Top 10 Amazing Facts about Larry Page


Larry Page By Bob Lee –

The American entrepreneur and tech mogul Lawrence Edward Page is best known for co-founding Google Inc., the wildly used search engine. He is a tech pioneer, entrepreneur, and a visionary. His contributions to technology and online services have made him widely known.  Google and its services have made work much easier. 
But how much more is known about the man who brought Google to us? Here are 10 amazing facts about Larry’s page.

1. His parents were both in the computer science field

Larry Page was born to Carl Victor Page and Gloria Page on March 26th, 1973. Both Carl and Gloria were professors of artificial intelligence and computer science.

Carl Victor Page gave lectures at the Michigan state university and Gloria worked at the Lyman Briggs College under the Michigan State University.

The Page family home was full of first-generation personal computers and scientific magazines. As the son of computer professionals, Larry’s fascination with computers and tech began very early and he immersed himself in that field.

2. He went to Standford university

Larry Page attended a Montessori school in primary then graduated from East Lansing High School. He completed his undergraduate studies with a bachelors degree in engineering from the University of Michigan in 1995.

He began graduate studies in computer science at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. It was there that he first met fellow student Sergey Brin his future business partner and co-founder of Google.

In 2009, Larry was awarded an honorary doctorate in engineering from the university of Michigan. He graduated with a master’s degree in computer science and went on to pursue a Ph.D. in the same university but dropped out to set up Google Inc.

3. Larry turned his dorm room into a machine lab

In his Stanford dorm room, Larry created a makeshift machine laboratory. 

Together with his partner Sergey Brin, they extracted spare parts from inexpensive computers, to create a device that connects their search engine to Stanford’s broadband campus network.

Since they needed more space as Page’s room had become full of equipment, they converted Sergey’s dorm room into a programming center. With enough space, they tested their search engine designs on the web.

Eventually, their operations caused Stanford a lot of problems within its computing infrastructure and they had to set up shop elsewhere.

4. Page is a co-founder of google

Sergey Brin and Larry Page By Joi Ito-

While pursuing his Ph.D. at Stanford, Larry developed the “PageRank” algorithm, which calculated the relevance of a web page to the user’s query based in part on the number of other pages that linked to it.

To explore the possibilities of his new algorithm, Larry sought out the data mining expertise of Sergey Brin.

Together, Page and Brin wrote the paper “Dynamic Data Mining: A New Architecture for Data with High Dimensionality,” and “The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine.”

They then wrote and ran the prototype of their search engine, called “BackRub” which became the foundational technology of Google. After months of perfecting their prototype, they launched Google Inc. as a search engine company in 1998.

5. He became Google’s CEO twice

Larry Page, Martin Rees and Simon Quelle 2008 By Bob Lee –

Once established, Larry took the lead by becoming the CEO of Google while Sergey became the president.

With the rapid growth of Google, internal management problems arose and the investors advised Brin and Page on hiring an experienced manager.

In 2001 they hired the seasoned manager Eric Schmidt as CEO of Google with Page serving as president of products, and Brin the president of technology.

In 2011, Page took over as CEO making Schmidt Executive chairman and Brin director of special projects. Google became a subsidiary of the parent company Alphabet Inc in August 2015.

Larry became CEO of Alphabet, Brin its president, and Schmidt its executive chairman leaving Sundar Pichai as Google’s new CEO. Page stepped down as CEO of Alphabet in December 2019 but remains a board member and a major shareholder.

6. Richard Branson was his best man

Larry Page met Lucy Southworth met and began dating in 2006.

They married on Dec. 8th, 2007 in a lavish ceremony on Richard Branson’s private island in the Bermuda Triangle, Necker Island. He also had Sir Richard as his best man.

The couple flew in over 600 other guests from all over the world on Page’s private Boeing 767 to the private island. The couple’s vow exchange was witnessed by a star-studded round of attendees and guests, including Oprah Winfrey and former President Donald Trump.

7. He has invested in tesla and Kitty Hawk

Larry Page in the European parliament By By Marcin Mycielski –

Larry Page financed one of his passions in the development of an electric flying car in the company Kitty Hawk which he and autonomous car pioneer Sebastian Thrun founded in 2010.

Page also spent over $100 million in funding Zee.Aero to aid in its plans of developing a prototype flying car, capable of taking off and landing vertically.

He also took interest in tesla after Elon musk pitched the electric car idea to him and Sergey when tesla was starting. Although the cars had bugs both brin and page invested in the company. It is said that Larry invested 40 million dollars in tesla in 2006.

8. Larry suffers from a rare vocal cord paralysis

Just as Larry and Sergey launched Google, He suffered a cold followed by a hoarse voice, which he didn’t think much of but claimed he never fully recovered from.

After seeking medical advice, he was diagnosed with left vocal cord paralysis – a nerve condition that causes the vocal cord to not move properly.

In 2012, he suffered a similar issue with no precise cause identified. This prompted Larry to partner with the Voice Health Institute and fund a survey of others who have suffered from a similar condition.

9. He has donated handsomely to charities

Larry Page has made generous donations to charities giving away about $94 million through his foundation.

Together with his wife Lucinda Southworth, Larry donated $15 million to help fight the Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa.

In 2017, he contributed $180 million to various causes in Christmas gifts from Page’s foundation.

10. His net worth is over 120 billion dollars

Larry Page’s luxury yacht By MKFI –

As of 2022, Larry Page’s net worth is $123.7 billion, and he is among the richest in the world. Ranking at number 6 as estimated by Forbes Real-Time directly.

He owns various lavish assets such as a 45-million-dollar yacht and several electric cars. Additionally, he co-owns 8 private jets with his co-founder Sergey and Google exec Eric Schmidt.

Larry Page continues to be a moving force in technology advancement and will forever hold a title as a tech pioneer as he continues to break ground in automotive and medicine.

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