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By Jay Knight

People Do Not Change

First, let me say that this is an exaggeration. People change all the time.  The problem is that very often they do not change the way you want them to. Missing this point can lead to spending time with, even marrying, the wrong people. If your boyfriend is rude and it bothers you a lot, […]


By Jay Knight

Decisions – How to make them and stay happy

Welcome Back to the Happy Class – the previous post is here in case you missed it. /blog/columnist/jay-knight/the-happy-class-lets-get-started/ Making decisions can be one of the hardest things humans do. They fret. They worry. And they make themselves unhappy all during the process – and even afterward by second-guessing their decisions. I break decision-making into two […]

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By Jay Knight

The Happy Class – Let’s get started

By definition, being happy should be fun, not work. So let’s go have some fun… It is good to understand that there are two kinds of happiness. They are so similar, it can be hard to tell them apart at times. One type of happiness I call Situational Happiness. Like a first kiss with a […]