20 Famous Introverts Who Inspire Us


Introverts are often viewed as antisocial, withdrawn, and shy. However, they are not shy, or antisocial, they simply focus their energy on a small circle of friends where they are more productive. Time has proved that introverts are some of the most successful people in the world. From renowned scientists to politicians, and business leaders, introverts have stamped their mark in diverse ways in history. One of the main characteristics that make introverts successful is they are deep thinkers and creative problem-solvers. They are good listeners and very observant which enables them to make informed decisions. They thrive in solitary environments where they recharge by spending time alone. Bill Gates and Albert Einstein are some of the famous introverts who have influenced the world and left a mark on history. They have shown us that it is possible to be fulfilled even if you are not in the life of a party. They have also inspired other introverts to get out of their way and be part of the world’s solutions. Walk with us in this article as we discover famous introverts who inspire us to date.

1. Albert Einstein

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Albert Einstein was a famous theoretical physicist who changed the world with his outstanding theory of relativity, which deals with the relationship between time and space. Einstein was born on the 14th of March, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He was known to be shy and his preference was for solitude. In his early years, he was a slow learner and it took him four years before he began to speak. However, his introversion did not prevent him from coming up with ground-breaking inventions and discoveries. His discoveries became a basis upon which other scientists have built. He was considered one of the most influential people of the 20th century and one of the most renowned scientists of all time.

Also see: 10 Interesting Facts about Albert Einstein

2. Steve Jobs

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Steve Jobs was a famous American businessman who changed and influenced the world of technology to date. He was born in San Francisco, California in 1955. Steve was adopted at birth and was brought up in a middle-class family. He was shy and introverted from a young age. He had also few friends growing up and spent most of his time alone. However, he was a creative and visionary leader who changed the world. In 1976, he joined hands with Steve Wozniak and founded the Apple computer which is one of the leading technology companies in the world. His introversion enabled him to focus deeply on his work and achieve great things.

3. Bill Gates

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Bill Gates is another famous introvert who has inspired the world with his fascinating innovations. He is the co-founder of Microsoft together with his childhood friend Paul. Bill Gates was born and raised in Seattle, Washington in 1955. He showed an aptitude for computers and mathematics at an early age. Shortly after the development of Microsoft, it quickly gained prominence to become the leading software company in the world. Bill Gates has successfully changed the way we use computers. He has inspired other introverts to live their truth and they can achieve anything they set their minds to achieve.

4. J.K. Rowling

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J.K. Rowling is the author of one of the bestselling books in the world, the Harry Potter series. Rowling was born in Gloucestershire, England in 1965. She is one of the famous introverts who have changed the world with her exceptional work as an author. The Harry Potter series has been translated into over 80 languages and sold over 600 million copies. She is also a renowned philanthropist who has inspired humanity in great ways. Rowling has been open about her introversion and said that she prefers spending time alone to being in social interactions which she finds to be draining.

5. Abraham Lincoln

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Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and served from 1861 to 1865 when he was assassinated. Lincoln was born on the 12th of February 1809. He was born into poverty in a log cabin in Kentucky and raised on the frontier. However, he was intelligent and excelled in his studies to become a lawyer and finally a politician. He led the Union to end slavery in the United States. He was an influential leader and was committed to equality. Despite being an introvert and embracing it, Lincoln was so vocal and came out to speak about what he believed. He is considered one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States.

6. Susan Cain

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Cain is a famous American author and lecturer born in March 1968. She is one of the popular introverts who has embraced her trait and has been open to the topic. She has spearheaded several initiatives that speak on the strengths of introverts. She authored the book 鈥Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t stop talking鈥. Cain has opened up about her struggles with public speaking as a result of introversion, but that has not stopped her from succeeding in her career. She also has a passion for other introverts and tries to give them an entitlement of their minds to embrace who they are.

7. Barack Obama

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Barack Obama is a famous personality that amazed the world with his outstanding intelligence and leadership skill. He was the 44th president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. He was on the 4th of August 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is known for his collected and calm nature. Obama is also private and embraces his time alone, which also enables him to concentrate and write books. He is one of the renowned authors and is very articulate in his speeches. During his campaign for the United States’ top seat, he inspired several people around the world with his fascinating message of hope and change. Barack Obama is truly a voice to be reckoned with his amazing influence around the world.

Find out: Top 10 Astonishing Facts about Barack Obama

8. Audrey Hepburn

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Audrey Hepburn is one of the famous introverts who has succeeded in the acting industry for her elegance and grace. Hepburn was a British actor recognized as a film and fashion icon. She was born in Brussels, Belgium, and lived between 1929 and 1993. She was a talented who starred in the most iconic movie of all time. However, she was an introvert and found social interactions to be difficult. She once said, 鈥淚’m an introvert…I love being by myself, love being outdoors, love taking a long walk with my dogs and looking at the trees, flowers, the sky.鈥 Her introversion did not stop her from succeeding in life and becoming one of the most renowned actors in the world.

9. Nelson Mandela

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Nelson Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid activist and politician born on the 18th of July 1918. He was a humble and intelligent leader who served as the first president of South Africa, from 1994 to 1994. Mandela referred to himself as an introvert who fought for the freedom and the rights of his people. He said that during the African National Congress meeting that he preferred observing rather than speaking. He said, 鈥淚 wanted to understand the issues under discussion, evaluate the arguments, see the caliber of the men involved.鈥 He was also less charismatic than other leaders which made him successful in his career. In one of his quotes, he went ahead to say, “I am fundamentally an introvert, and I believe that that quality helped me to appreciate the importance of listening to others.”

10. Warren Buffett

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Warren Buffett is one of the most successful investors in the world. Buffet was born in 1930 and continues to inspire the business world to date. He has been open about his introversion, and often inspires other introverts on how to succeed in business. He prefers spending his time alone while he is engaged in activities such as reading, analyzing data, and thinking. He feared speaking in public spaces but has since overcome the fear through practice. Buffet said that he is very selective in his social interactions and often enjoys spending time with people he is used to. His introversion has not stopped him from concurring the world of business.

11. Mark Zuckerberg

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Zuckerberg has often been described as socially awkward in social interactions as he is reserved and introverted. He is an American billionaire business magnate, entrepreneur, and programmer who has changed social media. He is the co-founder of Facebook, a multi-billion dollar company. He managed to concur his introversion to become one of the most influential people in the world. Mark Zuckerberg is a role model to all introverts, and his success has proved that introverts can be successful despite their quiet preference.

12. Emma Watson

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Emma Watson is a famous and successful actress who has appeared in some of the biggest movies including, the Beast and Harry Potter franchise. Watson has been open about her introversion and how it has affected her career. She said that she is shy and socially awkward. She is also not a party time and she prefers spending her time carrying out indoor activities such as reading and spending time with those close to her. Watson confessed that social gatherings drain her and she would need some time to recharge and get over the exhaustion. She has however embraced her introverted personality and is proud about it.

13. Meryl Streep

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The first person that comes to mind when you think of a famous introvert who inspires us would be Meryl Streep. She is a popular Hollywood actor who has inspired several actors across the world. She came out to say that she is more inclined to be silent in public skills and prefers staying at home and spending her time. Meryl has found a way to channel her introverted energy into acting. She successfully became a renowned actor by using her alone time for research and preparation of acting skills and fitting into the shoes of different characters.

14. Eleanor Roosevelt

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Eleanor Roosevelt was an American activist and political figure born in 1884. She was the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States. Eleanor was the longest-serving First Lady from 1933 to 1945. She was known for her compassion and her exceptional work for human rights.  However, she was introverted and shy from a young age. She was bullied by other children and as a result, she developed a fear of public speaking and social interactions. Roosevelt worked on her personality and she became a pioneer for introverts. She became a successful figure in American history and an inspirational leader in society.

15. Rosa Parks

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Rosa Louise McCauley Parks was a famous American activist known for her role in the Montgomery bus boycott. She was an introverted iconic figure who became a symbol for civil rights movements. She was honored by the United States Congress as the mother of the freedom movement and the first lady of civil rights. Her passion and efforts to fight for human rights were incredible. However, she was an introvert who was known for her quiet strength and her zeal to fight for what she believed in. She was able to overcome her shyness and speak change against injustices.

Check out: Top 10 Astonishing Facts about Black activist Rosa Parks

16. Marissa Mayer

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Marissa Mayer is an American business executive who had the privilege to serve as the president and chief executive officer of Yahoo. She was born on the 30th of May, 1975. Despite her resignation from Yahoo, she continues to thrive in the tech industry. Marissa has often come out to speak of her introversion and her strengths and weakness in her career. She said that she is often drained by social interactions and embraces her alone times. Her introverted personality has also enabled her to be a thoughtful leader and a better listener.

17. Lady Gaga

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Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta famously referred to by her stage name as Lady Gaga is an American songwriter, actress, and singer. She has earned a lot of fame for her exceptional talent in the music and acting industry.  Lady Gaga is also an introverted personality who lives a private life and prefers spending her time alone. However, she has managed to step over her introversion and bring out the best from within her. She is an inspiration to other introverts that they can too step up and be the best.

18. Mahatma Gandhi

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Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian political ethicist and anti-colonial nationalist who was famous for his nonviolent resistance. He was a great and influential leader who amazed outstanding skills and knowledge. He was an introverted leader who avoided social interaction from a young age. Gandhi was a deep thinker who preferred his personal space and often went on long walks to do meditations. He was a self-controlled man and a master of restraints which enabled him to succeed s a leader.

Discover: Top 10 Facts about Gandhi

19. Dr. Seuss

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Theodor Seuss Geisel was a popular American Children鈥檚 author and cartoonist who lived between 1904 and 1991. He produced some of the most popular children’s books of all time and sold over 600 million copies by the time of his death. Dr. Seuss was however an introvert. He used most of his time alone reading books and writing. He also uses his time alone in his studio to think and write stories. He is an example of a successful introvert who used his personality to his advantage to better his life and others.

20. Steve Wozniak

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Steve Wozniak is the co-founder of Apple Company which is one of the world largest information technology companies in the world. He is famously known by his nickname Woz. Steve is considered one of the most influential but introverted personalities. He has open to speaking of his preference to spend time alone and said that he gets the best ideas when he is not around other people. He is not 100% introverted but he is not so much comfortable in large social situations and prefers spending time with those close to him. His introversion has however not held him back from becoming successful and impactful in society.

Many introverts in the world have managed to overcome their fears and have achieved great things in life. Introverts are successful in life for their ability to pay attention to details. They often have a deep focus and are good listeners which enables them to make informed decisions considering different perspectives.

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