Denmark Vesey Monument. Author MsBJPear.

Top 10 Interesting Facts about Denmark Vesey


During the 19th century, Denmark Vesey was a free Black and also a  community leader in Charleston, South Carolina. Due to his involvement in planning a major slave revolt he was convicted in 1822.  

Denmark鈥檚 plans led to high restrictions on both slaves and free blacks due to the fear caused. The fear of antebellum planter class.

Vesey who was born in St. Thomas was put into slavery by Captain Joseph Vesey in Bermuda. He was later transferred to Charleston.

While in Charleston Vesey managed to purchase his freedom when he was 32 years old when he won a lottery. However, Vesey did not manage to buy his family out of slavery.

He worked so hard as a carpenter, and he took part in the construction of the Second Presbyterian Church, he assisted in founding the independent African Methodist Episcopal (AME) in 1814 currently known as Mother Emanuel.

With over 1,848 members, the congregation became the second-largest AME in the nation.

Below are some of the top 10 Interesting facts about Denmark Vesey

1. Vesey Planned a Slave Revolt in 1822

Revolt. Author Levinkhan.

In 1822, Vesey took advantage of his popularity and his substantial influence on the black community in order to plan a slave revolt. As part of his plans, he intended to kill all slaveholders in Charleston in order to liberate all slaves.

Vesey’s plans would have involved thousands of slaves in Charleston and more other slaves who worked at the plantations near the city.

Denmark鈥檚 plans never succeed since the city鈥檚 officials sent its militia to arrest the leaders of the revolt and its followers. Due to the new orders from the senior officer no white people were killed or injured.

In 1822, a secret proceeding found Vesey and five slaves guilty, following the ruling, Denmark together with five other slaves was executed by hanging.  At the time of his conviction, Vesey was 55 years old.

The city officers continued to hunt down the members of the revolt and 30 followers were executed. Vesey church was also razed down and all its ministers were expelled from the city.

 2. His Son was Convicted of Conspiracy

Vesey’s son who was also enslaved was arrested and judged of the conspiracy planned by his father. Vesey’s son was among the slaves who were deported from the country and probably taken to Cuba.

Susan who was Vesey鈥檚 third wife moved to Liberia. Liberia was an American Colonization Society that was established as a colony for free blacks and also freed.

Vesey鈥檚 other two sons, Randolph Vesey and Robert Vesey, whose mother Beck was Denmark鈥檚 first wife, luckily survived American Civil War and were emancipated. In 1865, his son Robert rebuilt Charleston鈥檚 African Methodist Episcopal Church

3. He Worked as a Personal Assistant as an Interpreter

In slave trading, Denmark once worked as a personal assistant to Joseph Vesey as an Interpreter.  Vesey was known to be fluent in French, Spanish, and also English since he travel to Bermuda frequently due to his job.

In 1669, Vesey settled in Charleston when his employer retired from his career as a captain. Due to the exposure he had, he learned how to read and write.

4. Vesey鈥檚 Statue was Erected in Hampton Park in 2014

Denmark Vesey Monument – Hampton Park – Charleston. Author MsBJPeart.

In honor of Denmark Vesey due to his effort to overturn slavery in the city, a statue was erected in 2014, in Hampton Park. However, similar attempts were made in 1960 but failed.

African-American activists in Charleston city tried hard to propose a statue but it was controversial since many residents refused to memorize a person they considered a terrorist.

But other people in the city believed a memorial of Denmark Vesey would acknowledge his leadership and at the same time express the slave’s struggles for freedom.

5. Vesey Knew Both Political and Biblical Argument

In the process of recruiting more slaves to his revolt, he used the bible. He was also a leader at the African Church which later became the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Vesey also knew about political arguments when he was against slavery. One of Vesey’s best verses in the bible was Exodus 21:16 which he used to condemn 鈥渕an-stealing.鈥  鈥淣ot only those who kidnapped slaves but those who purchased them came under God鈥檚 judgment.

6. Proslavery Biblical Interpretation was Based on Vesey Conspiracy

Prominent church leaders used Vesey鈥檚 conspiracy in Charleston to publish the proslavery biblical interpretation. The church leaders included Benjamin Morgan Palmer, a pastor, and Charleston Bible Society vice president.

In the work, they claimed that Paul鈥檚 letter to Philemon was an endorsement of slavery. One of the prominent Baptist church pastors Richard Furman indicated that slavery was a justifiable domestic institution.

7. Vesey was a Role Model to Many Slaves

After the death of Denmark, he became a rallying cry for enslaved people. Smith called for enslaved people to fight for their freedom rather than wait for others to emancipate them.

Vesey was remembered for the role he played during the resistance to enslavement and how he helped in unsettling proslavery interpretation of the bible.

8. His Name was used to Recruit African American Troops

Vesey’s efforts to fight against slavery were highly appreciated by people in the city, his name played a critical role in recruiting African American troops. 

9. Vesey鈥檚 plans to form a Revolt were Reviled by his Chief Recruiters

One of Vesey’s chief recruiters William Paul was the reason Denmark was captured. This was because he made a mistake when he spoke about Vesey’s plans while at the market to mulatto cook

 The cooker passed that information to master  Colonel John C. Prioleau.  Vesey was later arrested on June 22.

10. Vesey’s Courage to Fight against Slavery gave the Slaves Hope

When he decided to form a revolt, he gave his followers hope of freedom. After his death, his name was still used in the struggle.

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