25 Inspiring Facts About Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a remarkable lawyer and jurist, born on March 15, 1993, in Brooklyn, New York. She served as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1993 until she died in 2020. She was known for her sharp legal mind and her dedication to justice. Ruth was a true champion for equality, and her work paved the way for many important legal advancements. Throughout her career, she played a crucial role in shaping international law and promoting human rights around the world.

She was popularly known as 鈥渢he Notorious R.B.G鈥 by her admirers and it鈥檚 a nickname she later came to embrace. Ginsburg made a huge impact on our society. Her tireless legacy and unwavering commitment to justice will continue to shape the future of the law and inspire generations to come. Today in this article we are going to explore 25 inspiring facts about Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

1. Justice Ginsberg was the second woman ever appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s portrait. , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

She was nominated by President Bill Clinton in 1993, after serving as a judge on the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit since 1980. During her confirmation hearing, Ruth was asked very tough questions but she did a great job by impressing the Senate Judiciary Committee with her intelligence and commitment to justice. She was confirmed by the Senate with a vote of 96 to 3, making her the 107th justice of the Supreme Court. Ginsberg was also the first Jewish woman ever appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Her commitment and dedication to her work inspired countless individuals.

2. She graduated first in her class from Columbia Law School

Justice Ginsberg had many achievements throughout her life. One of them was graduating first in her class from Columbia Law School in 1959. This was astonishing because she was one of only nine women in a class of about 500 men. Despite facing a lot of challenges in her career, Ruth still performed very well in her academics and graduated with the highest honors, tying for first place with another student. Her academic success later laid the foundation for her future career as an advocate for justice. Her accomplishments continue to inspire upcoming lawyers.

3. She fought for LGBTQ + rights

A picture of a gay pride parade.  , , via Wikimedia Commons

She was a strong advocate for LGBTQ + rights throughout her career. She fought against sex discrimination and helped expand the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution to include sexual orientation and gender identity. In the landmark case of Lawrence v. Texas in 2013, she played a role in overturning sodomy bans and decriminalizing homosexuality in the United States. She also joined the majority in Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015 to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide and recognize the dignity and liberty of LGBTQ + people. She fought to ensure that the LGBTQ + rights people were accorded the same rights and protections as everyone else. She will always be remembered for her unwavering commitment to equality and justice.

4. She believed in the power of education

She was an intelligent student who shined in her studies and encouraged others, to pursue education and knowledge. Ruth understood the essence of education since she had also used her education to advocate for the rights of women and other marginalized groups and to shape the law of the Supreme Court. Education to her was a key tool that all people needed especially young people in order to make a positive impact in the world. Her dedication and commitment to her studies despite facing many challenges encourage us to embrace the power of education.

5. She was a survivor of cancer

Bader Ginsburgposing for a photo. , CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Ruth was a true fighter battling cancer several times in her life. She was diagnosed with colon cancer in 1999, pancreatic cancer in 2009 and 2019, and lung cancer in 2018. She underwent several surgery and chemotherapy sessions for her various cancers but returned to work immediately. Despite facing all these health issues, Ruth never let it get into her career. She continued to serve on the Supreme Court and make a positive impact in the field of law. She is an inspiration to people suffering from cancer and other major health problems. Throughout, Ruth showed resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

6. She received numerous awards and honors

Ruth Ginsberg received several awards and honors because of her efforts in the field of law and her advocacy for justice and equality.  Some of the notable awards and honors for her achievements include The American Bar Association’s Thurgood Marshall Awards for her contributions to gender equality and civil rights, The National Women’s History Museum’s “Women Making History” award for her groundbreaking work as a Supreme Court Justice, The Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture, which she received for her profound impact on the advancement of justice and equality, The Liberty Medal from the National Constitution Center for her lifelong dedication to upholding the principles of the Constitution, and The Glamour Woman of the Year award, recognizing her as role model and inspiration for women around the world. These achievements continue to inspire and empower people across the world.

7. She was an advocate for women鈥檚 rights and gender equality

A picture of the suffragette parade.  , , via Wikimedia Commons

Ruth spent most of her legal career fighting for gender equality and women’s rights. As a Supreme Court Justice, she ensured that she has played an important role in shaping landmark decisions that advanced women’s rights. Her dedication to equal rights enabled women to have more opportunities and be treated fairly. She has continued to inspire future generations to continue the fight for gender equality and she will be remembered as a true champion for women鈥檚 rights.

8. She became the second female law

professor at Rutgers

Even after being a great achiever in her education and career, Ruth still faced challenges of discrimination when looking for a job. After numerous searches, she eventually became one of the few female law professors in the country when she was hired at Rutgers Law School as the second female law professor there in 1963. While at Rutgers Law School she still had to fight for pay equality. She together with other female employees filed an Equal Pay Act complaint and they won. Her experience at the Rutgers Law School as a professor has helped to inspire and empower a new generation of passionate lawyers.

9. She co-founded the Women鈥檚 Rights Project at ACLU

In 1972, Ruth Ginsberg co-founded the Women’s Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The project enabled the advancement of gender equality through strategic litigation and advocacy. Ginsberg and her team took up the gender inequality cases that were brought to them by the organization and it eventually led to legal victories for women鈥檚 rights.

The Women’s Rights Project played a big part in promoting equal rights and opportunities for women in various sectors including their work areas, school, and reproductive rights. Ginsberg’s efforts in co-founding the project were seen when she dismantled gender-based discrimination. She really made a huge impact on women’s rights and continues to inspire ongoing efforts for equality.

10 She argued six cases before the Supreme Court

The statue of the judge in brooklyn. , , via Wikimedia Commons

Ruth brought six cases before the Supreme Court, winning all except one, during the 1970s. She was an intelligent advocate and her persuasive arguments played an important role in advancing civil rights, gender equality, and other crucial issues in law. Her ability to win most of her cases in the Supreme Court made her an influential figure in the legal world. She was committed to justice and upholding the principles of the Constitution. Ruth left an unfading legacy that continues to inspire future generations.

11. She鈥檚 one of only four female justices in the history of the Supreme Court

Ruth has hit several milestones throughout her life but her appointment in 1993 marked a significant milestone for gender representation on the highest court in the land. She became the only female justice on the bench between O’Connor’s retirement in 2006 and Sonia Sotomayor’s appointment in 2009. Ginsberg’s perspective as a female justice brought a unique and valuable voice to the bench. Throughout her time in office, she fought for women’s rights, civil liberties, and equality for all. She left a lasting legacy and continues to be a role model for aspiring female justices in the world.

12. She battled and overcame sexism

Ginsberg faced numerous challenges such as battling against sexism throughout her career. She came from a generation where you had to be three times better than a man to get opportunities. She faced discrimination at Harvard and Columbia Law School but she fought against them and never let it deter her. At one point a professor offered Ginsberg answers to a test in exchange for sex but Ginsberg didn鈥檛 allow that kind of disrespect and she went to confront him in the office unlike many women of her time. Her unwavering commitment to justice has inspired many to continue the fight against sexism and discrimination at all costs.

13. She鈥檚 the only Supreme Court Justice to become a pop culture icon

She was embraced as a role model for justice, perseverance, and female empowerment. She inspired many people, especially women to stand up for their rights. Ruth’s strong voice in advocating for equality made her a symbol of strength and resilience. She became the subject of documentaries and movies, further cementing her status as a pop culture icon. Her legacy continues to empower and inspire many generations to come.

14. She was a fitness enthusiast

A picture of a gym . , , via Wikimedia Commons

RBG was not only a legal powerhouse, but she was also known for her commitment to staying fit and healthy. For the last 20-plus years of her life, Ruth worked out with a personal trainer twice a week. Her workout routine involved elliptical warm-ups, squats, planks, medicine ball tosses, and more than 20 push-ups. While working out, Ruth liked listening to classical music. She believed in the importance of taking care of our bodies and staying physically fit, which is an inspiration to all of us to prioritize our health and well-being.

15. Her marriage was one of equals

During Ruth’s time, women were expected to put their husband’s needs before their own. This gender role did not dictate how Ruth and Marty ran their household. They shared housework responsibilities, childcare, and cooking. When Ruth鈥檚 career was at its peak, Marty ensured that there was food on the table and even dragged his wife out of the office late at night to ensure she had dinner and got some proper rest. Ruth would also ensure the housework was done and their children were okay when Marty was busy chasing his career as a tax lawyer. Their marriage was a shining example of equality and mutual support. It’s interesting to see such strong and equal partnerships.

16. She faced several challenges but never stopped her dreams

Ruth met her husband, Martin Ginsberg, when she was seventeen where they were undergraduate students at Cornell University. They got married a few days later after her graduation and remained married for 56 years until his death. While they were attending Harvard Law School, her husband became sick with cancer. She supported him through his battle with cancer while taking care of their infant daughter as well. Despite facing all these challenges, Ruth continued attending classes and keeping her husband updated with his schoolwork. It鈥檚 really inspiring to see the lengths she went to ensure his comfort and care.

17. She was the first person on both the Harvard and Columbia law reviews

One of the remarkable achievements of Ruth Ginsberg was becoming the first person to be a member of both the Harvard Law Review and the Columbia Law Review. She proved wrong her fellow male students and professors who were discriminating against her because they were not going to tolerate a woman besting them in their classes. This accomplishment speaks to her exceptional intellect and dedication to her legal studies. She was a trailblazer in every sense of the word

18. She co-founded the first law journal on women鈥檚 right

A photo of the judge. , , via Wikimedia Commons

When Ginsberg was trying to find her niche in women鈥檚 legal rights, she co-founded and became the faculty advisor for the first law journal to focus on the topic, the Women鈥檚 Rights Law Reporter. This publication focused on legal issues affecting women and played a significant role in advancing gender equality. Ruth鈥檚 contribution to this journal shows her dedication and commitment to advocating women鈥檚 rights and creating a more just society.

19. She and her daughter became the first mother-daughter to teach on the same law faculty

Ruth Ginsberg has inspired many women to pursue law including her daughter, Jane, who followed her footsteps to became a professor at Columbia Law School where she teaches until now. They also attended Harvard Law School where Jane graduated from. At one point Ruth received an honor at Harvard Law School and it was presented by her daughter, Jane. It’s inspiring to see the Ginsberg family’s dedication to education and their contributions to the legal profession.

20. She was a mentor to her law clerks

She was known for being a dedicated mentor to her law clerks, who served as her assistants and advisers during her time as a Supreme Court Justice. Over the 27 years in court, Ruth hired more than 100 law clerks. She provided them with guidance and support to help them succeed in their legal careers. She encouraged them to pursue their dreams and balance their professional and personal lives. Ginsberg inspired them to follow her motto 鈥淔ight for things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.鈥 She made a lasting impact on those she mentored, and many of them went on to become prominent lawyers, judges, professors, and public servants.  

21. She became the first tenured female law professor at Columbia

She joined the faculty at Columbia Law School in 1972 and became the first woman to obtain a tenured position there. This was a groundbreaking milestone that paved the way for women in legal academia. It also made a significant contribution to the field of law and breaking down barriers. While at Columbia, she championed the rights of female maids, who being laid off before the male janitors. She also fought for female employees to receive the same retirement benefits as men. Her presence at Columbia Law School had a lasting impact on the institution and the legal community as a whole.

22. She was appointed to the U.S Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia

A portrait of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Ruth Ginsburg was appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by President Jimmy Carter in 1980. This was a significant milestone in her career because it helped to set the stage for her remarkable appointment to the Supreme Court in 1993. She made a long-lasting impact on the District of Columbia Circuit and acquired a good name because of her commitment and dedication to Justice. It’s inspiring to see how Ginsberg made tremendous history throughout her career.

23. She was an avid reader, a skilled writer, and a lover of literature

Ruth’s passion for reading, writing, and literature was inspiring. She was influenced by Cornell, Vladimir Nabokov, her European literature professor, who educated her that words could paint pictures and bear powerful ideas. Ruth鈥檚 ability to write enabled her to effectively communicate her ideas and arguments, especially on issues of gender equality and civil rights. She wrote some of the influential dissents in the history of the Supreme Court. Ruth co-authored a book called 鈥淢y Own Words鈥 with Mary Hartnett and Wendy W. Williams. It鈥檚 a book that has a collection of her writings, speeches, and opinions. She also enjoyed reading novels, biographies, poetry, and opera librettos.

24. Her mother played an influential role in her career

Ruth鈥檚 mother Celia Bader, played a big influential role in her career as a lawyer and a judge. She was a highly intelligent woman who taught Ruth the value of independence and a good education. She also educated her to be resilient and compassionate in whatever she does. Her mother鈥檚 encouragement and support helped to shape Ruth鈥檚 drive to achieve her goals. It’s inspiring to see the impact that a strong support system can have on someone’s journey to success.

25. She understood the first-hand struggles of mothers in the workplace

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s things on display at a museum. , , via Wikimedia Commons

Ruth Ginsberg deeply understood the struggles mothers face in the workplace. As a working mother herself, she faced the challenges of balancing career and family responsibilities as well as discrimination. She fought for the rights and equality of women in the workplace. She also strived to break down barriers that discriminated against women in the workplace. She was a role model and an inspiration to many working mothers who admired her courage, perseverance, and wisdom. She was able to show them that you can achieve success and happiness in both the family and career and that women deserved equal opportunities in the workplace.

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