20 Most Famous People from the Amish


*Originally written by Shelmith Njeru in February 2023 and Updated by Vanessa R in May 2024

From their simple way of life to their strict religious rules, the Amish are probably one of the most interesting groups of people you’ll ever learn about. They maintain a low profile and barely interact with people outside their own.

This community of Anabaptists is not only associated with strict rules and religion but also successful entrepreneurs, authors, actors, models just to mention a few.  Some of the most well-known people from the Amish remained true to their culture while others chose alternative lifestyles to follow.

Click this link to read 20 sensational facts about Jakob Ammann, the Anabaptist leader.

Below is a list that touches on the top ten most famous people from the Amish.

1. Milton Snavely Hershey – Businessman

Milton Snavely Hershey (September 13, 1857 – October 13, 1945). Photo By Centpacrr –

Snavely was an entrepreneur and chocolatier from Pennsylvania. He grew up in a financially challenged household and began working at a local printer to help with the family bills.

After losing his job at a print shop, Milton Snavely took up candy making and boy did he get good at it! He had been an apprentice for 4 years before he decided to open his first confectionery business in Philadelphia.

While in Philadelphia, Snavely taught himself how to make caramel from fresh milk. He moved back to Lancaster and opened the Lancaster Caramel Company.

In 1890, he became interested in chocolate making. He sold his candy company to set up the Hershey Chocolate Company. He made his first milk chocolate bar in 1900 and grew to become the largest chocolate manufacturing company of the 20th century.

Hershey Chocolate Company is recognized worldwide with branches in over 60 countries.  

2. Joseph Yoder – Musicologist/Author

Joseph Yoder was a Pennsylvania native born in the early 1870s. He was brought up and educated according to Amish traditions despite being Mennonite. He was famous for his impact on traditional Amish music and Amish literature.

Yoder’s first book Rosanna of the Amish (1940) was inspired by Ruth Lininger, another author.  In her book, Ruth tainted the image of the Amish community in Indiana and Yoder saw it fit to realign this.

In 1942, John gained a significant amount of popularity after writing Amische Lieder, a traditional Amish songbook. He continued to explore the Anabaptist tunes documenting findings in relation to other denominations such as the Roman Catholic. He died in 1956.

3. Aaron Zook and Abner Zook – Artists

Aaron Zook 3-D painting. Photo By photoswelike-

Born in January 1921, the set of identical twins became famous for their outstanding realism artwork. Aaron and Abner Zook were children of Amish parents and lived in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

The twins became interested in art when they were young boys. They would compete with each other by curving out images on their wooden toys. The inspiration behind their artwork was the culture and the way of life of their community.

As they continued to nurture their talent, they created a unique style of diorama art. Collectively, the two amassed over 1000 pieces of 3-dimensional paintings. Today, the price tag on one of these masterpieces costs about five thousand dollars.

See the most famous American artist of all time on this article. 

4. John A.Hostetler – Author

Hostetler was an author and scholar of Amish and Hutterite societies. He was born in Mifflin County, Pennsylvania to Old Order Amish parents. The family moved to Iowa where John took an interest in reading and writing.

John gave up his Amish roots and joined the Mennonite church at the age of 17. After joining college in 1949, he continued to write articles on the different groups of Anabaptists in collaboration with his school dean.

In 1951, Hostetler’s Annotated Bibliography on the Amish won the Annual Folklore Prize at the University of Chicago. He continued to debunk common imprecise Amish narratives publishing eight books including Amish Life (1952), Amish Society (1963), and The Amish (1982).

5. William Jeff Hostetler – Athlete

West Virginia University football quarterback Jeff Hostetler scoring a touchdown against the University of Pittsburgh. Photo From Monticola (West Virginia University yearbook-

William Hostetler (1961) is an American athlete and former NFL quarterback. He played for New York Giants, Washington Redskins, and Los Angele/Oakland Riders.

Jeff was an outstanding football player. On his first game, he was named Player of the Week by Sports Illustrated. He was drafted by the New York Giants in 1984 and led his team to victory four years later. 

In 1993, William was signed by Los Angeles Raiders. He moved to Washington Redskins at the age of 36 but retired shortly after. He is the uncle to Jonathan Stupar and Nate Stupar, two professional athletes.

6. Lorin Morgan-Richards – Illustrator

Lorin Morgan-Richards signing books in Cardiff, Wales. Photo By A Raven Above Press –

Morgan-Richards is an American songwriter, author, and illustrator. He was born in Ohio and is of two descent, Amish and Welsh.

Lorin was a protégée of his mother (a student of fine art). He learned illustration and music composition from her, drawing inspiration from his Amish lifestyle. While in college he worked on several theatre projects and had his first solo in 1999.

 In 2009, he released his first book Simon Snootle and Other Small Stories. He has also written 12 other books, 4 comic collections, 2 illustrative books and one comic volume.

7. Mose J. Gingerich – Film Director/Producer

Mose J. Gingerich is a filmmaker born in the late 1970s. He identified himself as an Amish up until July 2002 when he was ex-communicated.

In 2004, Moses starred in the first Amish reality series, Amish in The City. This became his introduction to the film industry. In 2009, he directed and produced two documentaries Amish Out Of the Order and Amish at the Altar

The ex-Amish has authored two fiction novels Shadows We Remain (2021) and Caroline Creek Chaos (2022). He now has his personal blog where he writes candidly about his experience in the Amish community.

Want to find out things about the Amish you probably didn’t know, click here

8. Verne Troyer – Actor/Stunt Man

Verne Troyer on September 28, 2009. Photo By Courtney – Wikimedia Commons

Verne Toyer was an actor, comedian, and stuntman from Sturgis, Michigan. His career in film began in the 1990s featuring in movies such as Men In Black (1997), Jingle All the Way (1996), and Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone (2001).

Despite his parents leaving the Amish community at a young age, Verne continued to spend time with his other Amish relatives. He grew up following their beliefs which he valued and respected.

Toyer’s saw success in the film industry when he played Mini-Me in the Austin Power series. He appeared in three reality TV shows including British Celebrity Big Brother 6 (2009). He passed away at 49.

9. Anne F. Beiler – Businesswoman

Auntie Anne’s Pretzels Aventura Mall. Photo By Phillip Pessar –

Anne Beiler is an entrepreneur from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She was born in 1949 to an Amish family and became an entrepreneur at the age of 38.

Anne enjoyed baking all types of food, especially pretzels. She came up with a special recipe for making the snacks and soon after opened a pretzel business. In just a year, she had opened 8 stands and a stall at the mall.  

By 1989, Auntie Anne’s Pretzels had open stalls throughout Central Pennsylvania. It became the largest hand-rolled pretzel franchise gaining recognition nationally.

Aside from her business, Beiler is an author and motivational speaker. She travels internationally to inspire and guide women who want to venture into business. She was awarded Entrepreneur of the Year by Inc. Magazine.

10. Kate Stoltzfus – Model/Fashion Designer

Kate Stoltz is a fashion designer, reality TV star, and model based in New York City. Before living her Amish faith, she resided with her family in Myerstown, Pennsylvania.

At 19, Kate landed into some trouble with her strict parents after purchasing her vehicle, a deed prohibited in the Amish community. When given the ultimatum of getting rid of the car or leaving, she chose to pack her belongings and set out for Florida.

In Florida, Stoltzfus got cast for the reality TV series, Breaking Amish. She moved to New York after landing the feature and broke out into modeling shortly after. She was on the 2013 cover of the international men’s magazine, Maxim.

Kate is now a successful fashion designer with her own bespoke collection.

11. Loren Beachy

Loren Beachy is a businessman and advocate for Amish rights who helped establish Amish PAC, a political action committee that aims to represent the interests of Amish communities. As one of the founding members, Beachy has worked to raise awareness about issues affecting the Amish, such as religious freedom, education, and land use regulations.

He comes from an Amish background but has chosen to live a more modern lifestyle, while still maintaining close ties to the Amish community. Beachy has been an important voice in lobbying lawmakers and advocating for policies that protect the traditional Amish way of life.

12. Linda Buchert

Linda Buchert is an author who has written extensively about the Amish way of life and culture. Though not Amish herself, she has spent significant time immersed in Amish communities, allowing her to provide an insider’s perspective through her books.

Some of her well-known works include “The Amish” and “Amish Quilts,” which offer detailed looks at Amish traditions, values, and craftsmanship. By learning directly from Amish families and gaining their trust, Buchert has been able to share the warmth, simplicity, and richness of Amish heritage with readers outside the community. Her books aim to foster understanding and appreciation for this unique way of living.

13. Miriam Hershberger

20 Most Famous People from the Amish

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Miriam Hershberger grew up in an Old Order Amish community but ultimately decided to leave that life behind. In her memoirs, she provides a candid look at her experiences growing up Amish and the struggles she faced in deciding to forsake that strict way of living.

Hershberger’s books offer rare insight into the inner workings of Amish society from someone who was born into it but chose a different path. Her writings aim to shed light on the complex reasons some Amish choose to remain and others opt to leave.

14. Malinda Burkholder

20 Most Famous People from the Amish

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Malinda Burkholder is an acclaimed quilter from an Old Order Amish community in Ohio. Her intricate and beautifully crafted quilts have been featured in art galleries, museums, and publications across the country.

Quilting is a revered tradition in Amish culture, and Burkholder’s work exemplifies the painstaking handwork, geometric designs, and vibrant colours characteristic of Amish quilts. While maintaining a humble lifestyle in her community, Burkholder’s quilting skills have earned her widespread recognition as an artisan preserving this iconic American folk art form.

15. Noah Hershberger

Noah Hershberger is a respected bishop in an Old Order Amish community in Ohio. As a bishop, he provides spiritual leadership and guidance to his congregation. Hershberger adheres strictly to the traditional Amish way of life – living simply without modern conveniences like electricity from public utilities.

His daily routine revolves around faith, family, and working the land through farming. Hershberger plays an important role in interpreting and upholding the Ordnung, the rules and codes of conduct for Amish living. He leads church services, officiates ceremonies like weddings and funerals, and helps resolve disputes within the community using traditional practices of conflict resolution. Hershberger’s influence as a bishop extends beyond just his congregation as a respected voice helping preserve Amish values and customs.

16. David Kline

David Kline is an author and filmmaker who has extensively documented Amish life and customs. Though not Amish himself, Kline has gained unique access and trust within Amish communities over many years. His books and films provide rare glimpses into the daily routines, practices, and beliefs of the Amish people.

Kline aims to promote understanding of this private community while also respecting their desire to adhere to traditional ways. His works celebrate Amish craftsmanship, entrepreneurship, and family values. Through his intimate storytelling, Kline hopes to bridge the cultural divide between the Amish and modern society.

17. Ira Wagler

Ira Wagler grew up in an Old Order Amish family but eventually left that life behind as a young adult. In his memoirs, he recounts his upbringing steeped in the strict customs, rules, and separation from the outside world that define Amish existence.

Wagler provides a rare insider’s perspective on what it was like to be raised in an Amish community before deciding to pursue a different path. His books highlight the struggles of someone caught between two worlds – the simplicity he was born into and the temptations of modern culture. Wagler’s writings aim to shed light on the human experiences behind the often-romanticized Amish way of living.

18. Callie Wiser

Callie Wiser is a member of an Old Order Amish community who has dedicated herself to preserving the Pennsylvania Dutch language. This German dialect is a vital part of Amish culture and identity, used in daily life, and religious services, and passed down through generations. As fewer young people continue to speak it fluently, Wiser has made it her mission to revitalize interest and proficiency in Pennsylvania Dutch.

She runs classes and programs to teach the language, while also documenting its vocabulary, grammar rules, and unique idioms and phrases. Wiser’s efforts ensure this linguistic heritage does not get lost as Amish communities face more exposure to English and outside influences. Her work helps keep this crucial link to Amish traditions alive.

19. Danny Mulleth

Danny Mulleth was born into an Amish family but chose to leave that way of life as a young man. However, he found a way to maintain close ties to the Amish community through his construction business. Mulleth started a company that specializes in building barns, sheds, and other outbuildings using the traditional methods and high-quality craftsmanship valued by the Amish.

His deep understanding of Amish cultural norms and preferences allows him to work effectively with Amish clients who may be hesitant to deal with non-Amish contractors. Mulleth’s ability to straddle both worlds has made his construction services popular among Amish farmers and woodworkers. Despite leaving the Amish faith himself, he has built a successful career closely intertwined with meeting the building needs of Amish communities.

20. Menno Simons

20 Most Famous People from the Amish

, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Menno Simons was a pioneering 16th-century religious reformer who is considered a founding figure of the Anabaptist movement that eventually led to the Amish faith. Born in the Netherlands, Simons began questioning certain Catholic doctrines and rituals. He rejected infant baptism in favour of adult baptism, among other beliefs that put him at odds with the Catholic church.

Simons’ teachings attracted a significant following known as the Mennonites. Though he did not directly start the Amish branch, Simons’ philosophies of separating from the mainstream church, strict piety, and interpretation of Scripture as a guide for simple living formed the theological basis for Amish ways. His shift from Catholic priest to radical Protestant reformer made Simons an influential forebearer of the Amish movement that emerged in later centuries.

Read about more famous people from Pennsylvania on the Discover Walks website. 

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