Top Ten Places to Watch Street Artists in Paris


Updated by Vanessa M in September 2023.

Art is as common in Paris as snow is to Greenland; its everywhere, and its hard to miss unless you really, really don鈥檛 know where to look.

Many people enjoy the curated collections of art featured at various venues around the city. You may find solace at places like the Louvre or Cluny museums, where the exhibits boast some of the greatest pieces of all time.

Street artist – by Vicente Veras –

In it鈥檚 other forms, art is also found within the many Paris concert halls and theatre venues. The Paris Opera is a tourist favorite and brings in millions of visitors per year. Other venues, such as Olympia Hall over in the 9th arrondissement, showcase musical artists from around the world for Parisians to enjoy.

Art in Paris doesn鈥檛 always require an elaborate venue or exclusive ticket 鈥 the streets of Paris are another worthwhile location when it comes to finding and watching art around the city. The best part: its free!

Come and enjoy the array of buskers, painters, graffiti artists, dancers and art makers that this city has to offer, by simply taking a stroll down the road. Any quality free guided walking tour will know the hot spots for street artists around Paris.

Here are (in my opinion) the top ten places to watch street artists do their thing!

1. Le Marais in Paris

A district with no shortage of art, both indoors and outdoors, would be that of Le Marais in the 4th arrondissement of Paris.

This little neighborhood on the Right Bank of the Seine is an artists paradise, and has been for much of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Off the streets, you鈥檒l find museums such as the one dedicated solely to Picasso 鈥 as well as institutions displaying alternative art forms; like the museum dedicated solely to magic  on Rue Saint-Paul.

Street performer in Le Marais – by zoetnet –

As much as there is to do in Le Marais in terms of indoor entertainment, there is equally as much going on in the streets 鈥 particularly when the weather is good.

Busking is a big part of Parisian street culture. Le Marais is a district that embraces this side of French creativity and encourages artists to take to the cobblestone streets and share their work publicly.

In and around the plazas is where you鈥檒l find much of the action, with solo artists and bands setting up their individual slices of the streets from which to make music. You鈥檒l probably be able to spot them from the crowds gathered around first 鈥 if they鈥檙e any good.

Street artist in Le Marais – by Marko Kudjerski –

The F锚te de la Musique day in Paris takes place annually on June 21st. This is also known as Music Day and the city of Paris takes it very serious. There are many concerts and events happening around town for you to enjoy.

Le Marais during this time is absolutely buzzing with street artists and performances! Definitely where you want to be strolling through come June 21st, trust me.

2. Le Nemours in Paris

Right in the heart of Paris, in the 1st arrondissement, Le Nemours cafe opens its doors onto the street of Place Colette.

After a long day at one of the many attractions in this neighborhood, this is the perfect place to stop for a glass of wine and a bite to eat 鈥 and to watch some street artists go by.

On days of good weather, a seat at one of the street side tables at Le Nemours is like a front row ticket to hours of busking performances. On weekends in particular, many musicians line this street having just performed up in the plaza for spare change.

Le Nemours – by Le Nemours –

Much of the street art around Paris typically requires you to be on your feet in order to enjoy it; it鈥檚 nice to find cafes like this that put you in the heart of the performances while you sit back and enjoy them.

The baguette sandwiches at le Nemours are delicious! As are all of their desserts.

Being one of the better known cafe鈥檚 on the Right Bank, Le Nemours can fill up quickly so don鈥檛 linger too long before getting a table.

Here are the Most Beautiful Pedestrian Streets of Paris

Average Cost: Under 鈧25

3. Vitry-Sur-Seine in Paris

Sometimes you just have to venture out of Paris鈥 center in order to find the good stuff. The neighborhood of Vitry-Sur-Seine is a tiny suburb in the southeast of Paris.

This little town prides itself on being supportive and encouraging of street art in all of its forms. Graffiti art, however, reigns supreme.

Vitry-Sur-Seine – by Mitch Altman –

There is little infrastructure around Vitry-Sur-Seine that remains untouched by this form of art. Lamp posts, pillars, bridges, walls, electricity boxes; all wall to wall covered in graffiti art works.

Enjoy walking through this town and spotting the artists in action; all eager to out-create the next guy. Sometimes painters get involved too, creating elaborate works on the sides of buildings that are the perfect juxtaposition next to the graffiti that surrounds.

4. The Metro in Paris

If theres one place in Paris you can count on for perpetual entertainment, its the metro!

Down underground where the stations meet the tracks, there is endless opportunity for artists and civilians to gather in the name of art.

Over the course of 16 lines there are 300 metro stations that cover all of the arrondissements. While waiting for your train, it will not be uncommon to encounter a busker who has set up shop and cranking out classics for anyone who will listen.

Concert in Paris metro – by LWY –

The metro stops in Paris are simple enough to find. While walking the streets of a single district you鈥檙e bound to pass at least three .

On occasion, if you鈥檙e really lucky, you might even encounter an actual Parisian mime; performing his or her art in the metro鈥檚 underground. Lucky you!

5. Place du Tertre in Paris

For our next encounter with some authentic Parisian street artists we head over to the beautiful neighborhood of Montmartre in the 18th arrondissement.

While you鈥檇 usually come to this part of town to bask in the wonder that is the Sacr茅 C艙ur church on the top of the hill, today we鈥檙e coming for the artists at Place du Tertre.

Place du Tertre is a small plaza in the middle of the Montmartre neighborhood where 140 spaces are offered up to artists willing to spend the day creating works right there on the street.


Place du Tertre – by KimonBerlin –

Many of these artists have ready made works up for sale that you can browse through. Others will create while you wait. Here you鈥檒l find many tourists eagerly waiting to have their portraits commissioned 鈥 a truly unique souvenir to take home from a trip to the city of lights.

Place du Tertre exists in close proximity to a variety of restaurants in the Montmartre districts. This is one of the most whimsical parts of Parisian town, take your time here!

6. Place des Vosges in Paris

Another plaza worthy of a street artists mention is this gem that sits in the centre of the Marais district between the great mansions of the 17th and 18th century.

The Place des Vosges is one of the oldest plazas in all of Paris, and is constantly under debate as to whether or not it is the most beautiful.

It鈥檚 not uncommon for the Place des Vosges to feature live opera singers that gather beneath the trees in unified celebration of their craft. The experience of the performers while surrounded by old ornate buildings and the Parisian sky is quite something.

Musicians at Place des Vosges – by Fred PO –

Unfortunately, sighting of these street artists is entirely down to luck as there is no telling of which days they will do their rounds. Nevertheless, spending some time on the grass of the Place des Vosges is a worthwhile excursion with or without the operatic backing track.

Here are the top 15 best shopping streets in Paris

7. The Latin Quarter in Paris

Also known as the 5th arrondissement of Paris, the Latin Quarter is a lively student town that is known for its abundance of street artists.

That is, however, not all this area is abundant for. From bookshops to cafes, museums to botanical gardens, the Latin Quarter has got it all. The neighborhood coined its name back in the day when Latin was the most widely spoken language in all universities.

Busker in the Latin Quarter – by Paul Louis –

Being a university town, the Latin Quarter is effortlessly exciting and full of things to do and see. This is where you鈥檒l come to find all of the variants of street artists in one place.

Have your portrait drawn on one street corner and enjoy a cover band on the very next. The Place Saint Michael is almost guaranteed to have a live performance occurring at all times throughout the day.

Whether jazz, classical, rock and even original French genre tunes are your thing you鈥檒l find it here.

Contribute to keeping this art alive and be sure to carry a few euros in change to pass out to the artists!

Read more on 15 lovely things to see in the Latin Quarter in Paris

8. The Bridges in Paris

Something that seems to be a trend not only in Paris but across Europe is street artists hovering around bridges in city centers.

Thanks to the gorgeous Seine River that cuts through the city, Paris has a plethora of bridges that connect the left and right banks between one another.

Your best way to experience street artists in this regard, is to walk.

Beautiful Pont des Arts – by Connie Ma –

The Pont des Arts is one of the better known bridges in Paris (remember the love lock debacle?). It is where you鈥檇 access the 6th arrondissement if you were to leave the Louvre Museum.

It is also such a treat to walk at night while the sounds of a jazz artist nearby fills the air.

If you really wanted to get the full experience, you could start on this bridge and zig zag your way between the rest; hopping from left to right and then right to left in search of all the street talent that the bridges hold!

9. Le Manoir in Paris

Technically the Manoir is a show that takes place solely indoors. It is Paris鈥 own haunted mansion theatre and, although spooky as hell, is tons of fun.

You鈥檒l find the Manoir over in the 10th arrondissement in an old ceramic workshop of Choisy-le-Roi.

While the shows take place at night, during the day locals and tourists in this area sometimes enjoy staged sightings of the horror performers on the adjacent streets to the theatre.

Characters from le Manoir take the streets – by le Manoir de Paris –

Actors, totally in character, take to the streets to promote the show and create a buzz about what鈥檚 to come. An unusual form of street art but an art nonetheless!

Click here if you鈥檙e interested in knowing more about le Manoir and what it has to offer!

10. Rue Oberkampf in Paris

This road in the 11th arrondissement is the new 鈥place to be鈥 when it comes to the Parisian graffiti street art community. Buildings, furniture, shutters and doors boast ever-changing works by those invested in the craft.

What you really need to see, however, is Le Mur; a sectioned off piece of wall owned by an association who curates the works that it displays.

Every two weeks or so a new artist is invited to transform the wall however he or she may so desire. The event鈥檚 tend to draw quite a crowd and it really is fun to watch. Head over to their website to see when and who will be next on the panel.

Le Mur – by Le Mur –

To date, Le Mur has featured over 200 different works from street artists around Paris. It is a great initiative that keeps the essence of this kind of street art alive and contained all at once.

If you鈥檙e like me and you tend to celebrate art in any and all of its forms, then the Parisian streets are like a gold mine.

While tracking down street artists can be an uncertain activity left mostly to luck 鈥 it is always worth the try! Happy hunting!

Discover Walks

10 Best Street Art-themed Bars in Paris

1. Le Comptoir G茅n茅ral

In a city where bars and restaurants are either costly and ultra-trendy or congested with smoke-filled patios the Comptoir G茅n茅ral is genuinely an oddity. This is one of the nicest places in Paris, whether you’re looking for a martini with friends or a Sunday brunch with family! The d茅cor transports you to a seaside vacation: the entryway resembles an old-fashioned hotel, and the main chamber is a fantasy rendition of the Caribbeans.

Photo by Sean Patrick from

As you approach the bar on the patio, you’re taken to a typical Mediterranean village square, and you step into a cheesy Hollywood home from the 1950s. The concept’s creator, Aur茅lien Laffon, aimed to create a haven “to escape and dream.” And it’s a huge success! During the day, you can head there for a warm caf茅 cr猫me and snap a few Instagram photos.

At night, The Comptoir G茅n茅ral is ideal for an aperitif or a final drink before returning to your hotel (or partying all night!). It’s all about the family-friendly brunch on Sundays. The Comptoir鈥檚 team also organizes programs for youngsters so that parents may enjoy their Secousse (the signature drink, whose recipe comprises hibiscus flower, maracuja, and vodka) in peace.

Practical information
Address: 84 Quai de Jemmapes, 75010 Paris, France
hours: tue-wed; 6 pm-1 am/fri; 6 pm-2 am/sat; 11 am-2 am/sun; 11 am-1 am

2. Fluctuart – Urban Art Center

Fluctuart, the world’s first floating “urban art center,” debuted in July 2019. This free gallery on water, docked at the foot of The Pont des Invalides on the left bank of the Seine River, spans three storeys and showcases work from street artists of all backgrounds, newbies and pioneers alike. Works by the mysterious Banksy and French artist Invader can be seen alongside those by emerging urban artists.

, , via Wikimedia Commons

If you’re searching for a fantastic place to get a drink, eat, and/or see some cool art while overlooking the ocean, Fluctuart might be the place for you. The inventive facility was created four years ago as a result of a Paris city government project to reimagine the banks of the Seine as a cultural center.

It is open all year and is a pleasant contrast to the nearby string of congested bars and restaurants. Furthermore, unlike most other museums and galleries in Paris, Fluctuart is open until midnight (unless during special night hours). So, if you’re interested in street art or just want to catch a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower from the spacious rooftop terrace, come check it out!

Practical information
Address: 2 Port du Gros Caillou, 75007 Paris, France
Hours: sun-wed; 12 pm-1 am/thur-sat; 12 pm-2 am

3. Le Dernier Bar avant la Fin du Monde

There are no words to express the treasures that a genuine nerd might discover behind these walls. Dernier Bar is the ideal venue to pay respect to the arts of sci-fi and gaming, with board games, geek-themed cuisine, an arcade table, action figures, and the chance of time travel in their TARDIS.

Photo by Mikechie Esparagoza from

The interiors are breathtaking, the food and beverages are wonderful (though a little overpriced at times), there’s constantly fresh geeky art along the halls, and every now and then, a local artist or filmmaker pops by for a signing session or to discuss their latest project. If none of this has persuaded you, perhaps the arcade table with classic games will.

Practical information
Address: 19 Av. Victoria, 75001 Paris, France
Hours: mon-thur; 4 pm-12 am/fri; 4 pm-2 am/sat; 11:30 am-2 am/sun; 11;30 am-12 am

4. La Comedia

Photo by Th岷痭g-Nh岷璽 Tr岷 from

The Comedia is a theatre located on the vibrant grand boulevards, the epicenter of Parisian nightlife. Cabarets, concerts, humor, dance, and other forms of entertainment are available here. The large theatre can hold about 1,000 people, while the smaller theatre can hold slightly over 200. The dress circle with a view of the Boulevard de Strasbourg is great for during or after the performance. Come especially if you want to uncover new talent during the jam sessions.

Practical information
Address: Rue Boulard, 75014 Paris, France
Hours: mon-fri; 7 am-10 pm/sat; 9 am-3 pm

5. Le Wall Street Bar

The Wall Street Bar guarantees a fantastic night out with your friends. This broker bar allows you to experiment with the stock exchange price to obtain the greatest deal on beverages while enjoying South-West delicacies. The always crazier and bigger Wall Street Bar relocated from Parmentier to Pigalle.

Photo by Maur铆cio Mascaro from

It is now housed in a considerably larger area, making this broker bar even more welcoming. The notion is simple here; behind the bar is a screen that displays the beverage menu. It updates every 90 seconds and prices fluctuate. The idea is to get the best deal on your cocktail, wine, beer, etc.

The decor is reminiscent of a chalet or a country house with wooden boards covering the floor and walls as well as tables with a post-industrial design that modernizes the entire package. Wherever you sit, you will feel at ease, but don’t be fooled: the best spot is at the counter.

Practical information
Address: 49 Bd de Clichy, 75009 Paris, France
Hours: tue-sat; 5 pm-2 am/sun; 4-11 pm

6. La Felicit脿

La Felicit脿 is the latest creation of Big Mamma, the restaurant firm responsible for East Mamma, Ober Mamma, Pink Mamma, and other chic trattoria throughout Paris. This is gastronomic nirvana, set in the massive hall of Station F, a former train depot replete with a train still in place. The venue features a 1000m2 sunny terrace, three bars, a variety of Italian cuisines, and a restaurant.

Artvill, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Trains make excellent canvases for graffiti and street artists. Big Mamma wanted to retain the artistic mood by allowing them to adorn the venue; the stunning spray paints on train wagons and large lanterns were done by several prominent local street artists such as Jerome Mesnager, Oji, Tetar, Mr Pee, ChaNoir, Bault, and many others. Special events, exhibitions, and performances are held at La Felicita.

Practical information
Address: 5 Parv. Alan Turing, 75013 Paris, France
Hours: mon-thur; 8:30 am-12 am/fri; 8:30 am-1 am/sat; 11:30 am-1 am/sun; 11:30 am-12 am

7. Culture Rapide

The best time to visit Culture Rapide is during the summer when all of the tables are relocated to the terrace adjacent to the community garden and many colorful spray paintings. Ben 93 and Jean Le Gac have taken the two largest walls. Originally, a building connected those two walls, but the city opted to remove it when constructing the new metro line (line 11) that runs directly below Rue Belleville.

Photo by Jerome Govender from

Culture Rapide is more than just a pub; it has the feel of a little cabaret in Montmartre in the late 1890s. Local musicians and poets gather here to perform music, participate in open mics, and compete in Poetry Slams.

Practical information
Address: 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020 Paris, France
Hours: mon-sat; 10 am-2 am/sun; 12-10 pm

8. Le Motel

Le Motel, tucked away in an alleyway near the Bastille, is the perfect hangout for fans of modern electro-pop-rock. The extremely cheerful staff serves explosive cocktails such as the Vodka-Tatin (apple and cinnamon flavored, like the tart), the Joe (vodka and watermelon), the Leon des Bois (vodka, lime, strawberry, and mint), and the cheese and charcuterie boards are half price during happy hour (6 pm-9 pm).

Here are 15 lovely things to see in the Latin Quarter in Paris

Photo by Edoardo Tommasini from

Take a seat in one of the semi-circles of used sofas arranged around the bar, and as the evening advances, DJs offer thrilling sets that guarantee a busy dance floor on weekends. There’s a pop quiz on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and alternate Sundays that draws a lot of regulars with their remarkable musical knowledge.

Practical information
Address: 8 Pass. Josset, 75011 Paris, France
Hours: tue-sun; 6 pm-1:45 am

9. Le Barbouquin

If you want to experience the true essence of Belleville (Paris’ most artistic neighborhood), you must travel to Barbouquin. The name is a combination of the terms “bar” and “book.” The location is based on the ever-changing Graffiti Street, where a new artwork appears every day.

Photo by Wendy Wei from

Yohanna Uzan, the owner of Barbouquin, has a wonderful agreement with local artists, allowing them to enter the walls outside as well as inside. Check out the work of Stew, Prwnd, Shiry, Suriani, and many more! Come listen to some original live music performed by brilliant young artists like Theko, Gatica, or Fuensanta Mendes during the weekend.

Practical information
Address: 1 Rue Denoyez, 75020 Paris, France
Hours: mon and wed; 9 am-3 pm/thur-sun; 9 am-7 pm

10. L’Art Brut Bistrot

This rustic bar on the rue Quincampoix defies all contemporary trends, with no electro-house or sophisticated design, but rather a down-to-earth, hippyish vibe, with basic tables in a narrow room decked out in wood, stone, and iron.

Photo by Edoardo Tommasini from

The cheery waiters keep their smiles on even throughout the crowded happy hour, and the pricing are modest (Pastis and Amstel at 鈧2.50) very unique in this neighborhood, which explains why the people keep coming. The bohemian feel is maintained by French pop and rock, Balkan folk, and murals by young artists on the walls, which vary every month.

Practical information
Address: 78 R. Quincampoix, 75003 Paris, France
Hours: mon and sun; 5 pm-2 am

Planning a trip to Paris ? Get ready !

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