you need further information about anything, feel free to contact us! We will more than glad to help you!

Planning a trip to Paris ? Get ready !

These are聽础尘补锄辞苍’蝉听产别蝉迟-蝉别濒濒颈苍驳聽travel products that you may need for coming to Paris.


  1. The best travel book : Rick Steves – Paris 2023 –听
  2. Fodor’s Paris 2024 –听

Travel Gear

  1. Venture Pal Lightweight Backpack –听
  2. Samsonite Winfield 2 28″ Luggage –听
  3. Swig Savvy’s Stainless Steel Insulated Water Bottle聽–听

We sometimes read this list just to find out what new travel products people are buying.

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