10 Reasons Why Marilyn Monroe Is Famous


There are two types of people who know Marilyn Monroe, the millions of fans around the world who have watched all her films and those who have never watched any of her movies but know her name and face anyways. Most people are familiar with her foxy eyes and her beauty and that’s simply because she’s rooted in mainstream culture.

At her time, the Californian actress was misunderstood incredibly because she was a woman who exuded way too much confidence and had a natural sex appeal that she didn’t shy away from and with all that she became an icon that won many hearts. However, apart from her physical appearance, there was so much more to her which is why Marylin Monroe is still famous, read on and see why. 

1. She was very talented

10 Reasons Why Marilyn Monroe is Famous

, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Because of her significant influence on pop culture, she still remains an important symbol long after her passing. Monroe was known for her magnetic ability to captivate society with her looks, but she was also greatly influenced by her underappreciated skills.

As much as she is widely celebrated for her beauty many people don’t know that Marilyn was very talented and was a better actress than most people realized. She was not only diligent in her career but she also constantly pushed herself as an actress and an artist even when she lacked confidence in herself.

2. Her character brought a laugh out of the audience

A person who can make people laugh can always be remembered. Given that Monroe was a natural entertainer, it is not surprising that some of her best roles were in comedy. The actress has frequently made audiences laugh, in films like Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) and Some Like It Hot (1959). Monroe sometimes had to keep to the “dumb blonde” roles due to the high demand from the film industry, despite the fact that people sometimes delegitimized her talents based on the roles she was given—a character that she always tried to change but was not always successful.

One of the funniest things she ever said was during a conversation in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, one of the characters says, “Say, you’re not as dumb as they tell me,” to which Marilyn’s character replies, “I can be smart when I want to be. I only act dumb because men expect it.”

3. Her troubled past didn’t break her 

10 Reasons Why Marilyn Monroe is Famous

, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Monroe had a rocky past. She was an unhappy child, an orphan, and later in adulthood, she was trapped in an unhappy marriage. The fact that Marilyn’s kindness and sincerity remained throughout her unfortunate, traumatic life is one of the many things that made her so inspirational.

Being an orphan undoubtedly changed the way she viewed the world, and throughout her life, she donated to numerous orphanages and organisations, including The Arthritis Foundation, The USO, and many more.

4. She didn’t follow the norms

Monroe often bucked the trend and did things differently. One of her most groundbreaking acts was the founding of Marilyn Monroe Productions after she broke her contract with Twentieth Century Fox. Marilyn surprised Hollywood by establishing the first female production firm since Mary Pickford in an era when women were expected to know their place.

5. She helped fight for other people’s rights

10 Reasons Why Marilyn Monroe is Famous

, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Marilyn who was never one to back down, battled for not only her rights but also the rights of others. She reportedly assisted the legendary and extraordinarily skilled Ella Fitzgerald in getting a gig at the Mocambo nightclub early in her career. While racism would have been a factor given the time period, other Black entertainers, like Eartha Kitt and Herb Jeffries, had performed at Mocambo in the past. Fitzgerlad’s overweight, “not glamorous enough,” and “lack of much sex appeal” were revealed to be the reasons the owner was reluctant to hire Fitzgerlad rather than her race. Fitzgerald’s career ultimately changed as a result of Marilyn’s efforts to book her. 

Ella later said, “After that, I never had to play a small jazz club again. She was an unusual woman—a little ahead of her time. And she didn’t know it.”

6. She is rumoured to have had a high IQ

Norma Jeane was one of the most well-read women in the Western Hemisphere, and Marilyn Monroe was the role that changed her life. Marilyn (Norma), though not formally educated, was rumoured to have had an I.Q. of 168 (while there are no reputable sources, rumour has it that she took an I.Q. test because she was sick of being pigeonholed as the “bimbo”). The famous actress was in fact quite intelligent, despite the fact that she was primarily seen as a sex symbol.

She was “extremely quiet, very lovely, and far more bright than others gave her credit for,” according to her close friend Jane Russell.

7. Though she was famous her personal life was quite relatable to many

10 Reasons Why Marilyn Monroe is Famous

, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Although Marilyn’s wealth and unshakeable fame appeared to be her greatest accomplishments to the general public, they ultimately served to slowly tear her apart. Although Norma worked hard to improve her life, which she undoubtedly did for a while, the stress of having to continually act like her alter-ego had a toll on her professional life, and everything else started falling apart.

8. She remains to be a fashion icon

In 1962, Marilyn Monroe broke the record for the most expensive piece of clothing ever sold when she wore a transparent, spangled dress to sing “Happy Birthday” to JFK. It was bought by a collectables company.

Also, the sale of the well-known Seven Year Itch dress for $4.6 million in 2011 set a record. Even though casual wear is less expensive, it still sells more than a typical pair of Levi’s: Tommy Hilfiger paid $37,000 for her jeans from Otto Preminger’s River of No Return and gave them to Britney Spears as a gift.

9. She heavily influenced pop culture

Photo of Marilyn Monroe from the front cover of Screen Fan magazine

, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Marilyn Monroe has had a major influence on pop culture. Everyone still recognises her as the blond bombshell from back in the day. You’ve probably seen her famous “white dress” moment or heard her catchphrase “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.”

She is more than just a movie star; she is a representation of elegance, beauty, and glamour that continues to impact fashion and entertainment today. Marilyn Monroe’s influence on pop culture is undeniable, whether it be through her appearance, her statements, or even just the aura she exuded.

10. There’s always been a shroud of controversy around her

Her life has always been shrouded in mystery, from her high-profile marriages and suspected relationships with wealthy men to her unsolved death. Her personal life is the subject of non-stop conversation, and the numerous stories and discussions around it only serve to further cement her legendary position. Even decades after her death, it seems as though she is still this wonderful character that everyone wonders about and debates.

Marilyn Monroe had a remarkable combination of talent, beauty, and attributes that made her more than just a Hollywood icon. She is a cultural icon, a representation of a time, and a figure who has shaped pop culture.  

The fact that we are still bringing her up today just goes to demonstrate how lasting her reputation is. Marilyn, you left us with a strong impression that we won’t soon forget.

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