The Portlock Alaska Murders: 20 Facts That Will Make You Shake Your Head


Originally Published by Kennedy in July 2023 and Updated by Purity M on February 2024.

On the southern edge of the Kenai Peninsula is Portlock, a ghost town in the United States state of Alaska. The town takes its name from an adjacent community in Port Chatham Bay. The history of this ghost town is so terrifying to everyone who has ever wanted to visit there.

Some of the stories about Portlock are so terrifying and creepy. The stories speak about a large hairy beast, small hairy devils moving in packs, the story of a wailing spirit that wandered in the wilderness, and some unsolved murders. In the 1930s, peculiar events started taking place in Portlock, Alaska.

A logger had gone out for his normal duties when he was struck by one of the logging equipment which could not be carried by a single person. He was found a few days later dead a few meters away from the equipment. Some other people were also murdered under unknown circumstances which made a majority of the residents flee and abandon the commission.

Here are the 20 Facts about The Portlock Alaska Murders That Will Make You Shake Your Head;

1. The First Victim to be Murdered on the Spot was a Lone Logger

, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The story of the murders in Portlock Alaska began in the 1930s. In the 1930s, the first victim of these murders who was killed on the spot was a lone logger, Andrew Kamuck who was on his daily routine of logging.

When he was busy working on logging, something peculiar happened to him. He was hit by something or someone unexplained in the head.

Read Who Killed Ophelia’s Son? 20 Facts You Need to Know.

2. A Huge Piece of Logging Equipment Hit the Logger Over the Head Killing Him

The logger was hit by a huge piece of logging equipment. This equipment was believed that it couldn’t have been lifted by one man. The mystery of the murders in Portlock Alaska began with this case.

3. Andrew Kamuck’s Head was Bashed in the Logging Equipment

Photo by kat wilcox:

The mystery of the murder of Andrew Kamuch was clear when the locals arrived at the scene of the incident. What shocked them more is that Andrew Kamuck’s head was bashed in the heavy logging equipment. This discovery brought more questions rather than answers to society.

4. The Logger’s Body was Found Ten Feet From the Logging Equipment

Photo by Faruk TokluoÄŸlu:

When the locals went to search for the body of the logger, they were shocked by what they saw. Blood was all over the logging equipment which no one person could have lifted and struck the logger with.

What shocked them is that the body of the logger was found ten feet away from the logging equipment. This brought to the conclusion that the logger did not slip, nor fell and hit his head. The picture was clear that he might have been hit by someone who picked up the equipment and bonked him over the head.

5. The Local Natives Blamed the Murders on Hairy Big Foot Type Monster

Fear had started gripping the local natives of Portlock Alaska. In the 1920s, there was a murder of a man by a mysterious creature.

Several local natives started to lay blame on the creature. This creature was described to be a hairy Big Foot type Yeti monster which they called the Nantiinaq.

Also, read 20 Most Shocking Facts About Nipsey Hussle’s Murder.

6. A Spirit of a Woman Dressed in Black Clothes was Also Blamed for the Murders in Portlock Alaska

Other than the big Foot type Yeti monster, the local natives of Portlock Alaska had another theory on what or who caused the murders. Some villagers started blaming the murders on a spirit of a woman dressed in black clothes.

The locals revealed that the spirit of the woman emerged from the cliff above the town. She was described to be wearing a long dress which dragged behind her.

The woman had a white face and could scream and moan uncontrollably. The local natives could hear something then she would disappear.

7. A Man Scared Off the Mystical Monster Which Gave Him a Fatal Blow to the Chest

In the 1920s, the local natives of Portlock Alaska had a story about a man who received a fatal blow from the mystical monster. The name who was named Albert Petka was the first victim of the monster.

He supposedly scared off the mystical creature with his dogs. However, the creature gave him a fatal blow to the chest.

8. Albert Died a Few Days Later After Giving the Story of the Encounter

After getting the fatal blow from the creature, Albert did not die on the spot like the first reported man who was murdered on the spot in the 1930s. Albert survived the blow and lived to tell the encounter with the monster. However, he died a few days later from the fatal blow he had received.

9. A Group of Hunters Came Across Giant Footprints & Blood Tracks While Stalking a Moose

After the murder of the lone logger, a group of hunters went out on their usual duties. They were stalking a moose and came across something that shocked them. The hunters found giant footprints probably of some big animal.

However, what shocked them is that the area they found the footprints had destroyed tree branches and blood. There was no sign of the moose nor what had killed or taken it.

10. A Local Came Face to Face With the Beast

As time went by, the sighting of the creature that murdered people was reported around Portlock. One man spotted this huge and hairy creature destroying their equipment.

He described the creature to have been looking like a devil. The witness had rushed to grab his weapon only to return back and find the creature leaving without harming him.

Also, read The Setagaya Family Murders: 10 Facts About The Unsolved Case.

11. Several Men Who Worked as Trappers, Miners, and Loggers Started Going Missing

Over the period of time, the people of Portlock Alaska began getting more worried about some discoveries. Most men used to work as miners, trappers, loggers, and others work on the cliffs. However, several men who went on their routine duties were never seen again. They went missing under mysterious circumstances.

12. Bodies Started Appearing in the Portlock Alaska Village

, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The disappearance of these men came with several unfortunate outcomes. The families of the missing men used to hope to find them safe but this was never the case. Several bodies started appearing around the Portlock Alaska village. This brought more fear to the people in the village.

13. Some of the Bodies Washed into the Bay from the Rivers that Fed Them

, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The horror around Portlock Alaska became more open with the discoveries the locals made. The bodies of missing people were discovered in various locations in the village. Some of the bodies of the men were washed into the bay from the rivers that fed them. The discoveries contributed to the moving out of some people from the village for fear of what might happen to them.

14. Other Bodies Were Left in the Open to be Found by the Villagers

The horrors of the Portlock Alaska village were never over at that point. The discovery of bodies in the bay was not the only spot where they were discovered over this period of time. Other bodies were left in plain sight where they had been murdered.

15. Majority of the Bodies were Badly Dismembered

The manner in which the bodies were found was so haunting to the villagers of Portlock Alaska. The victims were murdered and left in some devastating conditions. The majority of the bodies that were dumped around Portlock Alaska were badly dismembered. These scenes were horrific to the local authorities and the local natives.

Read The Stella Nestle Murders: 10 Shocking Facts About the Murders.

16. The Murders in Portlock Alaska made Most of the Russian Aleuts Leave the Area

The majority of the people who lived in Portlock Alaska were Russian Aleuts. With the terrors and horror which were going on in the locality, several people decided to make a major move. Most of the Russian Aleuts decided to leave Portlock Alaska for a year since the incidents were on the rise in the 1930s.

17. A Missing Hunters Body was Found Badly Mutilated in a Creek

In 1940, the locals of Portlock Alaska were shocked by another discovery they made. A hunter had gone out on his routine hunting expedition in the region. However, he never returned home which left the people worried.

A search team was sent out to look for the missing hunter. The team was shocked when they came across the body of the hunter in a creek. The body was mutilated and torn apart in a very peculiar way that was not consistent with a bear attack.

18. Three Dozen of People were Murdered in the Portlock Alaska

The murder incident in Portlock Alaska was shocking to the locals and the authorities. Many theories came up about the murders which was even shocking with the number of victims involved. In the 20 years or so of the murders in Portlock Alaska, more than three dozen of people were murdered.

19. Portlock Alaska was Completely Abandoned by the Locals after the Murders

, , via Wikimedia Commons

The murder incidents in Portlock Alaska were so concerning to the locals. The first wave of locals leaving the locality began in few years after the discoveries of bodies. Some of the locals were persuaded to return after being promised more security. However, after the murders failed to end, the area was completely abandoned and remained to be a ghost town.

20. The Portlock Alaska Murders Remain to be Unsolved

Over the years since the first murder in Portlock Alaska, investigations have been carried out without success. The murders that took place in Portlock Alaska still remain unsolved. Historians and some former locals in the area have their theories but nothing official has been confirmed.

The stories about the murders in Portlock Alaska are so chilling, especially to those who plan to visit the area. There is still hope to get the answers to these murders.

Top 10 Chilling Facts about Portlock, Alaska

1. A cannibalistic past haunts Portlock

Gruesome rumors, like phantoms from a bygone era, swirl around Portlock’s past. Tales speak of a group of prospectors, driven to the brink of madness by the harsh Alaskan winter and dwindling supplies, resorting to the unthinkable act of cannibalism in the late 1800s.

Though these stories remain unconfirmed, shrouded in the fog of time and lacking concrete evidence, they add an unsettling layer to the town’s history, a chilling reminder of the desperation that can grip even the most resilient souls in the face of extreme hardship.

2. Abandoned mines stand as silent skeletons

 The once-booming gold mines that brought life and prosperity to Portlock now stand eerily silent, skeletal structures serving as constant reminders of the town’s volatile past and the harsh realities of the Alaskan frontier.

These decaying monuments, their wooden frames weathered and warped by the unforgiving elements, stand as testaments to the fleeting nature of human endeavors and the relentless march of time.

As the wind whispers through the cracks and crevices, one can almost hear the echoes of pickaxes and the murmurs of miners long gone, their stories forever etched onto the very fabric of the town’s history.

3. Eerie lights dot the night sky

Visitors to Portlock often report sightings of strange lights dancing across the night sky, defying explanation and adding to the town’s air of mystery. These lights, ranging from fleeting orbs to shimmering streaks, have sparked numerous theories, from natural phenomena like bioluminescence or ball lightning to more outlandish explanations involving extraterrestrial activity. The true nature of these lights remains a captivating enigma, leaving observers to ponder their origins and fuel the town’s reputation for the unexplained.

4. Ghostly encounters spook visitors

 Whispers of paranormal activity weave themselves into the fabric of Portlock’s lore. Visitors and residents alike have reported sightings of apparitions, disembodied voices echoing through the empty streets, and an unsettling sense of being watched.

While some dismiss these experiences as mere tricks of the mind or the product of overactive imaginations, they continue to add to the town’s eerie mystique. The isolation and harsh environment can undoubtedly play a role in amplifying these perceptions, leaving visitors with a sense of vulnerability and unease.

5. Isolation and harsh environment can be psychologically challenging

 Portlock’s remote location, nestled deep within the Alaskan wilderness, subjects its inhabitants to a harsh and unforgiving environment. Long, dark winters shrouded in perpetual twilight can lead to feelings of isolation and detachment from the outside world. The relentless grip of winter, with its sub-zero temperatures and biting winds, can test even the most resilient spirits.

The limited social interaction and constant battle against the elements can have a profound impact on mental well-being, potentially contributing to feelings of anxiety, depression, and even cabin fever. This unique combination of isolation and environmental stress undoubtedly adds to the unsettling atmosphere that permeates Portlock.

6. Animal encounters add an element of danger

 Venturing into the Alaskan wilderness surrounding Portlock comes with the inherent risk of encountering its diverse wildlife. While majestic creatures like bears, wolves, and moose roam freely, their presence serves as a constant reminder of the delicate balance between humans and nature.

These encounters can be nerve-wracking, especially considering the town’s limited resources and distance from emergency services. Even seemingly harmless animals like foxes and ravens can pose a threat, as they can be carriers of diseases or become aggressive if they perceive a threat to their territory. The constant awareness of potential danger adds another layer of unease to the experience of living in or visiting Portlock.

7. Unpredictable weather can turn deadly quickly

Alaska’s notoriously unpredictable weather can transform from calm and serene to fierce and unforgiving in a matter of minutes. Sudden blizzards can blanket the town in snow, making travel treacherous and cutting off access to essential supplies. Frigid temperatures can plummet well below freezing, posing a significant threat to anyone caught unprepared.

The ever-present risk of flash floods, avalanches, and powerful storms keeps residents on edge and underscores the town’s vulnerability to the forces of nature. This constant battle against the elements adds a significant layer of stress and contributes to the perception of Portlock as a place where danger lurks around every corner.

8. Frequent power outages plunge the town into darkness

Portlock’s reliance on generators for electricity makes it susceptible to power outages, especially during harsh weather conditions. These outages can plunge the town into complete darkness, disrupting daily routines and communication.

The sudden absence of light can be disorienting and heighten feelings of unease, especially considering the town’s reputation for unexplained phenomena. The lack of power can also disrupt essential services like refrigeration and communication, highlighting the town’s vulnerability and dependence on external resources.

9. A sense of unease permeates the town

Many visitors to Portlock report an unsettling feeling that lingers throughout their stay. This pervasive sense of unease can manifest in various ways, from a prickling sensation on the back of one’s neck to a feeling of being watched or followed.

Some attribute this unease to the town’s history and isolation, while others point to the surrounding environment, with its dense forests and looming mountains creating a sense of enclosure. Regardless of the explanation, this intangible feeling adds to Portlock’s unique atmosphere and contributes to its reputation as an eerie and unsettling place.

10. Skepticism and intrigue surround the town’s reputation

The chilling stories and unsettling atmosphere surrounding Portlock naturally evoke skepticism in some individuals. They might dismiss the tales of cannibalism, disappearances, and paranormal activity as mere folklore or exaggerated accounts.

However, the town’s remote location and limited information about its past add fuel to the fire of intrigue, keeping the legends alive and drawing in those seeking a glimpse into the mysterious and unexplained. This interplay between skepticism and intrigue is what makes Portlock such a captivating and controversial destination.

Portlock is a place of stark contradictions, where breathtaking beauty collides with unsettling stories. Its isolation and harsh environment can be both daunting and liberating, while its limited resources foster a sense of self-reliance and community spirit. Whether you find it eerie or enchanting, Portlock is undoubtedly a place that leaves a lasting impression, a testament to the enduring power of the unknown and the allure of venturing beyond the familiar.

Read The Slab City Murders: 15 Chilling Details You Need to Know.

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