15 Facts About Women Around The World


In a world where women have played an integral role in shaping societies, cultures, and economies, their stories often remain unsung or overlooked. From the bustling streets of Mumbai to the serene landscapes of Scandinavia, from the bustling markets of Nairobi to the corporate boardrooms of New York, the lives of women are woven into the very fabric of our existence.

Women have been pioneers, visionaries, leaders, and change-makers throughout history, challenging conventions and breaking barriers. Yet, their narratives are often relegated to the sidelines. 

While some have made headlines, countless others have quietly forged paths of progress within their communities, leaving indelible marks on the tapestry of humanity. Their stories are as diverse as the landscapes they inhabit, yet they share a common thread of resilience, empowerment, and transformation.

As we embark on this enlightening journey, we present facts about women around the world, revealing the power, beauty, and resilience that unite them in a tapestry of global sisterhood.

1. Women make up close to 3.9 billion of the world’s population


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Approximately 49.6% of the global population consists of women, totaling around 3.9 billion individuals, as compared to 3.7 billion men. The proportion of women within populations varies across countries. For instance, in the United States, women comprise 50.8% of the population, while in China, they constitute 48.8%.

Several factors influence the percentage of women within a population, including birth rates, mortality rates, and migration patterns. Generally, countries with higher birth rates and lower death rates tend to exhibit a higher proportion of women.

Additionally, nations with significant inward migration, especially from regions with a lower proportion of women, may experience a higher percentage of women in their populations.

2. They are the primary caregivers for children and the elderly


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Women are the primary caregivers for children and the elderly in most societies around the world. This is due to several factors, including cultural norms, economic realities, and the biological differences between men and women.

In many cultures, women are expected to take on the role of caregiver, regardless of their circumstances. This can be due to the belief that women are naturally more nurturing and caring than men, or that it is their responsibility to care for their families.

However, it is important to note that there are many exceptions to this trend. In some societies, men are the primary caregivers for children and the elderly. Additionally, there is a growing movement of men who are taking on more active roles in caregiving.

3. Women tend to live longer than men on average

On average, women typically outlive men. In the United States, for instance, women have a life expectancy of 81.1 years, while men’s life expectancy is 76.1 years. This gender disparity in life expectancy is a global phenomenon observed in most countries.

Several factors contribute to this gap, encompassing biological distinctions, lifestyle choices, and environmental influences. Biologically, women possess certain advantages, including stronger immune systems and lower rates of heart disease, which may contribute to their longer lifespans.

Additionally, women tend to smoke and consume alcohol less than men, and they are more inclined to seek preventive medical care.

Environmental factors also come into play, with men being more exposed to occupational hazards and engaging in riskier behaviors like smoking and drinking.

4. Their brains reach maturity 2 years earlier than men

Woman in Hijab

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Women’s brains tend to mature approximately 2 years earlier than men’s, attributed to various factors, including hormonal disparities and distinct cognitive patterns between genders.

The presence of higher levels of estrogen and progesterone in women’s brains compared to men’s fosters the growth and development of neurons, contributing to earlier brain maturation. During adolescence, significant brain transformations occur, with studies suggesting that the prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making and impulse control, reaches maturity earlier in females, typically around age 21.

In contrast, males often attain this stage of brain development at approximately age 23. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that individual variances exist, resulting in diverse timelines for brain maturation, reflecting the intricate and multifaceted nature of human biology and psychology.

5. Women have a thicker cerebral cortex than men

Women exhibit a thicker cerebral cortex compared to men, with the cerebral cortex constituting the brain’s outer layer responsible for higher-order functions like cognition, language, and memory.

Research indicates that this increased thickness is particularly notable in women, particularly within the frontal and parietal lobes. The frontal lobe governs functions like planning, decision-making, and impulse control, while the parietal lobe processes sensory information.

This thicker cerebral cortex in women may contribute to their enhanced performance in specific cognitive tasks, such as verbal fluency and emotion recognition when compared to men.

However, it’s crucial to emphasize that considerable variability exists within both genders, and not all women possess thicker cerebral cortices than all men.

6. Women see more colors than men


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Most people can discern around one million distinct colors, but there’s speculation among researchers that a small fraction of women might have the ability to perceive up to one hundred times that number.

Research confirms that color blindness is significantly more prevalent among men, affecting approximately one in 12 males compared to one in 255 females.

Furthermore, researchers believe that certain women may possess the capacity to distinguish an astounding 99 million additional colors beyond what an average person can perceive.

7. They possess better muscle endurance

In certain situations, women generally demonstrate superior muscle endurance when compared to men, often due to various physiological factors. Women typically possess a greater proportion of slow-twitch muscle fibers, which are more resistant to fatigue and favor endurance-based activities.

Hormonal distinctions, such as lower testosterone levels, can further contribute to this edge. Nevertheless, it’s important to emphasize the significant influence of individual variability, with instances where men excel in endurance activities.

Performance is shaped by diverse factors, including training, genetics, and other variables. Consequently, it’s vital to refrain from making broad generalizations regarding gender-based disparities in muscle endurance.

8. Women’s circadian rhythms differ from men’s 

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Women’s circadian rhythms can differ from men’s. Circadian rhythms are internal biological clocks that regulate various bodily functions, including sleep-wake cycles. Research suggests that women may have slightly shorter circadian rhythms than men, meaning their internal clocks run on a slightly different schedule.

Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle can also influence circadian rhythms, impacting sleep patterns and energy levels. Additionally, women often report experiencing more difficulties with sleep and circadian disruptions during pregnancy and menopause.

While these differences exist, it’s important to note that individual variations within genders play a significant role in circadian rhythms.

9. Their bodies change during pregnancy periods


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Women’s bodies undergo significant changes during pregnancy. These changes are essential for nurturing and sustaining the developing fetus. Hormonal shifts lead to physical transformations such as breast enlargement, weight gain, and an expanding uterus to accommodate the growing baby.

Blood volume increases to support the placenta, and the circulatory system adapts accordingly. Pregnant women often experience nausea, fatigue, and changes in skin pigmentation.

Later in pregnancy, the body readies for childbirth, with the cervix softening and dilating. These changes are natural and necessary for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth, although they can vary from woman to woman.

10. Women’s immune system is way stronger than the average human being

It is generally accurate to say that women’s immune systems are robust and play a crucial role in defending against infections. Women often have a more vigorous innate immune response, which includes stronger inflammatory responses and higher levels of antibodies.

These differences may contribute to their ability to fight off certain infections effectively. However, it’s important to note that immune system strength can vary significantly among individuals, and other factors like genetics, age, and overall health also influence immune function.

Therefore, while women may have certain advantages in immune response, it’s an oversimplification to claim that their immune systems are universally “way stronger” than the average human being.

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11. Their pain thresholds are higher than their male counterparts

Woman in pain

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Across multiple studies, a consistent trend emerges where a larger proportion of women report experiencing more intense pain than men. This recurrent pattern lends credibility to these results.

Scientific investigations suggest that the female body demonstrates an elevated innate reaction to painful stimuli, implying gender-based distinctions in how pain systems operate. There’s a common belief that women may have a heightened pain threshold due to their capacity to endure childbirth.

To some extent, this notion holds merit, as the female body is biologically structured to release specific pain-mitigating hormones during the childbirth process, potentially diminishing the mother’s pain perception.

Ultimately, the experience of pain is different for everyone. There is no single answer to the question of whether women or men experience pain more intensely.

12. Women’s heart beat faster than men’s

On average, it is generally true that women’s heart rates are slightly higher than men’s. A resting heart rate for women typically ranges from 70 to 80 beats per minute (BPM), while for men, it is usually around 60 to 70 BPM.

These differences can be attributed to various factors, including hormonal variations, body size, and overall physiology. Women’s hearts tend to be smaller, and their bodies have a higher percentage of body fat, both of which can result in a slightly faster heart rate.

However, it’s essential to note that individual variation exists, and these averages can vary widely among people of all genders.

Uncover the mesmerizing intricacies of the heart, where science meets wonder. Click here to explore a tapestry of astonishing facts about this vital organ, that orchestrates life’s rhythm.

Dive into the captivating world of the heart, a testament to nature’s breathtaking complexity.

13. They hold the record for the two highest IQ scores in recorded history

Judit Polgar, chess grandmaster from Hungary

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Women hold the record for the two highest IQ scores in recorded history. The highest IQ score ever recorded was 228, and it was achieved by Marilyn Vos Savant, an American writer, columnist, and magazine editor. The second-highest IQ score was 225, and it was achieved by Judit Polgár, a Hungarian chess grandmaster. Both vos Savant and Polgár are women.

However, it is important to note that IQ tests are not perfect measures of intelligence, and there are many factors other than IQ that contribute to success in life. 

14. Women are more likely to be illiterate than men

Throughout history, women have often faced higher illiteracy rates compared to men, particularly in areas where educational access is limited and cultural norms restrict women’s learning opportunities.

Nevertheless, it’s important to acknowledge that these disparities have been gradually diminishing over time due to concerted efforts to promote gender equality in education.

In recent decades, strides have been made in narrowing the gender gap in literacy rates, as many countries have made substantial advancements in female education.

However, gender-based literacy disparities persist in certain regions, underscoring the ongoing need to address these inequalities and ensure equal educational opportunities for all. The extent of the gender gap in literacy varies considerably from one country or region to another.

15. They speak more than twice words a day to what men speak

Women laughing

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On average, women are believed to use approximately 20,000 words daily, in contrast to men who typically utter only around 7,000 words. It is commonly observed that women’s higher level of verbal communication, with an excess of 13,000 words compared to the average man, can sometimes be perceived as disruptive to the tranquillity of the male environment.

Additionally, it is frequent to notice women posing numerous questions in various settings. It is also important to note that the number of words spoken is not the only factor that determines communication. Other factors, such as the tone of voice and body language, can also be important.

Women may be perceived as speaking more than men because they use different communication styles. For example, women may be more likely to use questions and tag questions, which can make them seem like they are talking more.

Embark on a captivating journey through history’s most iconic women, as told by the Bible.

Click here to uncover the timeless stories of strength, wisdom, and grace that continue to inspire generations. Dive into the narratives of these legendary women and draw inspiration from their enduring legacy.

In celebrating the multifaceted roles of women worldwide, we honor their strength, resilience, and contributions. Let’s continue championing equality, amplifying voices, and forging paths for future generations. Together, we shape a world where every woman’s story is valued, heard, and empowered.

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