Cristiano Ronaldo Photo sourced from

30 Famous Ambidextrous People 


Ambidexterity Iko is the capacity or ability for individuals to use both hands equally well. It is a rare human characteristic even though most people have a dominant hand, some people can utilize both hands equally well. These folks are referred to as ambidextrous individuals, and their special talent is frequently praised.

Numerous well-known people throughout history, including athletes, politicians, and ambidextrous artists, musicians, and performers. Let’s take a look at some of the most famous Ambidextrous People from around the world;

1. Leonardo da Vinci – Artist, scientist, inventor 

Leonardo da Vinci Photo sourced from

First on our list is none other than Artist, scientist, and inventor Leonardo da Vinci. It is commonly known that Leonardo da Vinci was ambidextrous, or that he could use both his left and right hands equally well. He was able to draw with his right hand and write with his left hand, and he even wrote in mirror image writing, according to the evidence.

It is thought that Leonardo’s ambidexterity contributed to his artistic brilliance. He might have been able to approach issues differently and perceive things from many angles if he had used both hands equally. He may have used this talent to get over the limits of conventional drawing methods and produce compositions that are more energetic and expressive.

2. Michelangelo – Artist, sculptor 

Another famous Ambidextrous person is The well-known Italian paintersculptorpture from the Renaissance period, Michelangelo Buonarroti. His ability to equally use both hands for artistic endeavors has been attested to by several of his contemporaries and later biographers.

According to legend, Michelangelo practiced writing and painting with his left hand when his right hand was damaged to prepare himself to be ambidextrous. This allowed him to carry on working even when he couldn’t use his dominant hand. According to some stories, he could write with both hands equally well in both directions.

3. Harry Truman – Former US President 

Portrait of President Harry S. Truman Photo sourced from

The 33rd President of the United States, Harry Truman, was well-known for his ambidextrous traits. He could write with either his left or right hand, and he frequently made use of this ability. Despite being left-handed by nature, Truman was compelled to learn how to write with his right hand because it was the accepted practice at the time.

He developed ambidextrousness as a result and could write equally effectively with both hands. Those who knew Truman often remarked on his ambidexterity. He utilized his right hand for writing and other activities while utilizing his left hand for eating, grooming, and tooth brushing.

4. James Garfield – Former US President 

The 20th President of the United States, James Garfield, was well-known for his exceptional ambidexterity. Many were astounded by his ability to write with one hand in Greek and the other in Latin at the same time. Garfield’s ambidexterity extended beyond writing;

He was also adept at using both hands for other activities including shooting, cutting wood, and even playing the piano. It is thought that a childhood ailment that required him to use his left hand more frequently is what gave him the ability to use both hands very well.

5. Benjamin Franklin – Founding Father of the United States 

A painting of Benjamin Franklin from 1778 Photo sourced from

Benjamin Franklin was a well-known American polymath who made significant contributions to several disciplines, including science, politics, and literature. Franklin’s interest in ambidexterity is among his lesser-known traits. Franklin considered having equal use of both hands to be a valuable ability that had a variety of uses for people.

He developed a special writing instrument that he nicknamed the “double pen” or “writing machine,” and he also experimented with it with both hands. The user could write with both hands at once with this device, which was made up of two pens attached to a single holder.

6. Paul McCartney – Musician 

Paul McCartney is well renowned for being a gifted bassist who plays with his left hand, as well as a singer and songwriter. McCartney can play the bass guitar with either hand, however, he typically plays with his left. He occasionally uses his right hand to play the guitar, and he can also use both hands to play the piano and the drums.

It’s important to remember that only 10% of people are left-handed, making it a rather uncommon trait. McCartney may have been influenced by his musical growth as a result of having to adjust to playing instruments made for right-handed performers. It’s also likely that as a result, his brain became more adaptable, enabling him to use both hands more efficiently than most people.

7. Prince William – British royal 

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge Photo sourced from

The Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, is well renowned for being ambidextrous, or able to use both his left and right hand equally effectively. While the reason some people are ambidextrous is unknown, it is thought to be a result of a combination of hereditary and environmental variables.

In several public appearances, including when he used both hands to sign the guest book at the Anglesey Show in Wales in 2013, Prince William’s ambidexterity has drawn attention. He is reportedly a left-handed shooter and polo player, yet writes with his right hand.

8. Pele – Soccer player 

One of the all-time best soccer players is Pele, according to many. On the field, he is renowned for his extraordinary talent, quickness, and precision as well as his ability to use both feet equally well. One of the qualities that distinguished Pele from other players and helped him succeed was his degree of ambidexterity.

Pele was a tough opponent because of his ambidexterity, which enabled him to make plays and shots that other players couldn’t. He could, for instance, rush to the right and take a shot with his left foot, surprising the goalkeeper. He was a valuable member of his squad because of his unpredictable nature, which allowed him to make the most of seemingly hopeless circumstances.

Read more about him Why is Pele Considered the Best Football Player Ever

9. Martina Navratilova – Tennis player 

Former professional tennis player Martina Navratilova is largely regarded as one of the sport’s all-time greats. Because of her ambidexterity, or the ability to utilize both her left and right hands equally well, Navratilova is well recognized. Despite being right-handed by birth, her first coach in Czechoslovakia taught her how to play tennis.

Due to her ability to switch hands in the middle of a point and hit with the forehand or backhand shot that was most effective in that situation, Navratilova’s ambidexterity afforded her a huge advantage on the tennis court. This made it difficult for her opponents to predict her shots and necessitated continual positional changes for them on the court.

10. Rafael Nadal – Tennis player 

Spaniard Rafael Nadal during a training session in Doha Photo sourced from

Rafael Nadal is renowned for his remarkable tennis abilities, which include his potent forehand and his outstanding court positioning. While Nadal plays tennis with his left hand, which is his dominant hand, he also exhibits excellent right-hand use.

During matches, Nadal has also been observed using his right hand occasionally, especially when serving. According to him, using his right hand gives him better balance and a better angle on the ball.

11. Phil Mickelson – Golfer 

Left-handed golfer Phil Mickelson is well-known for his extraordinary prowess on the greens. He is known to be ambidextrous, which means he can use both hands equally effectively while being mostly left-handed.

In golf, Mickelson is well-known for using a cross-handed grip or playing right-handed shots with his left hand on the club. He has also been observed practicing hitting strokes with the club with his right hand, displaying his ambidextrous traits.

12. Saina Nehwal – Badminton player 

Saina Nehwal is an Indian badminton player and a former pro who is renowned for her prodigious court prowess. Saina Nehwal is regarded as one of the world’s best and most versatile badminton players, having a good ability to utilize both her forehand and backhand shots well.

Saina Nehwal is a dynamic and unpredictable player who has been known to use both her forehand and backhand shots efficiently throughout matches. Despite playing with her right hand most of the time, she has been observed using her left hand to return shots during games.

13. Mary Pierce – Tennis player 

Mary Pierce is a former professional tennis player who is renowned for being ambidextrous, which means she is equally adept at using her left and right hands. She was able to hit forehands and backhands with both hands depending on whatever side of the court she was on, which helped her establish a distinctive playing style on the tennis court.

Pierce had an advantage over her rivals on the tennis court thanks to her ambidexterity because they found it more difficult to predict her shots. Additionally, it enabled her to make shots from challenging court positions, such as when she was pulled wide to her backhand side but still managed to make a forehand shot.

14. Ronaldinho – Soccer player 

Ronaldinho Photo sourced from

Ronaldinho is a former Brazilian footballer who is renowned for his excellent ball-control abilities and ingenuity on the field. His ambidexterity was one of the major characteristics that contributed to his success. Although Ronaldinho was born with a left foot, he worked hard to develop his right foot as well.

He trained both feet to kick and dribble, which made him unpredictable and challenging to defend against. He was also able to take advantage of opportunities on either side of the field thanks to his ambidexterity, which gave him more mobility and flexibility in his play.

15. Neymar – Soccer player 

Neymar is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays for the French side PSG and the Brazil national team. He is renowned for his superb ball control, dribbling prowess, and capacity to play with both feet. As a result of being ambidextrous, he can play in a variety of ways and with great elasticity.

Neymar has a distinct advantage over other players because of his ambidexterity, which makes it tough for defenders to predict his movements. The fact that he can shoot, pass, and dribble with either foot makes it difficult for opponents to defend against him.

16. Maradona – Soccer player 

Diego Maradona holding the FIFA World Cup trophy after winning the final to West Germany Photo sourced from

Diego Maradona is a former football player and manager who was known as one of the best footballers of his time and one of the sport’s all-time greats. Diego Maradona played the game for many years and his ability to use both his left and right foot with equal proficiency was one of the distinctive aspects of his playing style.

Although Maradona was born with a left foot, he worked hard over the years to cultivate a right foot. He was more unpredictable and flexible on the field because of his ability to control the ball, pass, and shoot with both feet. The Argentinian remains one of the best players even in death.

17. Messi – Soccer player 

Lionel Messi is a football player who plays for the French side PSG and the Argentina national team. He is renowned for his amazing dribbling ability and goal-scoring prowess. He can dribble, pass, and shoot the ball with both feet, which makes him incredibly unpredictable for defenders and gives him the ability to open up possibilities for himself and his teammates.

Due to his ambidexterity, he has more alternatives when playing the ball because he can utilize either foot to pass or shoot depending on the circumstance. Messi’s ambidexterity is thought to have organically developed over time as a result of a mix of his genes, practice, and playing football since he was a small child.

18. Anthony Gatto – Juggler 

Anthony Gatto is a world-famous juggler who is renowned for his amazing juggling exploits and his unmatched agility. Gatto’s ambidextrous juggling, also known as simultaneous juggling with the right and left hands, is one of the most astounding parts of his juggling.

Gatto’s ambidextrous juggling abilities are famous, and he has demonstrated them by performing exceedingly difficult routines that require juggling up to seven objects simultaneously with both hands. Gatto has received various honors and prizes for his ambidextrous juggling, including 11 gold medals from the International Jugglers’ Association.

19. Sergei Polunin – Ballet dancer 

Ballet dancer Sergei Polunin, who was born in Ukraine, is well-known for his extraordinary talent and performances. He hasn’t openly acknowledged being ambidextrous, although there are some signs that he is. He is capable of using both hands and even his legs.

There are countless situations where Sergei Polunin seems to be equally adept at using his hands and feet. For instance, in Jade Hale-Christofi’s choreographed version of “Take Me to Church,” Polunin executes a sequence of intricate routines that require him to balance and move his body with both hands and feet.

20. Jackie Chan 

Jackie Chan at the 2012 Comic-Con in San Diego Photo sourced from

Jackie Chan is a Chinese movie actor and martial artist who is well renowned for his amazing acrobatic and martial arts prowess. He has appeared in more than 100 movies and he remains one of the best male actors in the world. He is also well known for being ambidextrous. 

Chan has stated in interviews that he is naturally left-handed, but because of his martial arts training, he had to learn to utilize his right hand as well. Because of this, he has become quite skilled with both hands, which is demonstrated in his movies when he effortlessly pulls off difficult battle scenes and stunts.

Read more about him here

21. Tom Cruise 

Tom Cruise is an actor who is one of the most well-known ambidextrous people and is capable of using both his left and right hands equally well. As it allows for greater flexibility and variety, this can be a useful skill for many pursuits, including athletics, music, and acting.

Tom Cruise’s ambidexterity has been especially beneficial for his profession as an actor because he can carry out action scenes and stunts with both his left and right hands. He also possesses the unusual and astonishing ability to sign signatures with both hands, which is well-known.

22. Cary Grant 

Cary Grant is a famous actor who was renowned for his dapper and elegant manner as well as his flawless comedic timing. He was ambidextrous, or able to utilize both his left and right hands equally effectively, which is an unusual feature about him.

Grant frequently emphasized his ambidexterity in his on-screen roles, using it to enliven and lighten up his portrayals. Grant’s ambidexterity was equally useful off-screen. According to reports, he was able to play tennis and golf with both hands, which allowed him to vary his strategy and keep his adversaries guessing.

23. Mick Jagger 

The Rolling Stones’ iconic leader, Mick Jagger, is renowned for his charismatic stage presence and upbeat performances. His ability to utilize both his left and right hands equally well is another quality that has earned him the name “ambidextrous”.

Jagger’s ambidexterity is thought to be a result of his upbringing in a rigid British educational system that promoted the growth of both hands. He may have developed his ability to use both hands due to his musical training as well as his many theatrical appearances.

25. Christiano Ronaldo 

Cristiano Ronaldo Photo sourced from

Christiano Ronaldo is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays for Saudi Arabian side and the Portuguese national side who has demonstrated ambidextrous skills on the field. Ronaldo is right-footed by nature, but he has worked hard to develop his left foot. He can now shoot, pass, and dribble with both feet.

As a result, he has become one of football’s most dangerous offensive players due to his ability to take shots or create opportunities from either side of the field. With both of his feet, Ronaldo has scored some amazing goals thanks to his ambidextrous skills.

Read more about him here

26. Clark Gable 

Clark Gable is one of Hollywood’s most well-known actors, who was regarded as being ambidextrous, or equally adept with both hands. Gable’s ambidexterity was especially evident in his movies, where he frequently used both hands for activities like smoking, writing, and shooting.

This benefited his acting career because it provided him greater freedom in his parts and helped him pull off action scenes and stunts more realistically. Gable was also a devoted hunter and fisherman. His ambidexterity was a tremendous asset in these hobbies, enabling him to use fishing gear and weaponry with dexterity and ease.

27. Ronald Reagan 

Ronald Reagan’s presidential portrait in 1985 Photo sourced from

The 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, was well recognized for being ambidextrous. Reagan had to learn to write with his right hand because it was the norm at the time even though he preferred to write with his left. He nevertheless persisted in using his left hand for other activities like holding a rifle or tossing a ball.

He trained himself to become more ambidextrous in later life, which was beneficial to him in many situations, including his acting career.Interest in Reagan’s ambidexterity peaked during his presidency. In order to prevent smudging the ink, he would frequently sign documents with his right hand when doing so in front of the cameras.

Read more about him in Top 10 Remarkable Facts about Ronald Reagan

28. Terry Gilliam 

The acclaimed director, cartoonist, and member of the comedy group Monty Python Terry Gilliam is recognized for his inventive narrative techniques. He is renowned for being ambidextrous as well.

The fact that Gilliam can use both of his hands equally well in his work as a cartoonist and filmmaker has been a huge asset to him. He has frequently discussed how his ambidexterity has enabled him to approach his work from several perspectives and approaches.

29. Guillermo del Toro 

Guillermo del Toro is a famous Mexican director, writer, and producer who is is know for his achievements in the movie industry. It is commonly known that Guillermo del Toro is ambidextrous, which means he can use both his left and right hands equally well.

Furthermore, Del Toro has mentioned how his ambidexterity has aided him in other facets of his life, such as cooking and playing the guitar. He even admitted that he frequently stirs with one hand while chopping veggies with the other while cooking.

30. Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso is a well-known Spanish artist who was renowned for his avant-garde and enduring aesthetic. He is frequently mentioned as one of the most significant artists of the 20th century, and the art world holds a high regard for his creations.

Picasso was renowned for being ambidextrous, which means he could use both his left and right hands equally well. His artwork displayed this talent, as he frequently produced paintings and drawings with both hands.

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