Museum of Islamic Art. Photo by Richardavis- Wikimedia Commons

30 Essential Facts About Islam


Islam is the most commonly misinterpreted of the major faiths around the globe. Often considering the amount of misinterpretation and awareness, there are some key points about Islam that we may all acquire. For example, are you aware that Islam is a member of the Abrahamic faiths? Islam shares many similarities with both Christianity and Judaism. This implies that Muslims are familiar with Jesus, Abraham, Moses, and many more brilliant prophets from the Abrahamic religions. Keeping that in mind, here are 30 more fascinating simple truths about Islam.

1.The real definition of Islam is serenity

The Arabic term for Islam means “tranquility, protection, and renouncing.” A Muslim is someone who applies Islam to their day to day life, which implies to “someone that amicably bows down to God.” Islam does not relate to racial group or heritage however, rather to an adherent of Islam.

2.There is a sacred place in Saudi Arabia, Mecca where Muslims visit (Kaaba)

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Muslim people visiting Kaaba sacred site. Photo by Shams Alam Ansari- Pexels

This is the yearly spiritual journey to Mecca’s Temple. All  Muslims should make this spiritual journey at some point in their lives, and approximately 3 million Muslims from every part of the globe visit annually.

3.God is formally known as “Allah” in Islam

The Arabic term for God is “Allah,” much like Deus, Theos, and Dieu are in Latin, Greek, and French. God is Exceptional and Remarkable in Islam, with no relationships, relatives, or spouses. Islam is categorically monotheistic. Muslims trust that this is an identical God who exposed Himself to previous holy men as well as other faiths. The Arabic translation of the Bible, which Arab Christians learn from, refers to God as Allah as well.

4.This religion does not discriminate anyone because of their race or heritage

Being Muslim does not mean that you must be Arab to practice the religion. Islam is a worldwide faith and lifestyle that has adherents of every ethnic groups. There’s many Muslims who come from about all the continent in the planet. Arabs make up only about 20 percent of Muslims globally. Including over 120 million Muslims, Indonesia has the highest percentage.

5.The true definition of a “Muslim” is….

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Photo Of Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Center During Daytime. Photo by Sam Rana- Pexels

“Muslim” implies “whoever or whatever submits themselves to the genuine purpose of God”. According to this description, all the things in nature (plants, living creatures, solar systems, and so on,) is a “Muslim” as it has surrendered to God’s purpose. To put it in another way , those who serving the will for that they were intended by Allah.

6.Compared to all the other faiths, Islam is the second most popular faith in the world

Over 1.6 billion individuals claiming their religion in Muhammad and Allah, Islam is the second-most popular faith. Christianity is the most dominant faith.

7.In Islam, there are five principles of exercise

These basic tenets should always be exercised consistently in order to be regarded as an authentic Muslim. They may encompass pledge to believe in the only Allah and that Mohammad is a Messenger of Allah, a systematic five-times-a-day prayer, offering 2.5 percent of obscene money to the underprivileged annually, visit Mecca at least once during ones life, and fasting during the day during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

8.Muslims have 5 different prays throughout the day

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High-Angle Shot of a Person Kneeling on a Blue Prayer Rug. Photo by Thirdman- Pexels

Salat is another name for it. Each Muslim must say five prayers per day at the time scheduled below:

Salat al-fajr: Before sunrise, at dawn.
Salat al-zuhr: midday, just after the sun has reached its peak.
Salat al-‘asr: in the late in the afternoon.
Salat al-maghrib: immediately after dusk.
Salat al-‘isha: from sunset to midnight.

9.Allah is highly favored by Muslims

In Islam, numerous qualities of Allah are stated. “The Magnanimous and the Compassionate” are the most often mentioned values in the Holy Qur’an. As opposed to being vicious and swift to penalize, Allah, as per Islam, is willing to forgiving and excusing individuals for their mistakes.

10.The Islamic religion accepts arranged unions for their children

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Father and Son Kneeling on the Floor. Photo by Timur Weber- Pexels

Arranged unions are permitted however, not necessarily obligated in Islam. Whilst “pressured” unions, which are typically the outcome of heritage norm, are prohibited. Divorce is allowable, but rapprochement is highly recommended. However, if irresolvable variations arise, Islam allows for a reasonable and objective divorce.

11.In Islam, there are six fundamental beliefs

The following are the fundamental values that a Muslim must hold in order to be regarded as an authentic Muslim. They believe in: A) The One and Only True Allah. B) All of Allah’s holy men. C) The earliest revelations to Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad. The angels (D). E) The Last Day and the Afterlife. (F) Fate.

12.Many non-Islamic people believe that Allah is a different God to other religions

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Father and Son Reading the Qu’ Aran. Photo by Timur Weber- Pexels

In the Islamic religion they trust that the one who created everything in existence, regarding to Him as “Allah” which is the Arabic term for “God”. As  Arabic is the dialect of the Qur’an, Islamic individuals all over the globe, including those who can speak in English, utilize the Arabic term “Allah” regularly.

However, Allah is the same God as Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Despite what others refer to Him, the Maker is the Maker. He is often known as “God” in the English language. However, Jesus used a foreign dialect when alluding to God as “Eloi” in Mark 15:34 of the New Testament. Are “God” and “Eloi” the same god? Several Hispanics refer to God as Dios, whereas a lot of the French refer to God as Dieu.

It would seem rational to conclude that individuals who allude to God as “Allah” in Arabic are alluding to the exact same God. In real sense, several Arab Jews and Arab Christians refer to God as Allah. Furthermore, the term “Allah” is published in Arabic Word of God on the facades of several Arab houses of worship as well as the sections of Arabic Holy scripture. So, since different religions communities possess distinct understandings of God, the numerous titles often used to identify Him dose not alter the truth, which is the only God who made everything  is everyone’s God.

13.The modern day world has more people converting to Islam than ever before

With current infant mortality population and conversion population, Islam is the quickest-expanding faith in the whole entire universe.

14.In the Islamic religion, they trust that Jesus exists but not in everything He did

Even though Muslims trust that Jesus was a messenger from God, they may not trust that since he was hanged on the crucifix and brought back by His Father, he atoned for all wrongdoing. Alternatively, the Islamic religion teaches that everyone will be reincarnated on the Day of Decision Making. They are going to be brought to justice in front of God for their deeds. The people who follow the Islamic faith are always pleading with Allah for recognition and repentance of their evil deeds.

15.The religious text is known as the ‘Quran’

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Close-Up of a Holy Qu’ Aran. Photo by Alena Darmel- Pexels

The Quran, similar to the Scriptures in Jewish tradition and the Bible in Christian faith, is the religious text of the Islamic religion. The direct translation of the Quran is “The Recitation,” and in the Islamic religion they trust that these are God’s writings brought to light to Muhammad (the last messenger of Allah) via Archangel Gabriel.

16.The proclamation Muslims use for their religion is straightforward and also declares some meaning

“There is nothing else deserving of praise apart from Allah; Muhammad is a prophet of Allah”. In real sense, there isn’t any extravagant tradition involved in becoming a Muslim besides from accepting this conviction and reciting this religion affirmation. It is the foundation of any and all Muslims’ beliefs and is frequently published inside religious buildings and showcased as great Arabic calligraphy paintings in Muslim households.

17.The women of the Islamic religion must always cover their hair

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Group of Women Standing While Praying. Photo by Alena Darmel- Pexels

Muslim women wear the hijab (headscarf) to accomplish God’s command to dress appropriately. Practically, it helps recognize somebody as trying to emulate Allah in everyday activities, thus protecting women from inappropriate behavior from the other gender.

18.Muslims are firm believers that of the Qur’an contains 99 of Allah’s titles or qualities

These titles are how one can learn about Allah. The All-Forgiving, the All-Wise, the Protector, the Facilitator, the Near, first One, the Very last One, the Concealed, and the Origin of All Tranquility are among these titles.

19.There are certain men who are considered Allah’s prophets

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Marble Walls of a Mosque. Photo by Alena Darmel- Pexels

This religion trust in all real holy men who came before Muhammad, from Adam to Jesus. The religion trust they carried a similar word of willfully admitting to Allah’s purpose (Muslims in a common perception) to numerous other ethnic groups at varying moments. This religion also consider themselves to be “Islamic” (once more, in a common perception) because they abided to Allah’s accurate instructions and followed their purpose to Allah.

20.The Islamic religion has been around for so many centuries

When Prophet Muhammad toured from Mecca to Medina, Saudi Arabia, in 622 AD, he founded the faith. The day he exited from Mecca marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar. He fled Mecca after getting word that a few of the tribal leaders planned to find and kill him.

21.When terrorism is undertaken in God’s name it is never sanctioned by Muslims

Terrorist attacks and violent behavior are condemned by this religion. Islam  forbids non – combatant killing and intimidations. The religion  is intended to bring tranquility to civilization, and its adherents are taught to be serene people of the public. Terrorist acts committed in the name of Allah do not constitute a real reflection of the faith.

22.Jihad does not imply that there will be a “religious war”

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Photo Of Masjid During Daytime. Photo by Pavlo Luchkovski –Pexels

Jihad literally implies “to fight” or “to aspire,” and is frequently mistranslated in Western influence mainstream press. The word “holy war” doesn’t quite emerge in the Quran’s textual content.

23.In the Islamic faith the actual goal of existence is to seek out Allah’s guidance

This is the true prize that the Islamic faith offers to its followers. As a result, every one of the worshipful behaviors are a way to achieve a goal rather than an end in oneself. Those who pursue this direction may find their prize in this life, as well as the next. In addition, the Islamic faith teaches us about a personal God, somebody who absolutely adores His invention and with whom we may enjoy an intimate close connection.

24.The women of this religion are highly respected and looked after

group of women on road

A group of women in hijabs walking. Photo by mostafa meraji- Unsplash

Women have several human rights in the Islamic religion, both at their homes and in the community. These include, the rights to work, financial assistance, to go to school, a chance to have hereditary wealth from their family, to be well respected at all times, to be apart of voting for elections, to a bride price, to retain their father’s surname, to praise in a mosque, and so on.

25.Even if all Qur’ans were completely damaged today, the official version in Arabic would still exist

This is due to the fact that several people who follow the Islamic faith, known as “hafiz” or “memorizers,” they can never forget as they have crammed it from the very start to the very end, each phrase and pronunciation. In addition, Qur’anic sections are accurately narrated from recollection throughout all five official prayers carried out everyday by so many Muslims worldwide.

26.Qur’ans from the past are safely displayed in museums around the world

person reading book on brown textile

A photo of a boy praying in front of the Holy Quran in a mosque. Photo by Faseeh Fawaz- Unsplash

Real seventh century Qur’ans, finished and in perfect condition, are on show in exhibitions throughout the entire planet, including Turkey.

27.The Qur’an is Islam’s sacred scripture, it consists of 6,236 scriptures, or “suras”

Spiritual Fathers used to cram the whole scriptures’ and repeat the Qur’an to numerous writers at the same point during the initial days of Islam. The Qur’an was written in bulk in this manner, as opposed to European clergymen translating the Bible, who hand-copied the content one phrase and one section at a time.

28.When praying, Muslims pose towards a rock formation

In the Islamic culture they should pray 5 times per day, and wherever they are located in the world, they should always pose towards the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Kaaba is a rock monument in the form of a block that Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael built. They need this done not in order to idolize the Kaaba however, to maintain uniformity in devotion and as a symbol of their shared values. The Kaaba certainly includes diddly squat.

29.Shia and Sunni

people kneeling and praying during daytime

Muslims praying on Friday in Dubai. The congregation has spilled onto the road outside of the mosque. Photo by Levi Meir Clancy- Unsplash

The Islamic religion is split into the 2 primary religious sects widely recognized as Shia and Sunni. Most Islamic individuals  are Sunni, with approximately 15% Shia.

They all believe in the exact same Quran however, they disagree on Hadith, which seem to be accounts of Muhammad’s conduct and statements. After the Quran, it is the second-most significant core of spiritual instruction and religious rules.

Following the death of Muhammad, Shia and Sunni Muslims were split into two distinct communities.

30.The Islamic religion encourages people to learn about the scientific theories about life

The traditional rivalry between science and religion does not exist in Islam. The Holy Qur’an promotes scientific discovery by encouraging representation and thought. The Holy Qur’an contains spiritual facts, historical background, moral codes, and descriptions of natural events including the big bang theory, human embryo growing stages, and the introduction of all living creatures from mammals, amphibians to reptiles. Any prevailing research fact does not misrepresent any declaration of the Holy Qur’an.

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