30 Inspirational Presidential Quotes That Will Make You Think


Quotes are in our lives for a reason. They encourage us, motivate us, and make us remember that whatever situation we are in, we are not the first ones to face it. That people who came before us understand and at least in every situation, someone understands. In other words, there is nothing new under the sun and sometimes all you need is a bit of inspiration to let you know that someone understands. Leaders of the world are very wise (well, a majority of them anyway) and whenever they have the good of the people at heart, they manage to come up with some of the most inspiring quotes. As much as they are meant to encourage their people, these quotes end up motivating and inspiring the rest of the world. So what are some of the most inspirational presidential quotes that will make you pause for a second and think more about them? Here鈥檚 a list.

1. 鈥淭he ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people鈥 鈥昗oodrow Wilson

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Woodrow simply meant that a leader should never have his interests at heart. That a true leader must be in touch with his or her needs and make sure to deliver on them. This is because when all is said and done, the sole purpose of a leader is to serve his or her people. To ensure that he or she is the voice of the people, fighting for their rights, and presenting their needs before the implementing bodies so that all their needs can be met. Hence, when the ear of a leader rings with the voices of the people, this leader will never forget his sole purpose, which is that he is there to serve the people.

2. 鈥淢otivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it鈥 鈥旸wight D. Eisenhower

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Eisenhower for sure knew exactly what he was saying when he came up with this quote. See, motivation is not about shouting some smart and inspiring words and stopping there. It is really all about making sure that the people you are motivating get to act on your words. Not because as a leader you have forced them to, but because they really want to, keeping in mind that it is for their own good. It therefore has to be good enough for the people to see the benefits they will reap and hence adopt it without complaints or doubt.

3. 鈥淵esterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose鈥 鈥 Lyndon B. Johnson

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Very true indeed. Nothing is guaranteed for sure, but the beauty of 鈥榯omorrow鈥 is that you get to have another chance. Good or bad, you are presented with another opportunity to rectify that which went wrong yesterday or better yet, make better yesterday鈥檚 situation. The past is the past after all and yesterday belongs there. Thus wallowing over it or focusing on it too much is just but a waste of time because it really cannot be recovered. It is gone and soon, forgotten.

4. 鈥淚n preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable鈥 鈥 Dwight D. Eisenhower

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In other words, as much as planning can be futile sometimes because any way you cannot control the outcome, it is indeed very necessary. Why? Because it would be so chaotic if planning wasn鈥檛 part of our routine as human beings. Meaning, planning is what brings order to chaos. Without planning, a lot is bound to fail.

5. 鈥淭he test of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there鈥 鈥 James Buchanan

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This inspirational quote about leadership is meant to remind leaders that humility should always be part and parcel of the deal. This is because, without humility, a leader can very easily let the power get into their head and will lead the people with ego instead of reason and putting the needs of the people at the forefront. Thus, a leader is tested when humanity is served. At the very least, that鈥檚 the essence of leadership.

6. 鈥淚f your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are a leader” 鈥 John Quincy Adams

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They say the greatest achievement you can ever have as a person is when people get to follow your actions because you inspire them and they see you as a role model. Hence as Adams put it, as a leader, if people get to emulate your actions, are inspired more by it, and even get to dream more of a brighter future, then indeed you are doing a great job as a leader.

7. 鈥History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children鈥- Nelson Mandela

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Nelson Mandela was not just a leader but a humanitarian. He always had the interest of the people at heart and children especially, held a special place in his heart. He was right indeed. If a society treats the future generation in a despicable manner, automatically hope is killed and that means the kind of society to be had in the future won鈥檛 really be a great one. Hence, history indeed will come back to judge you if at one point you did not treat well the children of a past generation. It will always be part of the story that society is the way it is (good or bad) based on how the children are treated.

8. 鈥淭he circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money鈥 鈥旿ames Madison

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In other words, confidence is way better because with confidence you can achieve so much. To make money in the first place, you need so much confidence. After all, making money involves taking risks and the confidence to enter rooms you would otherwise not have entered without that confidence to begin with. Thus, the circulation of confidence is actually better than circulating money because also for you to know what to do with that money, be it investing or just using it wisely, you need the confidence to do so. Confidence in your plans, that it will work.

9. 鈥淓very expert was once a beginner鈥 鈥 Rutherford B. Hayes

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Hayes never said it better. No matter how good you are at something, once upon a time, you were a beginner. That鈥檚 the beauty of it all though. That every good thing requires expertise and practice. In essence, therefore, never beat yourself up when you aren鈥檛 able to achieve something overnight. All it takes is patience and resilience and eventually, you will get there. After all, no one is perfect. No one!

10. 鈥淓fforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction鈥 鈥 John F. Kennedy

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True indeed. Having the courage to do something and putting all your effort into it is not enough. It is never enough if you have no purpose or direction. See, planning is everything. Rather, having a sense of direction on what you want to achieve and having a purpose for how you are doing it in the first place, is what makes it worthwhile. You may work very hard towards something, but if you have no idea what exactly you are working towards, it鈥檚 really all futile.

11. 鈥淣obody cares how much you know until they know how much you care鈥 鈥昑heodore Roosevelt

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It doesn鈥檛 matter how much you know. You may be the smartest person in the room, but people care more and listen more if they get to understand that you actually really care. This is when they get to understand that for you, whatever knowledge you have, you are willing to put into use and put the needs of the people first. After all, humanity is really all about showing how much you care.

12. 鈥淎 little flattery will support a man through great fatigue鈥 鈥 James Monroe

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As hilarious as this is, Monroe made a point actually. Flattery (in other words boot licking), will get you anything. Well, almost everything. People like to hear beautiful things so in order to get what you want and not struggle too much, flirting a bit can help you out. Also, flattery makes you feel good about yourself. It most definitely boosts your ego and can easily help in ensuring to hold you head high always.

13. 鈥淭hose who have wrought great changes in the world never succeeded by gaining over chiefs; but always by exciting the multitude. The first is the resource of intrigue and produces only secondary results, the second is the resort of genius and transforms the universe鈥 鈥昅artin Van Buren

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Van Buren summarized it so well because indeed, change cannot really be achieved by winning the leaders and having them on your side. Change is fully based on the attitude and behaviour of the multitude. It鈥檚 all about intrigue and having the genius to transform that intrigue into something that鈥檚 tangible. Whenever you introduce change and the mass is excited because you have packaged it in a way that makes them believe that this kind of change will actually be for the better, then that鈥檚 when you know you are winning.

14. 鈥淒on鈥檛 expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong鈥 鈥旵alvin Coolidge

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Indeed. Trying to break down the strong hoping it will build up the weak will never work to your advantage. This is mostly because the strong are basically the foundation and without them, the whole system can easily come crumbling down. Hence breaking them down is never the solution. Instead, empower the weak. Instill in their principles and skills that will make them think for themselves and not rely too much on the strong. After all, teach a man to fish instead of constantly giving him fish.

15. 鈥淭here are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder鈥 鈥昍onald Reagan

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Some people have the attitude of, 鈥 If I help out too much, the resources may be finished for me.鈥 However, as Reagan put it, the human mind is so interesting. Growing to the highest potential doesn鈥檛 have a limit. Why? Because the kind of creativity a human mind can conjure up has no limitation whatsoever. You can always be able to create and create as long as you have the intelligence and imagination to do so. So, don’t worry. Regardless of whatever heights you will ever get to, your growth will never be limited by anything or anyone.

16. 鈥淗onesty is the first chapter of the book wisdom鈥 鈥 Thomas Jefferson

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Indeed. They say after all that honesty is the best policy. Too much dishonesty just complicates things and you are never really able to achieve something on a clean slate. Hence when it comes to wisdom, being honest should absolutely be the best move. Being wise is always starting, whatever journey on a clean slate, and honesty is always the best move.

17. 鈥淎ny man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error鈥 鈥 Andrew Jackson

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In other words, only a wise man accepts that he is at fault even when it goes against his beliefs. It takes a strong man to have an open mind and when faced with the potential of his values having flaws, readily admit that he was at fault and would want to know better.

18. 鈥淭he truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable鈥 鈥 James A. Garfield

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Very true. As much as honesty is the best policy, the truth is that it is very uncomfortable to tell and to hear. Hence, even though it sets you free and you feel like a heavy load has been lifted, it will most definitely make you very miserable and uncomfortable. Especially if it is the brutal kind of truth. The kind that needs to be heard but will most likely hurt your feelings.

19. 鈥淏e sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm鈥 鈥 Abraham Lincoln

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Another inspirational quote that alludes to the fact that standing firm requires you to just be at the right place. Do the right thing first and you will find being firm in your decisions won鈥檛 be so difficult. When you know what you are standing up for, then from the word go you are confident that you are doing the right thing.

20. 鈥淚t is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit鈥 鈥 Harry S. Truman

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Exactly! When you don鈥檛 care about getting credit, it blows your mind how much you get to achieve. Why? Because you do an honest job keeping at the back of your mind that it doesn鈥檛 matter whether or not you will get the praise. All that matters is that you get the job done to the best of your ability.

21. 鈥淗onor lies in honest toil鈥 鈥 Grover Cleveland

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Very accurate! When you toil and work hard honestly, then absolutely there is honour in that. Think about it, the reason corruption is so crippling to any system is because of the dishonesty that鈥檚 embedded in it. Everyone becomes selfish and they all just work towards stealing from one another. That鈥檚 why nothing is ever really achieved in the long run. Hence, you toil honestly, it is absolutely honourable.

22. “If you鈥檙e walking down the right path and you鈥檙e willing to keep walking, eventually you鈥檒l make progress鈥 鈥 Barack Obama

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Indeed. Making progress is all about taking one step at a time without giving up. But then of course these steps have to be made while on the right path. Also, the willingness must be there because without the zeal and willingness to keep going no matter how long it takes, then it鈥檚 all pretty useless.

23. 鈥淎n honorable defeat is better than a dishonorable victory鈥 鈥 Millard Fillmore

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This is almost similar to what Cleveland said about honesty and honour. When you lose honourably, it is way better than having a win that was purely based on dishonor and lies. Even if you lose and deep down you know you hurt no one by lies, then that鈥檚 a better approach. It means at the end of the day you are clean and never had to get your hands dirty to forcefully get what you want.

24. 鈥淣early all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man鈥檚 character, give him power鈥 鈥 Abraham Lincoln

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Oh yes! Give absolute power to man and watch and see their true colours coming into play. However, everyone is quick to admonish but the truth, were they given the same position and power, not many of them would do things differently.

25. 鈥淚鈥檒l never tell a lie. I鈥檒l never make a misleading statement. I鈥檒l never betray the confidence that any of you had in me. And I鈥檒l never avoid a controversial issue鈥 鈥 Jimmy Carter

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In, leadership, the best approach to always take is to be as truthful as possible and stick to it. Don鈥檛 mislead anyone because the problem with that is it will almost always backfire. Instead of avoiding controversial topics, issues, or scandals, accepting and embracing them just shows how human you really are.

26. 鈥淭he supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible鈥 鈥 Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Integrity, just like honesty, is the best policy. If you want to know how honourable a man is, put his integrity to the test and see how it goes. This is because an individual with the utmost integrity will never ever compromise himself but instead safeguard it with all he has.

27. 鈥淣othing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent” 鈥旵alvin Coolidge

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Very true indeed. Without persistence, giving up will come so easily to you. Persistence ensures resilience resilience breeds character. Even if you are very talented and even a genius, without persistence you may lack the understanding of what it takes to not give up, and persistence gives you this understanding. That鈥檚 why victory at the end of the road tastes sweeter.

Read more: /blog/united-states/10-most-famous-us-presidents/

28. 鈥淲hen you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on鈥 鈥 Franklin D. Roosevelt

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It is believed that this quote was originally written by Thomas Jefferson although it has been misattributed to presidents like Lincoln and Roosevelt. However, it doesn鈥檛 beat the point it tries to make. It is all about refusing to give up and hanging on to a thread if logically there鈥檚 no place to really hang on to.

29. 鈥淭he bold enterprises are the successful ones. Take counsel of hopes rather than of fears to win in this business鈥 鈥 Rutherford B. Hayes

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In other words, being bold will indeed take you places. It doesn鈥檛 even matter how long it takes. As long as you are bold and shameless, in the long run, you鈥檒l get to knock on doors you never thought possible. In order to win, you win the kind of courage and confidence that鈥檚 on steroids.

30. 鈥淚f you take no risks, you will suffer no defeats. But if you take no risks, you win no victories鈥 鈥 Richard M. Nixon

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Again, without risks, you have no victories to be proud of. When you take no risks, whether or not you are certain of the fruits it will yield, you will always have the 鈥榳hat if鈥 question at the back of your mind.

These inspirations are important as they keep us going. They make us realize that indeed there is a solution to every situation we find ourselves in.

Read more: /blog/india/10-most-famous-indian-presidents/

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