Know Before You Go: Transport in Rome


Rome has a fantastic public transport network that works seamlessly pretty much all of the time. One can make their way through the city with a combination of under & above ground transport and walking by foot .

The only part of Rome that remains largely inaccessible by public transportation is the ancient center. It’s unsurprising that the infrastructure here never planned for metro trains, cars and busses to need to move through the streets, and so none of these platforms have been implemented on the historic grounds.

by Cristina Gottardi –

The best way to transport oneself into Rome’s ancient center is by foot. If truly necessary, there is a line of tiny electronic busses that fit in the streets that are available for public use.

With that out of the way, let’s take a look at transportation options through the rest of Rome.

Taxi vs Uber in Rome

Getting around Rome by car is great, particularly for travelers with children. The most popular car based transport would be the local taxis that operate on a fixed fair, metered system; meaning you’re less likely to get ripped off once the driver realizes you’re not from here.

Still, it is always a good idea to have a cellphone open on a GPS map while you ride the Roman taxis. It’s rare, but drivers have been known to take scenic routes and rack up the euros, taking advantage of the fact that the passengers don’t know any different.

Rome – by James Hose Jr –

Uber is available throughout Rome. However the introduction of this platform to the city caused major uproar amongst the local taxi drivers who believe that the prices and efficiency of Uber compromises their own business.

As a compromise, the City of Rome now only allows the Uber Black service. This is the slightly more expensive option with the slightly fancier cars, so riders will pay more than they would a local taxi but still have access to Uber if they insist upon it.

Metro and Trams in Rome

When you’re feeling excited, energetic and spontaneous, you’ll do well to join a guided walking tour through Rome’s city center. For every other lazy day, you can make use of the city’s metro and trams.

The people of Rome refer to their public transport system as the Metropolitana. Rome’s metro and tram systems operate below and above ground respectively. They work on a single platform, which means that tickets for the metro work on the trams too, and vice versa.

Tram in Rome – by Serena Repice Lentini –

Tickets can be bought at any of the metro stations scattered around the city. A single ride costs €1.50; if you are going to be exploring for an entire day, rather opt for the €7 24 hour unlimited card.

If you’ll be in Rome for the week, then the €24 seven day pass is best for you.

Rome’s metro and trams run seven days a week between the hours of 5:30am and 11:30pm. On Saturdays, riders are treated to an hour later of operation.

Both the metro and tram are relatively simple to use; the metro in particular is only four simple lines, one of which operates solely between the city and the airport.

Rome’s Metro Lines – Sourced from the City of Rome

Busses in Rome

In most parts of the world, busses are intended to be the cheaper transport option for people of lower income status. They generally cover wider areas and operate much slower than a metro or tram usually would, especially since they encounter traffic.

Busses in Rome are no cheaper than the metro and tram systems that they work alongside. The three are actually interconnected, making use of the same tickets, prices and unlimited rider cards.

by Ant Rozetsky –

The bus system in Rome spans far wider than the trams and metro, however. It gives the outlying suburbs access to the center, and the center access to the outlying.

This is another reason to seriously consider the multi-day card option. You may not intend to use the metro everyday, but busses can take you very short distances in the city quite quickly; which is a nice option to have especially since Rome loves a spontaneous thunderstorm here and there.

Limes & Birds in Rome

If you’ve traveled to, or happen to live in, a city that is already equipped with Limes and Birds then you’ll know what a great addition these must be to a city like Rome.

Limes, and their competitor, Birds, are electronic, communal scooters that operate via a cellphone app linked to your bank account. Essentially, it’s a self-driven, open air Uber designed for two people at max.

by Vince Jacob –

These scooters were only dropped on the streets of Rome very recently and have added a whole new layer to the city’s transport. Not only are they reliable and a lot of fun, they are affordable too. Activation of a scooter costs about €1, and then you’ll pay a few cents per kilometer thereafter.

Trains in Rome

Taking a day off from the city to embark on a day trip out of Rome is a great addition to any Italian vacation. There are many fabulous destinations located a little more than an hour out of the city center, including Naples, Florence and the beaches of Ostia.

Renting a car is an option, but taking the train is a lot more efficient and eliminates your responsibility on the roads.

Termini Station – by Dan Visan –

Rome’s railway trains run from the Termini station the city center. The cost of a ticket will depend on where and how far you are going.

Making use of the Italian railway is also great if you need to get from Rome to another major city, such as Milan or Venice, as a continuation of your trip. Trains are usually far more affordable than buying flights and can save you hours of travel.

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