15 Classic Books That Will Make You Fall in Love with Literature


Classic novels have been at the epitome of literature not only have they been praised for centuries, but they also have a lasting value in the community. These books are used as teaching tools as well as a form of entertainment. Falling in love with literature is a rite of passage that helps you challenge yourself as well as learn more about the power of imagination and creativity.

The captivating stories are praised for being well-developed characters and plots. These books are fun to explore and have relatable themes such as loss, love, betrayal, and redemption. In this list, these books have been labeled as masterpieces of literature that open the mind to different yet relatable realities.

Click here to read about classic romance books.

1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

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It is a romantic comedy that follows the Bennet family of Longburn. In this classic novel, the Bennet sisters navigate the ups and downs of love and marriage in 19th-century England. However, the book slightly focuses on Elizabeth Bennet, the second-eldest daughter, who meets Fitzwilliam Darcy who is also known as Mr. Darcy. 

This book is a beautiful blend of love and happiness. It is praised for its interesting dialogue between the main characters makes it a good read. The book was adapted into a well-known film with the same name.

2. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

It is a high fantasy trilogy that begins with the first installment which is known as The Hobbit. The story is based on an ancient land of elves, dwarves, hobbits, and men. However, the main plot of the entire series is the search for the One Ring which is an artifact of immense power that was created by Dark Lord Sauron. 

The Lord of the Rings has been adapted into a famous film trilogy that was praised for its complex characters, and rich storyline. The book’s main plotline is the battle between good and evil which is a classic tale.

Read more about classic books here.

3. 1984 by George Orwell

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The novel is based on a dystopian state known as Oceania. In this new world, Winston Smith is a member of the Outer Party which is the working class of Oceania. Smith is responsible for monitoring and suppressing thoughtcrime. However, when he begins to document his doubts about the Party, it is discovered that he is a dissident. 

The main themes in 1984 include totalitarianism and thoughtcrime. However, it should be noted that love is a theme that is often overlooked the theme is evident when he falls in love with another dissident known as Julia.

4. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky

It is a psychological thriller that is based on Rodion Raskolnikov, a poor student who murders an old pawnbroker for her money. The part of the book that starts to be intriguing is at the point where Rodion believes he is above the law. By this point, he strongly suggests that the crime he wants to commit is for a noble cause.

However, just like in every classic tale of murder, he becomes haunted by the crime and decides to confess. He is later sentenced to eight years in prison and learns the importance of accepting you have done wrong and trying to find redemption.

Here are the 30 Best American Classic Books.

5. The Odyssey by Homer

Not only is it a complex work of literature, but it is also a sophisticated piece that can be interpreted in a number of ways. The Odyssey is a poem based on the aftermath of the Trojan War. It is based on the Greek hero Odysseus in his attempts to return home to Ithaca after fighting for ten years. On his journey back home, he is aided by the goddess Athena who keeps him safe from danger.

The novel has been translated into many languages and has also been translated into a number of films, television shows, and operas. The Odyssey’s main themes include homecoming and the power of the human spirit.

6. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

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It is set during the Great Depression and follows the story of the Joads. They are poor family tenant farmers who are driven from their homes because of economic hardship, drought, and bank foreclosures. The Grapes of Wrath is a powerful book that explores the realism of poverty and social injustice. The book has been praised for exploring harsh themes that were overlooked in the early Literature world.

7. The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy

The novel is based on two families and the events that tear them apart in Kerala, India during the 1960s. However, the book mainly focuses on how the smallest things can have the biggest impact. The God of Small Things has means such as love, loss, family, and betrayal. Not only is it a lyrical novel, but it is also a complex and beautiful prose that shows the struggles of life.

8. White Teeth by Zadie Smith

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It mainly focuses on the lives of two wartime friends and their families in London. Archie Jones meets Samad Iqbal when he is attempting suicide. They strike up a conversation and eventually become friends. However, their friendship is tested when Archie marries Clara, a black Jamaican woman, and Samad believes that Archie is marrying someone beneath him. However, Samad gets to know Clara and they become close friends.

White Teeth is a thought-provoking novel that explores themes such as race, identity, and belonging. However, the most important theme that is often noticed in the book is the challenges of living in a multicultural society.

9. The Road by Cormac McCarthy

It follows the journey of a father and his young son as they try to survive in a world where the sun is blotted out by ash, and the air is toxic. The few people left on Earth are forced to live in fear of the cannibalistic bands that live in the land. The father and son have to travel far and beyond in search of a warmer climate.

The Road has been praised for its ability to be both a disturbing and powerful story that shows how hope can be a great tool in a world where there is no hope.

Read about the 35 Best French Classic Books.

10. Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

The novel is set in Nigeria during the Biafran War. It is based on Ugwu, Odenigbo, Olanna, and Kainene, as well as Richard. Half of a Yellow Sun begins in 1966 when the Nigerian Civil War begins. Ugwu, a houseboy, is sent to work for Odenigbo who is a radical professor and the husband to Olanna. However, as much as the book is based on completely different people, their stories intertwine to the point where they all affect the story of the other.

The novel explores themes such as war, love, loss, and identity. However, it is mainly praised for its complex characters and its description of the Nigerian Civil War.

11. Life After Life by Kate Atkinson

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It follows the story of Ursula Todd, a girl who is born and dies on the same day. However, her story doesn’t stop there, we learn that she is able to live different lives before dying. Life After Life is based on free will and the nature of reality. It is a novel that explores the imagination of the aspect of life and fate.

12. Atonement by Ian McEwan

The novel is based on the lives of Briony and Cecilia Tallis, and Robbie Turner. Briony witnesses a moment between Cecilia and Robbie and makes a false accusation that leads to devastating consequences for them both. The themes that are explored in the novel include forgiveness, guilt, and the power of words. The title of the book comes from the fact that Briony has to try and atone for her mistakes after Robbie is sent to prison, and Cecilia is sent away.

13. The Correction by Jonathan Franzen

It is a novel about the Lambert family and their struggle in life in the early 1990s. They are introduced as a wealthy and well-educated family that is deeply flawed. Each of the family members is struggling with something that brings them down but also makes them a little more human. As the story progresses, we can see themes such as loss, family, and the classic American Dream.

14. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz

The novel is based on Oscar de Leon, a Dominican-American teenager who is obsessed with science fiction and fantasy novels. Oscar is an isolated boy who is constantly bullied and rejected by his peers. However, he struggles with the ghosts of his family’s past. Even though he faces a number of hardships, Oscar never gives up on his dreams and finds love as well as acceptance from a group of friends who share his interests.

15. Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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The story is based on Ifemelu, a young Nigerian woman who moves to the United States to pursue her education and her dream of becoming a writer. Ifemelu is described as a bright and ambitious woman who is the target of racism and discrimination. Her journey in America has its ups and downs where she is constantly reminded of her race but also makes friends and falls in love.

All of these novels have been ranked as the most amazing books that have a way of reeling you in. Not only are they relatable but also show how life can way you down but there is always hope and meaning to life. Through these books, readers have been able to see the power of literature.

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