Martin Luther King Sr. Author White House Staff Photographer.

Top 10 Amazing Facts about Martin Luther King Sr


Martin Luther King Sr was the father of the famous Martin Luther King Jr. He was an African-American Baptist pastor, an early figure in civil rights, and a  missionary.

He was born in Stockbridge, Georgia. Martin Luther King Sr was the son of Delia and James Albert King.

After great inspiration from ministers who stood up for racial equality, he decided to become a preacher.  He stayed with Reverend A.D. Williams, who was the then Ebenezer Baptist Church pastor.

His parents encouraged him to finish his education and become a pastor when he started courting Williams鈥 daughter. King listened to his parents and he finished his school education at Bryant Preparatory School. Afterward, he started preaching in various black churches in Atlanta.

 Below are some of the top 10 Amazing facts about Martin Luther King Sr.

1. He Married his Pastor鈥檚 Daughter

In 1926, at Morehouse School of Religion, King began his ministerial degree.  In 1926 on a thanksgiving day after a period of 8 years of courtship, he married Alberta who was the daughter of his pastor at Ebenezer church.

In a period of four years, they had 3 children. Their firstborn was a daughter Willie Christine who was born in 1927. The couple also had a son in 1929 called Martin Luther King Jr but he was originally born Michael King Jr. The couple’s last born Alfred Daniel Williams King was born in 1930.

2. Martin Luther King Sr. Became a Church Leader in 1931

Martin Luther King, Sr. at St. Sabina. Author The Archivists @

After the death of Williams in 1931, who was the leader of Ebenezer Baptist Church, Martin Luther King Sr officially became the church Leader.

He became a church leader at a time of the Great Depression when the church was struggling with finances. But despite the problems, he organized memberships and fundraising drives that helped in solving the problems.

 Through his great work, he became a respected church leader widely. In 1934, he decided to change his name and that of his eldest son from Michael King to Martin Luther King.

During his visits to Germany, Martin Luther King Sr was inspired by the people of the Baptist World Alliance (BWA). While still in Germany, he met with leaders associated with the reformation, he also witnessed the rise of Nazism.

3. Martin Luther King Sr Served as a Pastor for Four Decades

Rev. King. Author The Archivists @

For four decades, Martin Luther King Sr served as a pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church.  He earned a lot of respect from the white community for his influence on the black community. In one of the religious radio stations in Atalanta, King worked as a broadcast which helped him to expand his popularity among the African American people.

Despite serving as a local leader in various Civil Rights movements, Luther also served on the NAACP Atlanta chapter as an executive committee. 

4. Martin Luther King Sr made his Son to Join his Ministry

According to his son Martin Luther King Jr essay in 1950, An Autobiography of Religious Development said that his father was the main reason why he joined his Ministry.

King Jr autograph also stated that 鈥淚 guess the influence of my father also had a great deal to do with my going into the ministry. This is not to say that he ever spoke to me in terms of being a minister, but that my admiration for him was the great moving factor; He set forth a noble example that I didn鈥檛 mind following.鈥

His father regularly sent him to fieldwork which gave him courage and also motivation. This also made him gain more respect for his forefathers.

According to his son Martin Luther King Jr autobiography, when his father left a shoe shop simply because he was asked to change seats with him made him furious. King Jr said, 鈥淭his was the first time I had seen Dad so furious. That experience revealed to me at a very early age that my father had not adjusted to the system, and he played a great part in shaping my conscience. I still remember walking down the street beside him as he muttered, 鈥業 don鈥檛 care how long I have to live with this system, I will never accept it.鈥欌

5. His Wife was Murder in 1974

During a Sunday service in 1974 June 30th, Martin Luther King Sr.鈥檚 wife Alberta was shot by Marcus Wayne Chenault. When he was arrested he confessed that his target was Martin Luther King Sr who was not at the service on that Sunday.

Due to disappointment in failing to find his main target, he shot Alberta King and Rev. Edward Boykin. He disclosed that the main thing that drove him to make such a decision was that, 鈥渂lack ministers were a menace to black people.”

6. Martin Luther King Sr Witnessed his son being Awarded a Presidential Medal of Freedom

In 1977, Martin Luther King Sr and his son鈥檚 widow, Coretta Scott King, witnessed his son Martin Luther King Jr being Awarded a  Presidential Medal of Freedom.

7. Martin Luther King Sr Experience Brutal incidents when Growing up.

In the rural south where he grew up, Martin Luther King Sr witnessed brutal incidents. This incident includes the lynching of a black man. Martin Luther King Sr also subdued his drunken father who frequently assaulted his mother.

8. Martin Luther King Sr was a Role Model to Many People

Due to his courage to fight for what was right in society, he became a role model. His own son also followed his father鈥檚 steps in order to help his people.

9. Martin Luther King Sr Died Because of a Heart Attack

In 1984 at the age of 84 years old, King sr died because of a  heart attack while at Crawford W. Long Hospital, Atlanta.

10.  He was Buried Next to his Wife

Martin Luther King Sr and his wife’s grave. Author National Park Service Digital Image Archives.

When his wife was slain by a bullet while still at church, she has Buried at  South-View Cemetery in Atlanta. Next to her grave Martin Luther King Sr was also Buried there.  

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