10 Of The Craziest Laws In Colorado


Colorado is known for its beautiful mountains and outdoor recreational activities. The state has rich history which is inclusive of a myriad of laws that were meant to serve the country men and women, keep them safe, maintain public order and ensure that the interests of the people are upheld. However, like many states, Colorado also has its fair share of weird laws. This range from bizarre animal regulations to peculiar transportation rules. Let us have a look at 10 of the craziest laws in Colorado.

1. It is illegal to mutilate a rock in a state park

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Colorado is keen about its natural resources. This is inclusive of rocks. According to Colorado law, it’s illegal to mutilate or deface any rocks or trees in state parks. This is because rocks in a state park are part of the public resources. They are therefore, subject to state protection.

2. It is illegal to keep a couch on your porch

In the city of Boulder, it is against the law to keep a couch on your porch. The mischief this law tries to solve is maintaining the aesthetic appeal of the city. It also seeks to prevent outdoor clutter. Put a pause on any considerations of putting an old couch as outdoor seating in Boulder.

Click to read more about these 20 weirdest laws in Massachusetts.

3. It is illegal to ride a horse while under the influence

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This law was enacted back in the days when horse riding was considered to be a form of transportation. This is as opposed to being a leisure activity. For the safety of the public and other road users therefore, it is necessary that people who ride horses are sober to avoid the occurrence of accidents. Failure to do this could lead to possible jail time and hefty fines.

4. It is illegal to throw missiles at a car or building

In Colorado, the law explicitly states that one cannot throw missiles at a car or building. According to philosophers, property rights are at the core of human rights. Property rights grant owners the rights of ownership, possession, use and disposal. Laws such as these are meant to protect property rights since throwing missiles at cars and buildings leads to the destruction of property.

Check out these 10 of the weirdest laws in Arizona.

5. It is illegal to keep a dandelion

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Dandelions are plants that are considered flowers in some parts of the world and weeds in others. They are even used to make dandelion tea. Dandelions are rich in nutrients and fiber.

In Colorado, it’s actually illegal to keep them. According to state law, you cannot allow dandelions to grow or mature on your property. As a matter of fact, one is required to take measures to control the growth of these plants. Failure to do so could result in fines.

6. You cannot ride a bike in a swimming pool

In Colorado, it is illegal to ride a bike in a swimming pool. This is unless the cycling is part of an organized event or competition. The reason behind this is that people can get injured in the process of cycling under the water. As they say, prevention is better than cure.

7. It is illegal to keep a couch or mattress on your roof while driving

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In Colorado, it’s illegal to transport a couch or mattress on the roof of your vehicle. The law requires all items to be properly secured. This includes ensuring that goods that are being transported do not obstruct the driver’s view or endanger other motorists. Huge loads on top of cars can easily obstruct the driver leading to fatal road accidents.

8. It is illegal to ride a horse on a sidewalk

Horse riding is a common sight in some parts of Colorado. However, it is illegal to ride a horse on the sidewalks of this state. This is to ensure that the sidewalks specifically serve pedestrians who walk on foot. Those who ride horses are advised to stick to the road or designated equestrian trails.

Click to read these 10 weirdest Pennsylvania laws that will leave you like ‘Holy Cow’

9. It is illegal to keep a skunk as a pet

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Colorado has proper regulations as far as keeping wild animals as pets is concerned. Included in this list are skunks. It is illegal to own a skunk as a pet in Colorado. Skunks are considered to be a potential threat to public health. Skunks are carriers of diseases which can easily be passed on to human beings. This increases the need for proper caution as far as skunks are concerned.

10. It is illegal to catch fish with your bare hands

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According to Colorado state law, it is illegal to catch fish with your bare hands. This is known as “noodling” or “handfishing.” Anglers are required to use traditional fishing methods such as hooks, nets, or traps. This is because some species of fish such as catfish get shocks when touched with bare hands and this leads to their eventual death.

Check out these 15 craziest laws you will find in Utah.

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