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Top 10 Facts about the Death of Marilyn Monroe


Marilyn Monroe was one of the most popular Hollywood stars during the 1950s and early 1960s. she was considered a major sex symbol at the time and was the top-billed actress for a decade, with her films grossing $200 million by the time of her death in 1962.

Marilyn Monroe seemed to have it all, fame, beauty, money, and power, and it was the reason when she died suddenly at the age of 36, everyone was left wondering what have happened to her.

Although she was reported to have committed suicide, several conspiracy theories about her death have been proposed but no concrete evidence has ever been found to support them. Let’s look at the top 10 facts about her death.

Read more about Marilyn Monroe

1. Her Death was ruled to be a Suicide

By 1961, Monroe, beset by depression, was under the constant care of a psychiatrist. Increasingly erratic in the last months of her life, she lived as a virtual recluse in her Brentwood, Los Angeles, home.

After midnight on August 5, 1962, her maid, Eunice Murray noticed Monroe’s bedroom light on, and the door locked from the inside which was out of ordinally.  She also did not respond even after continuous frantic efforts were made to wake her, the reason that prompted Murray to call for help.

After Monroe’s personal psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Greenson arrived at the scene he gained access to her bedroom by breaking a window, where he found Marilyn was already dead. The police were called sometime after and the autopsy report ruled her death as a probable suicide.

2. Her Death was marred by a number of Conspiracy Theories

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Photo by New York Sunday News from

In recent decades, there have been several conspiracy theories concerning the cause of Monroe’s death. The most prominent theory was the involvement of former U.S president U.S. President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy, who was the US attorney general. 

This theory contends that Marilyn Monroe was murdered by either or both of Kennedy’s brothers with whom she allegedly had love affairs. This was because he/ they feared she would make public their relationships which would have greatly embarrassed their family.

Two decades after her death, Monroe’s housekeeper, Eunice Murray, announced for the first time that Robert Kennedy had visited Marilyn on the night of her death and had quarreled with her, but the reliability of these claims and other statements she made were questionable as they were not supported by any evidence.

3. Marilyn Monroe’s death made Headline news around the World

Monroe’s unexpected death made news headlines news in the United States and other parts of the world. According to her biographer Lois Banner,  the sales of most newspapers in the United State skyrocketed in the month that she died.

 The Chicago Tribune reported that they had received hundreds of phone calls from members of the public requesting information about her death. French artist Jean Cocteau commented that her death “should serve as a terrible lesson to all those, whose chief occupation consists of spying on and tormenting film stars”.

Her former co-star Laurence Olivier deemed her “the complete victim of ballyhoo and sensation”, and Bus Stop director Joshua Logan stated that she was “one of the most unappreciated people in the world”.

Read more in this article

4. She was found dead inside her House

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Photo by Corpus Christi Caller from

Monroe spent the last day of her life, August 4, 1962, at her home in Brentwood. She was accompanied by a number of people including publicist Patricia Newcomb, housekeeper Eunice Murray, photographer Lawrence Schiller, and psychiatrist Ralph Greenson.

At Greenson’s request, Eunice Murray had stayed at Monroe’s residence overnight to keep her Company.  she is the one who called for help after she noticed something was wrong with her, in the wee hours of the next morning.

Marilyn Monroe was eventually pronounced dead the same morning after her bedroom window was broken because she had locked the door from the inside

5. She was buried at the Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery

Monroe’s funeral was held on August 8 19632 at the Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery, where her foster parents had also been buried. The service was arranged by her former husband, her half-sister, and her business manager.

The funeral was attended by only her closest family members and friends, excluding most Hollywood film stars. The Police were also present to keep the press away and to control the several hundred spectators who crowded the streets around the cemetery.

The funeral service was conducted at the cemetery’s chapel, where she was laid out in a green Emilio Pucci dress and held a bouquet of small pink roses. Her eulogy was delivered by Lee Strasberg, while her former husband, DiMaggio, arranged for red roses to be placed in a vase attached to the crypt three times a week for the next twenty years.

6. It has been alleged her Death was Accidental

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Photo Source:

 In his 1993 biography of Monroe, Donald Spoto disputed the previous conspiracy theories concerning her death and alleged that Monroe’s death was an accidental overdose staged as a suicide.

According to him, her personal doctors had been trying to stop her abuse of Nembutal, and they had agreed to never prescribe her anything without first consulting with each other in order to monitor her drug use.

He explains that Monroe unknowingly took several tablets of Nembutal together with chloral hydrate enema, a combination that caused her death. Fearing being held responsible for the death,  her doctors conspired with her housekeepers to make it look like a suicide.  

The possibility of an accidental overdose had been ruled out shortly after her death because the dosages found in her body were several times over the legal limit and had been taken in one gulp or in a few gulps over a minute or so.

7. She struggled with mental Healthy before her Death

Marilyn Monroe had struggled with mental health for years before her death. Apparently, Dr. Marianne Kris, Marilyn’s New York-based psychiatrist had persuaded her to enter the Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic in 1961, one year before her death.

She spent a large part of her final year preoccupied with health problems and did not work on new film projects. in addition, She had undergone surgery for her endometriosis and cholecystectomy and also spent a brief stint in a mental ward for depression.

Today, many modern psychologists believe that Marilyn Monroe suffered from what is now known as Borderline Personality Disorder, the symptoms of which include identity issues, addictive behavior, and suicidal ideology. 

8. She left a valid will

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Photo by Stevenliuyi from

Though Monroe was relatively still very young at the time of her death, she had her last will and testament in place. She left several thousand dollars to her long-time assistant May Reis, and her half-sister, Berniece Miracle.  she also had established a $100,000 trust fund to cover the costs of her aging mother’s maintenance.

Marilyn left all of her personal effects and clothing to her mentor and acting coach, Lee Strasberg, and requested he distributes them to her friends at his own discretion.

The will was filed for probate in the New York Surrogate Court on August 17, 1962, and although it was immediately contested by one of her business managers, it was eventually established as her valid last will and testament, and it was finally admitted to probate in October 1962.

9. She last talked to actor  PeterLawford

Marilyn Monroe’s last words were a farewell to President Kennedy, actor Peter Lawford and his wife in a phone call she made to Lawford hours before she was found dead.

According to Peter Lawford, he called Monroe at around 8 pm in the evening before she died, hoping to persuade her to attend his party that night. He became alarmed because Monroe sounded like she was under the influence of drugs but was assured she was okay after making some numerous calls.

He said her last words were “, “Say goodbye to Pat, say goodbye to the president, and say goodbye to yourself because you’re a nice guy”.

10. Marilyn Monroe left no Children

Although Marilyn was married three times, first to James Dougherty, followed by baseball star Joe DiMaggio and playwright Arthur Miller, she did not have any children before her death in 1962.

However, she really wanted to have a family and did have multiple documented pregnancies, which all ended in miscarriages.




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