55 Most Inspiring Activists around the World


Activism is all about taking part in activities that bring about social change. Activism is what establishes fairness when we sense an imbalance of power that impacts society. There are many examples of brave activists who took it upon themselves to speak up for society.

Everyone has it in them to be an activist and use your unique skills as a contribution filled with passionate intent. In this article, we highlight prominent inspirational activists from around the world.

1. Malala Yousafzai


Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani education activist brought into the world on July 12, 1997, in Mingora, Pakistan. She earned global respect for her activism for young ladies’ schooling and ladies’ privileges, particularly in her old neighborhood of Smack Valley, where the Taliban had restricted young ladies from going to class.

2. Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist. She acquired worldwide consideration in August 2018 when she began playing hooky to protest outside the Swedish Parliament, requesting more grounded activity on ecological change. She contended that legislators were not doing whatever it took to address the environmental emergency and that youngsters would be the most impacted by its ramifications.

3. Nelson Mandela

As President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, Nelson Mandela was also an anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician, and philanthropist. His efforts have made him a global icon for advocating human rights, equality, and democracy.

4. Martin Luther King Jr.


As a vociferous supporter and leader in the civil rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr.’s influence spanned from 1955 to 1968.

5. Aung San Suu Kyi

– Burmese politician and Nobel laureate, known for her nonviolent struggle for democracy and human rights.

6. Emma Watson

Best recognized for her performance as Hermione Granger in the “Harry Potter” movies, Emma Watson is an actress and activist. Beyond her acting success, Watson has become a powerful gender equality crusader. Key in launching the HeForShe campaign, she was appointed as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador in 2014.

7. Tarana Burke


Activist Tarana Burke started the #MeToo campaign. By Burke in 2006, the #MeToo campaign began as a grassroots effort. To raise awareness around sexual assault and harassment, as well as support survivors, the movement exists. The voice of Burke, a crucial one in fostering conversations around consent, victim-blaming, and power imbalances.

8. Angelina Jolie

Through her acting career, Jolie has been able to leverage both her platform and resources to bring attention to a wide array of international humanitarian issues. Actively involved, Jolie has focused on international advocacy work, particularly regarding refugees and displaced persons. Advocating for the rights and well-being of refugees globally, she has been a Goodwill Ambassador since 2001 for the United Nations High Commissioner. By traveling to conflict zones and refugee camps, Jolie has sought to increase knowledge about the difficulties faced by displaced communities and enhance their living conditions. Also, she has been an advocate for children’s rights and has spoken out against sexual violence in conflict zones.

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9. Desmond Tutu

Desmond Tutu, an influential South African Anglican cleric and human rights advocate, was instrumental in the fight against apartheid. As Archbishop of Cape Town, Tutu was an outspoken advocate for nonviolent resistance to apartheid. For his efforts to end apartheid through peaceful means, he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984. Continuing his activism post-apartheid, Tutu has shifted his focus to human rights, AIDS, and the fight against poverty and inequality. With justice and courage at its core, he is known for his charismatic leadership.

10. Vandana Shiva

Through her work, Vandana Shiva, an Indian scholar and activist, advocates for sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, and gender equality. With her criticism of GMOs and the concentration of agriculture in the hands of big business, she has proven herself strong. By founding Navdanya, Shiva created a network of seed banks and organic farms in India, dedicated to promoting seed-saving methods and shielding traditional knowledge about agriculture. She is also vocal in her support for small-scale farmers, indigenous communities, and traditional seed varieties.

11. Wangari Maathai


Environmental and women’s rights work was championed by Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan activist. Through her Green Belt Movement, she focused on planting trees to counter deforestation and protect natural resources. Maathai saw the interconnectivity of these two issues and devoted her life to championing them. For her promotion of sustainable development, democracy, and peace, an African woman won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004, making her the first.

12. Cesar Chavez

In the United States, Cesar Chavez made a name for himself as a civil rights and labor leader. Focused on farm worker rights, he co-founded the National Farm Workers Association, which evolved into the UFW. To shine a light on the mistreatment of agricultural laborers, Chavez used nonviolent forms of protest, like boycotts and strikes. Empowering farm workers and changing labor laws and protections were key outcomes of his activism.

13. Kailash Satyarthi


As an activist, Kailash Satyarthi has fought fiercely against child labor and advocated for widespread educational access. Andolan (Save the Childhood Movement), he co-founded, and led rescue operations to free children from bonded labor and trafficking. Activism has also been a part of Satyarthi’s work, particularly in pushing for policy changes that protect children’s rights and education. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 for effort against child labor.

14. Taraji P. Henson

Taraji P. Henson is an American actress and activist who uses her platform to raise awareness about mental health issues, particularly within the African-American community. Hanson has been open about her struggles with mental health issues and working to overcome the stigma surrounding it. In memory of her late father, she founded the Boris Lawrence Hanson Foundation to provide mental health support and resources to marginalized communities. Through her advocacy and speaking engagements, Hansen has been instrumental in starting conversations about mental health and encouraging others to seek help and support when they need it.

15. Ida B. Wells

Ida B. Wells was an influential African-American journalist, educator, women’s rights activist, and civil rights activist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She is known for her groundbreaking work documenting and exposing the horrors of lynching in the United States. Wells fought against racial injustice and advocated for equality and justice for African Americans through her writing and activism. She is a co-founder of the NAACP and works to combat racial discrimination, gender inequality and violence. Her courageous actions and powerful writings continue to inspire activists today.

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16. Tegla Loroupe

Tegla Loroupe is a Kenyan distance runner and humanitarian activist. In addition to her notable sporting achievements, Lorupe has used her platform to promote peace, unity and women’s empowerment. She is the founder of the Tegra Loroup Peace Foundation, which organizes peace competitions and initiatives that bring people from different tribes together to promote peaceful coexistence in conflict zones. She also advocates for gender equality, opposes harmful traditional practices such as female genital mutilation, and advocates for girls’ educational and sporting opportunities. Lorupe’s commitment to sport and humanitarian work has made her a respected figure in Kenya and beyond.

17. Fred Hollows

Fred Hollows is an Australian ophthalmologist whose advocacy focuses on restoring vision and combating avoidable blindness in developing countries. He co-founded the Fred Hollows Foundation, which works to provide affordable and accessible eye care, train local medical professionals and advocate for eye health policy. Hollows believes that everyone has the right to sight and has dedicated his life to ensuring that no one goes without proper eye care. His work has enabled millions of people to receive vision-saving treatments and created sustainable eye care systems in countries.

18. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf


Ellen Johnson Sirleaf made history as Liberia’s first female president and Africa’s first democratically elected female head of state. Her activities focus on promoting democracy, peace and women’s rights in Liberia. Sirleaf played a crucial role in Liberia’s reconstruction after a devastating civil war and conflict. She implemented major reforms focusing on economic development, education, health care, and women’s empowerment. Under her leadership, Liberia has made progress in infrastructure, governance, and stability. Sirleaf’s efforts earned her the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize for her commitment to democracy and women’s rights in her country.

19. Leymah Gbowee


Leymah Gbowee is a Liberian peace activist, ladies’ privileges supporter, and Nobel Harmony Prize laureate. Her activism assumed an essential part in finishing the staggering Liberian nationwide conflict. Gbowee coordinated and drove the Ladies of Liberia Mass Activity for Harmony development, which united ladies from various ethnic and strict foundations to advocate for harmony and a finish to the viciousness. Their endeavors eventually prompted the expelling of President Charles Taylor and the reclamation of harmony in Liberia. Gbowee keeps on working for peacebuilding, ladies’ strengthening, and training through associations like The Gbowee Harmony Establishment Africa.

20. Dalai Lama


The Dalai Lama is the otherworldly head of Tibetan Buddhism and a conspicuous supporter of human rights, and harmony. Regardless of confronting outcasts from Tibet, the Dalai Lama has reliably upheld exchange and serene goals to clashes. He has been an area of strength for Tibetan independence and the safeguarding of Tibetan culture and religion. The Dalai Lama has likewise been a vocal supporter of worldwide harmony, interfaith exchange, and ecological security. Through his lessons, talks, and philanthropic endeavors, he has motivated a large number of individuals all over the planet to advance sympathy, amicability, and compassion.

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21. Shakira

Shakira is an internationally famous Colombian vocalist, lyricist, and humanitarian. Aside from her fruitful music vocation, she is effectively engaged with different charitable drives. Shakira is an area of strength for instruction and kid government assistance. She established the Pies Descalzos Establishment, which centers around giving quality training and advancing the prosperity of weak kids in Colombia. Shakira has likewise been engaged with projects connected with youth advancement, catastrophe alleviation, and civil rights. Her activism has had a massive effect, working on the existence of underestimated kids and advancing instruction as a pathway to a superior future.

22. Abdul Sattar Edhi

Pakistani altruist and philanthropic, pioneer behind the Edhi Establishment offering social types of assistance and crisis care.

23. Ayaan Hirsi Ali


Somali-conceived Dutch-American dissident and creator, known for her backing for ladies’ freedoms in Islam.

24. Carmen Yulín Cruz

Puerto Rican legislator and city hall leader of San Juan, known for her candid analysis of the U.S. government’s reaction to Storm Maria.

25. Kofi Annan


Ghanaian ambassador and previous Secretary-General of the Unified Countries, known for his work in advancing harmony and advancement.

26. Wangari Maathai

Kenyan ecological and political extremist, the first African lady to win the Nobel Harmony Prize.

27. Leonardo DiCaprio

American entertainer and natural extremist, known for his work in pushing for environmental activity.

28. Simulated intelligence Weiwei

Chinese craftsman and political dissident, known for his analysis of the Chinese government and basic liberties backing.

29. Ellen DeGeneres

American humorist and moderator, known for her backing for LGBTQ+ privileges and magnanimous work.

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30. Gloria Steinem

American women’s activist, writer, and social-political dissident, known for her backing for ladies’ privileges.

31. Dolores Huerta


American work pioneer and social liberties extremist, fellow benefactor of the Unified Ranch Laborers.

32. Chelsea Monitoring

American informant and transsexual lobbyist, known for releasing grouped reports and upholding government straightforwardness and LGBTQ+ privileges.

33. Shirin Ebadi

Iranian legal advisor, common liberties lobbyist, and Nobel laureate, known for her backing of the privileges of ladies and youngsters.

34. Leyla Hussein


Somali-English enemy of FGM (female genital mutilation) lobbyist, the organizer behind the Dahlia Venture supporting overcomers of FGM.

35. Bryan Stevenson

American legal advisor and organizer behind the Equivalent Equity Drive, pushing for prison regulation equivalent portrayal.

36. Winona LaDuke

American naturalist and political dissident, known for her backing for Local American freedoms and practical turn of events.

37. Sal Khan


American teacher and pioneer behind Khan Institute, giving free instructive assets around the world.

38. Laverne Cox

American entertainer and transsexual extremist, known for her backing for transsexual freedoms and for expanding transsexual permeability in the traditional press.

39. James Baldwin

American author, dramatist, and social pundit, known for his works on race and sexuality and his activism during the social equality development.

40. Anita Sarkeesian


Canadian-American women’s activist media pundit and maker of the Women’s Activist Recurrence video series, supporting for better portrayal of ladies in media.

41. Taraneh Salke

Organizer behind Material Great, an internet business stage that gives all returns to worthy missions.

42. Rasheda Ali

Upholding for Parkinson’s illness examination and care around the world, she has been a compelling power in lobbying for the privileges of people living with the sickness.

43. Lea T


A Brazilian transsexual model and backer of LGBT privileges, Lea T has utilized her foundation to bring issues to light and advance inclusivity.

44. Lululemon Athletica

The pioneer behind the famous athletic wear brand has devoted the organization to advancing a sound way of life and environmentalism through different drives.

45. Wang Fuman

Otherwise called “Ice Kid,” Wang Fuman has turned into a backer for instructive correspondence in China after a photograph of him with iced hair became a web sensation.

46. Fahma Mohamed

An English Somali extremist, Mohamed crusades against female genital mutilation and has effectively pushed for changes in the school educational plan to teach youngsters about the issue.

47. Hamdia Ahmed


As one of the main Muslim models to wear a hijab on the runway, Hamdia Ahmed has pushed for more prominent variety and portrayal in the design business.

48. Tarana Burke

Prime supporter of the #MeToo development, Burke has been a main voice in the battle against lewd behavior and attack.

49. Marsha P. Johnson

An LGBTQ+ rights dissident and a critical figure in the Stall uprising, Johnson has been instrumental in progressing LGBTQ+ freedoms and permeability.

50. Leyla Hussein

An overcomer of female genital mutilation, Hussein has turned into a conspicuous dissident and backer for finishing the training.

51. Peggy McIntosh


An American women’s activist and hostile-to-bigotry extremist, McIntosh is known for her work on white honor and foundational imbalance.

52. Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi

The fellow benefactors of the People of Color Matter development, these activists have been instrumental in pointing out police severity and foundational prejudice.

53. Linda Sarsour

A Palestinian-American lobbyist and coordinator, Sarsour has been a main voice in the battle for civil rights and Muslim-American privileges.

54. Alicia Keys


An American artist and lyricist, Keys has utilized her foundation to advocate for different causes, including HIV/Helps mindfulness, and improvement in law enforcement.

55. Deray McKesson

A noticeable People of Color Matter extremist and coordinator, McKesson has been a vocal backer of policy change.

There you have it, 55 inspiring activists from around the world. This list can help you understand which cause activists are passionate about. Not only are some individuals famous but they have lent their persona to assist a fight for humanity. 

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