25 Things To Know About Metal Band Korn


Korn is a metal band from California, America. The band was formed in 1993 and it is notable for having managed to bring the metal genre of music into the mainstream media. By the time they formed, Metallica wasn’t really embraced on a larger capacity kind of platform. The only radio success at the time was bands like Nirvana and Alice in Chains. Thus, having Korn manage to break through was something to really admire about them. Here are some of the things to know about Korn.

1. Korn invented the nu-metal genre

Korn performing live at the Brixton Academy in London on 24 February 1997- Author; Pete Still-

With their 1994 self-titled debut, Korn did manage to invent the nu-metal genre. With the unique drawing of vocal stylings, fashion and even the rhythm borrowed from hip hop, they were good to go. They managed to set the bar too high. They have always utilized heavy sounds pulled from the extreme metal sounds and mashing them all up to come up with something quite unheard of.

2. Their music addresses critical areas of life

Korn at Idroscalo, Milano- Author; lucadex-

One could say that the reason Korn had a major breakthrough is their ability to address very sensitive issues. They have never shied away from telling stories about trauma, abuse and even bullying. Issues that typically lead to depression for most individuals. This is what connected them to most of their fans who saw their music as a great avenue and outlet for the aggression they felt buried underneath. That is why their songs resonate with so many who face such challenges.

3. Have sold over 10 million copies of the songs worldwide

Korn- Author; Mr. Rossi-

Having managed to sell over 10 million copies worldwide in their debut album, it solidified their status as one of the biggest musicians who changed the game in the 90s music scene. It is therefore not quite a surprise that they eventually got the recognition they have gotten over the years.

4. Korn  paved the way for other metal bands

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Korn has also paved the way for some of the biggest metal bands in the world to ever come into existence. One such metal band is Slipknot who managed to take the world by storm with their iconic albums and singles. What is even more impressive is that they continue to enjoy a successful careers to date.

5. One of the members of Korn quit his job as a mortician to join the band

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One of Korn’s members by the name Jonathan Davis actually used to work as a mortician before officially joining the band. In an interview with ‘Addicted to Noise,’ he noted,

“I’ve pulled so many dead bodies out of cars. It’s like a puzzle. Trying to figure out how someone died. I learned to appreciate life more. I cut up a lot of my friends, and have seen everything that I could possible imagine, every kind of heinous crime you could imagine.”

However, he admitted he found the job quite traumatic even though it was fascinating in a sense.

6. Korn members lived together prior to the album’s recording

Korn at MTV Asia Awards 2006,Bangkok, Thailand- Author; Sry85-

Before their major breakthrough, Korn used to live together in a Huntington Beach House. They were roommates and not just bandmates. Their great achievement could be accorded to the friendship and teamwork they managed to form at the early stages of their music career.

7. Ball Tongue was recorded while Davis was high on Meth



While recording ‘Ball Tongue,’ Davis while in an interview with Rolling Stone admitted to having gone to his dealer and getting a large rock of meth. Then took it and proceeded to do the vocals. The song is all about their close friend and drugs were a big part of the song hence contributing to its title. When talking about how they arrived at that title in relation to the friend, this is what Davis had to say,

“That was his nickname because when he was tweaking, he’d just sort of seize up and his tongue was like a ball. All that crazy, scatting shit, that was all from me probably being up too long.” 


8. Korn’s song, ‘Faget’ is owed to Duran Duran


This very controversially titled song was among the first Korn song to stand out among all that misogyny and machismo that was dominating the heavy metal scene of the 80s and early 90s. Many metal bands were getting their inspiration from iconic bands like Metallica and Slayer and even Pantera. Davis of Korn on the other hand, was writing and throwing jabs at bullies who gave him a hard time for being a New Wave kid that wanted to wear his eyeliner in peace and listen to Duran Duran. This synth pop icons were Davis’ favourite band in highschool and even inspired his

wardrobe thus making him a target of his peers’ homophobic rage. Explaining why he titled the song Faget, he said,

“I was a New Romantic, and I got picked on a lot so I wrote that song about that.”

9. The Demo to ‘Blind’ was done on one of W.A.S.P’s guitars

W.A.S.P in 2012- Author; Florian Stangl-

W.AS.P is one of the most iconic heavy metal bands in America founded in 1982. Their popularity peaked in the 80s and still continue to record and tour to date, thus becoming the most recognized bands of the West Coast heavy metal bands. When Korn was doing a demo for the song, ‘blind,’ W.A.S.P was doing their record at the time. Davis recalls during an interview with Rolling Stone that when W.A.S.P went home, they snuck into the studio and used their instruments and equipments. That’s how the demo for ‘blind’ was completed.

10. Jonathan Davis  of Korn used to rely on meth heavily just to get by

Meth rock- Image by from

Although he  has kicked the habit and has now been free of alcohol  and recreational drugs for over 20 years now, Davis admitted to having relied on drugs so much just to get by. He recalled to Rolling Stone that it had become so habitual that before doing anthing he would have to shoot up. He eventually had to stop because of how your body takes to recuperate after shooting up a heavy dose. This is what he had to say,

“I kicked speed in that RV. I did my last line, I fuckin’ jumped in there, they built a bunk for me, and I slept all the way from Huntington Beach to Atlanta. “I think it was four days ’cause this fucker kept breaking down and shit. You stay up fuckin’ two or three days at a time, your body just needs to sleep. Your body needs to repair itself and it goes down for a long time.”


11. The girl swinging on one of Korn’s album cover was the niece of one of Korn’s label reps

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The little girl you see gracing the cover of one of Korn’s albums was actually the niece of one of Korn’s label representatives, Paul Pontius. She was a member of Korn’s extended family. The little girl’s name is Justine Ferrara and she was eight at the time of that photo shoot. She was even paid 300 dollars for the gig. She however admitted that her mom was not too amused by that because of the way her face would be all over in supermarkets.  

12. The bagpipe introduction to “Shoots and Ladders” was captured with Davis playing outside the studio, walking away from the mic

A Bagpipe- Author; Patrbe-

In the song ‘Shoots and Ladders,’ that bagpipe scene was not really planned. Bagpipes are not necessarily considered metal but they are actually one of the loudest instruments in the world and need very little amplification. In the song, the bagpipe scene looks like it was recorded on top of a mountain but Jonathan Davis actually played them while walking past the studio’s backdoor. The microphone remained stagnant so as to give the impression of a faraway player fading into the distance.

13. Korn’s guitarist, Brian Welch would sleep in the vocal booth during the recording of the album

Korn- Author; Mr. Rossi-

Known popularly as head, Brian Welch, the guitarist of Korn would spend his nights in the vocal booth while recording their album. At the time there was a cabin where Korn members were intended to sleep while making the album. Of course, most members would do that but Brian would always opt otherwise. In one of the interviews, head recalled,

“We would get these foam things, the ones that would deaden the sound,” Head confirmed. “I’d put them on the floor, then get blankets and stuff and sleep in there. We were drinking a lot, so I didn’t really care about comfort.”

 14. The visceral breakdown in the song ‘Daddy’ was unscripted

Jonathan Davis in 2012- Author; Stefan Krause-

The song ‘Daddy’ is a bit disturbing and triggering to many because it focused on child abuse, specifically what Davis underwent at the hands of a babysitter when he was still a child. He talked to his parents about the incident but they brushed him off saying it was all lies. Davis carried this pain for the rest of his life and he wrote the song, ‘Daddy’ to help deal with and heal from the trauma. He wrote this gut-wrenching song as his way of dealing with the pain. For the four minutes at the end of the song, it was motioned to the rest of the band members to keep jamming and allow Davis to keep singing while he had a breakdown in the vocal booth. He was unaware the tapes were still rolling. The genuine pain captured helped their fans to find a platform they could relate to. Especially those who had gone through a similar thing. Davis later admitted to Rolling Stone and said,

“I remember that moment when I came out of there, and I was fucking sobbing, my whole band was crying, and they just all hugged me and shit. It was a crazy fucking experience鈥,” It was the good ol’ days, dude. We were all a band of brothers. We were like the fucking Three Musketeers.” 

15. Korn performed in the historic Apollo Theater.

Apollo Theatre in Martinsburg, West Virginia, USA- Author; Acroterion-

On November 15th 1999, the night before its release, Korn played their album, ‘Issues’ in all its entirety at the Apollo Theatre in New York. According to the New York Post, at the time, Apollo Theatre was mainly known for holding performances from African American musicians. Thus for Korn to be the first white rock band to play there since Buddy Holly, it was such an achievement. It got the recognition of so many media outlets.

16. There was an album cover contest.

Korn at Idroscalo, Milano- Author; lucadex-

The intriguing album cover of Korn was designed by Alfredo Carlos. It was part of MTV’s art contest and Alfredo won. Korn at the time was specifically looking for abstract designs and images of the band. After the contest, they loved Alfredo’s work and chose his art.

17. Their First single debuted in the show, South Park.

Sign in Fairplay, Colorado referencing the South Park television series, based on the small town- Author; Coasterlover1994-

The first single, “Falling Away From Me” first debuted in an episode of South Park on Oct. 27, 1999. The episode was appropriately titled “Korn’s Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery,” and imitated the style of Scooby-Doo. 

18. Korn started a chain mail for their fans.

Korn, Feb 2013- Author; S茅bastien Paquet-

Before their album was released, MTV announced that Korn had uploaded their first single, ‘Falling Away From Me’ as a free MP3 file on their website. This was however against the wishes of their attorneys and corporate establishments and Korn being Korn, they did the complete opposite anyway. Shortly after they then started a chain email of people who were sharing the song. Their fans had a blast with this. In relation to this, this is how Korn explained it,

“We’re so psyched about it that we wanted to give all you guys, the TRUE Korn fans — a gift from us. Please listen to the single. If you like it, send this email it to at least 10 friends and music fans and ask each of them to do the same. It’s a fuckin’ musical chain letter! People turning people on to great music.”

With this move, they managed to do something that had not really been seen.

19. Their platinum very quickly.

Korn performing in 2014- Author; Steven Lek-

Korn’s album, ‘Issues,’ released in 1999 went platinum very quickly. On December 22nd, it was certified three times platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America. This was just over a month after it had been released. This was no easy feat to achieve and it went to show how great they were doing in their music career. Not many artists had managed to achieve this at this time.

20. ‘Issue’ album was Korn’s first to not feature a hidden track

Korn On Walmart Sound checking- Author; Lunchbox LP-

Typically, Korn’s albums usually have a hidden track at the end. The 1999 album, however, was the very first album they released that didn’t have a hidden track in the end. Instead with this one, the final track, titled, ‘Dirty’ was pure static. It is an over four minutes track of static sound only that goes on before eventually fading out.

21. 鈥淎ll In the Family鈥 song wasn’t about real beef

Korn performing live at the Brixton Academy in London on 24 February 1997- Author; Pete Still- Wikimedia Commons

The ‘Follow the Leader’ track saw Korn collaborating with Limp Bizkit’s Fred Durst. This essentially made the song calm down the rumours that Davis and Durst had a major beef. In the song, they talk about it being “all in the family.” Hence this should have shed light that it was all good between them. However, the vibe of the track and the hurling of insults at each other makes the song a favourite for some of their fans. Regarding the matter, Davis later said in an interview that it was

鈥渢he dumbest fucking track Korn ever did,鈥 adding, 鈥淭hat is what drugs and alcohol will do to a motherfucker.鈥

22. In 鈥楲ife Is Peachy鈥 album, Davis addresses a very dark period of his life 

Davis of Korn performing- Author; Lunchbox LP-


In the ‘Life is Peachy,’ album, Jonathan Davis sings about the complicated relationship he had with his stepmom where she didn’t really accept him as a stepson. This in turn led to them having a very fractured relationship and stewed on for years. In the song, you can hear the anguish in Davis’ vocals and guitar solo before breaking down into a final sob. It is an iconic album that managed to capture the demons many people face every day.

23. 鈥淐old鈥 was one of Korn’s most iconic works.

Korn at MTV Asia Awards 2006,Bangkok, Thailand- Author; Sry85-

The ‘cold’ album was delivered coldly. By this I mean they really delivered and left no crumbs with this one. The album kicks off with a pulsing electronic open that gives way to Davis to take over with his signature scatting. All the while he is also plotting how he will incorporate some killer bars and rock it out. Quite literally.

24. The ‘Get Up!’ from their 鈥楾he Path of Totality鈥 album just hits different

Korn- Author; Mr. Rossi-

For a moment Korn veered off the path and did their music differently. As the fans described, after they remembered who they were, they got experimental again and began working with dubstep musicians for their ‘The Path Of Totality’ album. The first song was a collaboration with Skrillex on that booming song known as ‘Get Up.’ This song is pretty deep as it addresses the struggle one goes through to find his or her place in the world while still holding on to their past. It ended up becoming a very hot cake single managing even to appear on the Top 10 mainstream rock chart.

25. Korn started at a time metal-rock music wasn’t so common

Korn at Rock im Park 2007- Author; User:jodo-

By the time Korn formed this band, the Metallica kind of music had not really been embraced on a larger platform. Thus Korn had to really work hard in order to penetrate the market since it meant them competing for recognition with popular bands like Nirvana and Alice in Chains. Seeing them having managed to break through regardless of all the competition and backlash they received when starting, is something to really applaud them for.

Korn is an iconic band and especially when you understand that it hasn’t been an easy journey for them, your respect for them just soars higher. They are the real definition of resilience, determination and hard work paying off eventually.

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