Photo by Gage Skidmore. .

Top 10 Interesting Facts about Olivia Wilde


Olivia Wilde is well-known for being an actress and a filmmaker. While she was born in New York City, Olivia grew up in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. She spent her summers at Ardmore in Ireland. Olivia Wilde was born on March 10, 1984. Her original name was Olivia Jane Cockburn.

She however acquired the surname Wilde from Irish author Oscar Wilde. She began using the surname while in high school to honor the writers in her family who had a habit of using pen names. Here are the Top 10 Interesting Facts about Olivia Wilde.

1. She is a vegetarian

Photo by DannyB Photos. .

Olivia Wilde became a vegan at a tender age. She decided to take the vegan way of life at 12 years old. Olivia admitted to the Huffington Post that being a vegan is “not always easy and accessible.” In fact she went on to say that sometimes a little help is needed to maintain the diet. Olivia stated that being vegan has many advantages. Among them is feeling better as a person and looking physically attractive.

2. Olivia is a women’s rights activist

Wilde has earned a title as a feminist. In 2013, she appeared in Gucci’s “Chime for Change” campaign. The campaign aimed at raising awareness and getting funds for women’s issues such as education, health, and justice. In 2017 she participated in the Women’s March in Washington, D.C.

She also went for the  2018 Women’s March in Los Angeles. Wilde is one of the board of directors at Artists for Peace and Justice. This association provides education and health services in Haiti. Further than that, she is in the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California board.

3. She comes from a family of writers

Photo by Gage Skidmore..

Wilde’s grandfather Clad Cockburn was a British novelist while his sons Alexander and Patrick Cockburn worked as journalists. Wilde’s aunt Sarah Caudwell is also a writer. This may explain why Olivia Wilde loves reading. In fact her biggest fear is being stuck somewhere with nothing to read. For this reason she always has a book in her bag.

4. She holds dual citizenship

Her mother is a journalist and producer of 60 Minutes and her father, also a journalist, is Irish, allowing Wilde to spend a lot of time in Ireland. She said: “A lot of my growth as a child and a lot of my happiness with the people I was surrounded by in Ireland.” Even though she was born in New York, raised in Washington DC, she qualifies as an Irish citizen. She holds dual citizenship with the US.

5. Olivia was first married at 19 years old

Photo by Tao Ruspoli..

At 19 years old, Wilde married Italian filmmaker and musician Tao Ruspoli. This occurred on June 7, 2003 in Washington, Virginia. Since the two were getting married in secret, they decided to have the wedding in a school bus.

The wedding had only two witnesses. However, on  February 8, 2011, she and Ruspoli announced that they had decided to separate. A divorce in Los Angeles County Superior Court on March 3, 2011 by Wilde. She cited that they were getting divorced because of  “irreconcilable differences”.

6. She once participated in a eating competition

Wilde motivation for entering a  pancake eating contest was because they said a woman could never win. She said that telling her she can’t do something is a sure way to motivate her. Actress Olivia Wilde’s competitive eating career was short-lived. She quit after winning a pancake contest. The House star ate 33 pancakes in just 20 minutes.

7. Olivia has tattoos dedicated to her family members

In an “Ask Me Anything” session, Olivia revealed that the ink on her wrist reading ‘All love, A’  is a tribute to her beloved uncle. “It’s in honor of my late uncle Alexander Cockburn. He was a dear, dear friend. The tattoo is the last phrase he wrote to me.” It reads All love, A.

It reminds me to love everyone, just as he did.” On December 2021, she got some script tattoos on her forearms. This was done by celebrity artist Dr. Woo. The tattoo is of her two children’s names: Otis and Daisy. Wilde also has another tattoo dedicated to her son.

8. She is a fan of classic cars

Photo by Gage Skidmore. .

Olivia revealed that she is a lover of classic cars. She  has in fact owned several cars in her lifetime. Wilde has had a ’59 Thunderbird, a ’67 Mustang and a mint green ’58 Chevy Biscayne just to mention some.

When asked what her perfect car would be in a Playboy magazine interview back in 2010, she replied: “I think I own it. I have a 58 Chevy Biscayne. Its cool because I grew up wanting the 54 Bel Air, but the Bel Air is almost too perfect. There’s something about the Biscayne that’s a little funkier.”

9. Olivia was served with custody papers while on stage

Wilde was a host and was about to introduce “Don’t Worry Darling” when she was approached by someone with a manila envelope. It turns out that she was being served with custody papers on stage. 

Wilde continued with her speech after checking the envelope’s content. “I hated that this nastiness distracted from the work of so many different people and the studio that I was up there representing,” she told Variety. In her opinion this was inappropriate.

10. Her original surname is Cockburn

Photo by Mattthew Frost. .

She changed her name at a tender age as an ode to one of her favorite writers, Oscar Wilde. In her outlook of life, having a pen name was really cool. “It was meant as an homage to the writers in my family, many of whom created pen names for their careers. I have a grandfather who changed his name to James Helvick to write the novel ‘Beat the Devil’, which got turned into a movie with Humphrey Bogart”, she said. Many find her name quite appealing.

11. Christopher Hitchens used to babysit her

Olivia Wilde was babysat by one of the greatest thinkers that ever existed. This is Christopher Hitchens  who was her parents close friend. Both Wilde and Hitchens had good things to say about each other.

Hitchens once commented that  “With Olivia you could tell it was going to be the movies or stage or TV or nothing. Olivia sort of lived the part – very pretty, and, well, the Victorian term for it is headstrong. She wasn’t going to be overlooked or ignored.”During his funeral service, Wilde said: “The last email that Christopher wrote me said he may have accomplished a few things in life, but the most significant of which was surely having been babysitter. He was a wonderful babysitter.”

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