60 Facts about Plants


Plants play an important role in supporting the ecosystem and ensuring that things run as they should. When one thinks about plants, they only think of the plants they encounter every day but in actuality, there are over 300,000 species of plants that have been discovered and identified by scientists. This means that it is a rich ecosystem with diverse species that needs to be examined so that its full potential can be realised. Therefore, this article will explore the sixty facts about plants to give the reader insight into this unique biodiversity that we do not pay much attention to.

1 Titan arum is the largest unbranched plant

A picture of the Titan Arum by the U.S Botanical Graden-

The titan arum flower is also known as Amorphophallus titanium is the world’s largest unbranched flower, reaching up to 15 feet tall. The bloom emits an odour reminiscent of rotting meat, thus the common name “corpse flower.” Rafflesia, another Sumatran rainforest plant, has a similar odour. Both evolved scents to attract pollinating flies; they do not compete with other plants for butterflies and hummingbirds.

2 There are more than 1.2 million species of plants identified

There is a variety of plant species available in the world. Scientists state that there are approximately 1.9 million species of plants but only 1.2 million of them have been identified. Around 2000 species of plant are identified each year but others are quickly becoming extinct. Scientists often stress the need to reevaluate how we conserve the environment as plants are vital to the existence of humankind.

3 Baobab is also known as the tree of life

A picture of the Baobab tree by Bernard Cagnon-

Mostly found in the African savannahs, the baobab is also known as the tree of life. This is because it can store between 1000 to 120,000 litres of water in its trunk. The tree also provides food and acts as a place of shelter because of its size. This is quite interesting in that it serves a unique purpose.

4 The coffee plant has several uses

Caffeine from coffee is a favourite for many people who want to stay active and awake as they act as a stimulant and thus restores alertness in people. Coffee also has several other uses in that it can be used as a natural pesticide as it effectively eliminates insects from plants. Furthermore, there are plants that grow faster when they have caffeine

5 Most of the plant life is in the ocean

A picture of Seagrass by Paul Asmah-

The ocean is home to approximately 85% of all plant life on the planet. The ocean is home to over 228,450 species. Around 2 million more species have yet to be discovered. Common marine plants include kelp, seagrass, phytoplankton, and algae. Plant life is essential to the aquatic ecosystem because they provide marine life and fish with food and shelter.

6 The arctic tundra has a lot of species

When one hears the word arctic, one imagines a harsh climate that cannot support plant life. Surprisingly, there are around 1700 species of plants found in the Arctic Tundra. The plants feature shallow root systems to survive the harsh weather. This also means that there are no large plants as they need a longer growing period and warmer climate to thrive. The plants also have fuzzy stems which allow them to survive the cold climate.

7 The oldest surviving tree is the Pando

An aerial view of the pando tree in Lake Utah by Lance Oditt-

Pando is a massive clonal colony of Utah’s Fishlake National Forest’s quaking aspens. The tree colony is thought to be over 80,000 years old, making it the world’s oldest plant. Despite the fact that Pando appears to be a grove of individual trees, they all have the same root system and genes. Pando grows indefinitely, with old, fallen trees being replaced by new ones. However, there have been concerns over the colony as scientists noted that it was not growing any more shoots.

8 The biggest flower is known as the Rafflesia

Rafflesia also known as the monster flower is the world’s biggest flower. The flower can reach a width of three feet. It has spikes at the centre but no one knows what they are used for. The origins of the plant are not known and scientists have not been able to reproduce it. Therefore, this makes it quite vulnerable as it can go extinct at any time.

9 Dandelions are edible

A picture of a dandelion by Laitche-

The dandelion is edible and high in antioxidants, which aid in immune system function. It was introduced into the United States by European settlers as a salad green, but it is now considered a weed. This is also one of the most easily identified edible weeds.

10 There are 70,000 plant species that are medicinal

Plants come in handy when someone needs a remedy for different types of ailments. There are over 70,000 species of plants that can be used for medicinal purposes. The plants help greatly in improving their health or healing them. Some of the plants that are used for medicinal purposes include lemon, ginger, onions and oregano.

11 The smallest flowering plant is Watermeal

A picture of watermeals by Jakub-

Also known as Wolffia globosa, Watermeal is the smallest flowering plant. It is a bright green plant and the size of a rice grain. Watermeal is a species of aquatic plant in the duckweed genus. The Wolffia bears the smallest fruit as well. The plant acts as a camouflage for fish against birds of prey.

12 Tulips were valuable in the 1600s

Tulips were so valuable in the 1600s in Holland that their bulbs were worth more than gold. The craze was known as tulip mania or tulipomania, and it caused the Dutch economy to crash. Tulips can continue to grow up to an inch per day after being cut.

13 Peanuts are actually not nuts

A picture of peanuts by Ivan Leidus-

Despite the fact that the name has nuts in it, peanuts are not nuts. Instead, they are in the legume family with plants like lentils, beans and green grams. According to the National Peanut Board, they have more protein, niacin, folate, and phytosterols than any other nut.

14 90 per cent of the food eaten by human beings comes from 30 species of plants

The human population consumes only 30 plants even though there are tens of thousands of plants that can be eaten. This is because farmers plant crops that can grow quickly which means that they will be sold within little time. They also look at the cost required to plant the crops and thus go for ones that have little expenses. As a result, we have a limited diet compared to what we could be eating if all the edible plants were used.

15 More than half of the plant species are located in one country

Brazil has a great biodiversity as it features different types and species of plants that are not even found in other parts of the world. While in brazil, it is highly likely that a plant you see there does not grow in any other part of the world. However, the plants are under threat because of climate change and thus bring the risk of them going extinct.

16 More than 60 per cent of plants are in danger of going extinct

While scientists have only studied a small portion of the known plant species, 68 per cent of those studied face extinction in the not-too-distant future. Plants are even more vulnerable than endangered animals because they cannot simply up and move as their habitat is destroyed.

17 The rate at which plants are going extinct is alarming

Studies have shown that plants are going extinct five thousand times faster than they should. Even though there are arguments that plants just become extinct even without human interference, the rate at which they are going extinct is a cause for alarm. Some of the factors that contribute to this situation include climate change and deforestation.

18 Most of the rainforest has not been studied for medicinal purposes

Plants ate valuable in terms of their medicinal purposes in that they have components that cure a variety of ailments. However,  only one per cent of the rainforest has been studied for its medicinal purposes. This means that there is a lot of potential that are untapped as there may be other plants that can cure terminal and serious illnesses.

19 Strawberry is the only fruit with seeds on the outside

A picture of strawberries by Leo-

Strawberries come in over 600 varieties, each with about 200 seeds. The seeds of a strawberry are on the outside due to the structure of the plant, which has a central receptacle surrounded by tiny, dry fruits. Another interesting fact about strawberry is that it is a member of the rose family and not the berry family as the name suggests.

20 Plants know the time

The way human beings have a circadian rhythm that regulates the waking and sleeping cycles, plants also have such a clock. The circadian rhythm established by sugar signals in plants determined the phase of when it is light or dark. The circadian rhythm helps the plant determine the times they grow and also when they open their flowers depending on whether it is day or night. These rhythms assist plants in using their energy wisely so that they do not go hungry at night.

21 Plants can sense gravity

Plants are much more intelligent than we give them credit for. They can detect and respond positively to gravity. This is referred to as ‘gravitropism’ by scientists. It’s similar to how we humans perceive gravity.

Because of specialized cells known as statocytes, plant cells in their roots and stems can detect the pull of gravity on their bodies. These cells contain starch grains that, due to gravity, collect at the bottom. When a plant is tilted, the starch grains shift from side to side, triggering hormones that tell the plant which way is up. Plants will then grow toward gravity by lengthening one side’s cells and shortening the other.

22 Plants use tricks to attract pollinators

purple orchid. Photo by The LEAF Project-

Plants that do not produce nectar which easily attracts pollinators to it use tricks to ensure that they visit the plants. In doing so, they receive pollen when the insects visit the flower in search of nectar. Orchids are especially astute in this regard. Many species have flowers that look like female wasps and release a perfume that attracts male wasps. Males pollinate the orchid by attempting to mate with it.

23 They release distress signals when under stress

When many plants are stressed, they release scents or volatile chemicals that attract insects and other animals that can help them escape a dangerous situation. For example, when caterpillars feed on a plant, the plant releases chemicals that attract parasitic wasps, which lay eggs inside the caterpillars and kill them. Interestingly, the scent emitted by freshly cut grass is a distress signal

24 Plants know which season it is

Due to the changing climate, it is critical for plants to know when the seasons are changing from one to the next. The length of the day is one way plants can tell the seasons. Some plants’ leaves detect how much light they receive and use this data to generate seeds or flowers at the right time of year. For instance, when it is spring the days become longer and this means that the plants receive more sunlight which signals than to start forming seeds and flowers for the next season. The plants also use temperature changes to tell the seasons.

25 Plants can recognize their siblings

Cakile edentula aslo known as a sea rocket by ian manning-

Research by biologists discloses that plants show competitiveness among strangers of the same species but they accommodate their siblings. In a study done at McMaster University that looked at Cakile edentula which is an annual plant, researchers discovered that when strangers shared a pot, there was increased root allocation as compared to when siblings shared a pot. Plants compete with strangers by directing more of their roots underground. This aids them in their battle for water and soil nutrients.

26 Plants communicate with each other

It has always been believed that plants use a basic form of intelligence to adapt to the surrounding environment but that is not the case. The plants communicate with each other using their roots. They secrete chemicals known as root exudates into the soil. The purpose of the chemical is to inform every other organism of how the plant is doing.

27 Plants react to sound

Plants react to the environment that they are in using subtle ways. Research has revealed that plants can respond to environmental sound. While examining a pea plant, scientists noted that the plant’s roots were able to locate the source of water by sensing the vibrations emitted by the water while flowing below the ground.

28  Trees are the longest-living organisms

A close up view of the Bristlecone pine-

Many trees can live for tens of thousands of years, sending down new roots and springing up new branches as their bodies grow. It is thought that the Great Basin Bristlecone Pine is the oldest living tree species. It is believed to be around 5,000 years old and is located in California’s White Mountains. This can be attributed to the tree’s ability to store energy and thus use it to recover when it is damaged. Another reason is its ability to sprout new stems and trunks to replace the old ones and thus ensure the continuity of the tree.

29 The world’s tallest tree

The world’s tallest tree is a coastal redwood known as Hyperion with its scientific name being Sequoia sempervirens. The tree boasts of a height of 380.1 feet which is equivalent to 115.85 metres. The height is equivalent to that of a 35-story building. Furthermore, the exact location of the tree has been kept a secret to protect it from damage by humans who will flock to the area wanting to witness the wonder.

30 Plants can be used as a compass

Plants can be used as a form of navigation to guide you through a variety of terrains. For example, moss that grows on the trunks of trees in northern temperate climates has a tendency to spread more to the north. Also one can look at the rings on a tree to determine the direction they are supposed to be taking. For instance, if one is in the Northern Hemisphere, the rings on the tree will be thick on the southern side.

31 Herbs and spices are not the same thing

People always assume that herbs and spices refer to the same thing. This is not true and it is a common misconception that many people have. Herbs are collected from the leaves of different plants while spices mostly come from the plant’s roots, stems, seeds and barks. This is quite an interesting fact as many people are not aware of the difference.

32 Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant

A picture of a bamboo forest in Japan by Basil Morin-

The bamboo plant is the fastest-growing plant in the world. The plant can grow up to 35 inches in a day which is equivalent to around 1.5 inches. The growth rate can be attributed to the fact that the bamboo grows under foliage where little sunlight reaches the ground. Therefore, it needs to grow faster to access sufficient sunlight.

33 Grass can grow very tall

Elephant grass is native to Africa and can reach heights of up to 15 feet. That’s tall enough for native African elephants to hide behind. However, they also enjoy chowing down on this grass, hence the name.

34 There are 600 species of carnivorous plants

The plant biodiversity has about 600 species of plants that are considered to be carnivorous.  This means that they eat small animals and insects to sustain themselves. Even figs are carnivorous. When pollinated by fig wasps, they trap and eat the poor wasps. A carnivorous plant species in the Philippines can digest a full-grown rat.

35 Plants can smell

A picture of the dodder plant attached to another plant-

Plants do not have literal noses but they are able to use chemicals to acquaint themselves with their surroundings. For instance, the Dodder plant attaches itself to another plant in order to get nutrients. The plants do not grow aimlessly with the hope of finding another plant to attach themselves to. Instead, it senses which plant is healthier and attaches itself to it.

36 Plants can fight

Plants fight to get the necessary sustenance it needs to survive and this means that they go to extreme measures to achieve this. For instance, water lilies are scary plants when it comes to fighting for nutrients This Amazonian plant emerges and uses its spiked leaf buds as a bar to clear other plants from the water’s surface. Eventually, its massive, circular leaves monopolise the water. Each is about 2m across and is coated in hefty spikes that shove or crush any other plants in their path.

37 Scientists successfully grew a 32,000-year-old seed

A group of Russian scientists were able to successfully germinate the seeds of a narrow-leaved campion which is believed to be 32,000 years old. The seeds had been stored in The seeds was discovered in a ground squirrel hibernation burrow beneath Siberia’s permafrost. The plants developed, bloomed, and produced viable seeds. This finding goes to show the tenacity of the seeds as they were able to stay that long and germinate successfully.

38 Over one hundred billion bananas are eaten in a year

A picture of the different varieties of bananas by Timothy Pilgrim-

Bananas are a staple in many households in that more than one billion bananas are consumed every year. The bananas come in different colours are they are not always yellow as one may assume. Some of the bananas when ripe are green while others are red. They are a good option for either breakfast and it also acts as a good snack in between meals. The bananas grow in hanging bunches that are called fingers.

39 Carrots were purple

When one hears the word carrot, one automatically thinks of an orange plant. However, it was not always the case as carrots were originally purple and the orange colour came about as a result of genetic mutation. Nowadays, one can buy carrots that have different colours thanks to mutation. The plant is packed with nutrition that is beneficial to a human being.

40 The rose family

A picture of a rose flower by Sabina-

The rose family is often thought of as a family of only flowers but that is not the case as it also comprises fruits. Some of the fruits in the rose family include apricot, peaches, apples, plums and strawberries even though it has the name berries in them. The fruit’s sweet scent can be attributed to the rose family. Another interesting fact is that rose petals are also edible.

41 The oak tree is frequently struck by lightning

The old saying that lightning does not strike twice does not apply to the oak tree in that it is frequently struck by lightning. This can be attributed to the fact that they are tall and have a deep root system. The oak trees have trunks that are hollow and filled with water which makes them great conductors of electricity. Therefore, if there is ever a rainstorm, do not seek shelter under an oak tree.

42 The hottest chilli pepper

There are many hot peppers that compete to be the hottest. Some of the top contenders include the traditional jalapeno and ghost pepper. However, the position of the hottest pepper is constantly changing because people always are working towards breaking the world record. The one leading the list at the moment is the Carolina Reaper which measures as the most intense according to the Scoville scale.

43 Onion is a natural sedative

onions by Colin-

Onions are used to make food appetizing and taste good but it also has another unique purpose. This is because when one eats a lot of onions, they make them sleepy. This can be attributed to the fact that onions contain huge amounts of L-tryptophan amino acid which works as a natural sedative and thus make the person sleepy.

44 The average-sized tree can produce up to 170, 100 pencils

An average-sized tree may not seem like much but surprisingly, it can produce around 170,100 pencils. This is quite interesting as it means that there are a lot of pencils that are being produced as the rate at which trees are cut to be used to make pencils are alarmingly high.

45 Plants can be used as cloth dyes

Many plant species have been used as natural cloth dyes for the longest time. One of the oldest plants to be used as a cloth dye is the woad which produced blue dye and dates back to the neolithic times. The dyes are actually good for one’s health and the environment compared to the ones produced at the laboratory.

46 Teas

All types of teas whether they are green, black or white come from one plant known as Camellia Sinensis. The disparity in their colours comes from the different processing methods used. The method also gives them a unique taste as they have undergone different processes.

47 Brazil is named after a tree

Brazil wood-

The country of Brazil is the only country that has been named after a tree. The Brazil wood also known as Paubrasilia echinate is where the country derived its name from. Furthermore, the tree is the official emblem of the country. Brazilwood also produces a red dye.

48 Plants are used as living bridges

In a few Indian, Indonesian, and Javan communities, trees are built in such a way that their roots develop as living bridges. A rubber tree, or ficus elastica, which may reach heights of hundreds of feet in its natural habitat, is the type of tree employed in this technique. It takes a lot of commitment to form a tree for a long enough period of time that it develops into a whole bridge.

49 Daisies love the sun

A picture of Daisies by Smile2805-

Daises are very eager sun-seekers in that they sway in slow motion to the direction of the sun throughout the day. The concept is known as heliotropism. The constant movement may seem like a lot of work but it is the most effective way that the daisies can get the sunlight needed to ensure that they survive.

50 The Cholla cactus is full of barbs

Although the cholla cactus may appear nice and cuddly, you are actually staring at its vicious thorns. Its arms develop buds that plunge and hook into an animal as a painful warning to avoid the cholla’s water-filled flesh.

51 The plant-based ecosystem is the backbone of the economy

Plants support all the other ecosystems. This is because it provides the human population with not only food but also raw materials. Furthermore, the plants clean the air we breathe and they regulate the climate as well as safeguard the water supply.

52 Mpingo is used to make clarinets

A picture of Mpingo used to make clarinets-

The term “mpingo” is well-known among classical music experts. It is one of the most expensive timbers in the world and the holy grail for makers of woodwind instruments thanks to its dark, glossy heartwood. However, because of over-exploitation, the species saw a sharp fall. The next time you hear Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto, remember to thank FFI for establishing the SoundWood programme in 1995 to save mpingo and other timber species from extinction due to logging.

53 25 per cent of the forest life is underground

It is well known that plants play a vital role in controlling climate change by absorbing the carbon emissions in the environment and thus keeping the environment clean. However, one lesser-known fact is that 25% of the world’s forest, shrubland, and grassland biomass is found underground, where it sequesters over 110 gigatonnes of carbon or almost ten years’ worth of CO2 emissions.

54 The African Bugleweed

A quite interesting fact about the African Bugleweed concerns the chemicals it contains. A chemical resembling the hormone that regulates caterpillar development is synthesised in the tissues of an African bugleweed. If a caterpillar is experimentally made to consume that material, it will develop two heads and pass away when it transforms into a butterfly.

55 An arrowroot is an antidote

A picture of the arrowroot plant by Fpilla-

Many people think that arrowroot is just a plant that can be eaten. Surprisingly, the arrowroot can also be used as an antidote for a person who has been shot with a poisoned arrow. The next time that one is shot with a poisoned arrow, then they do not have to go far but just turn to the kitchen for an antidote. It can also be used as a thickener while cooking.

56 The saguaro cactus

A barrel-shaped, pleated boot characterises the enormous, saguaro-like cactus that grows in the Sonoran Desert of America. To hold up to six tonnes of water, this boot can expand like an accordion. The saguaro can only use it for a few months, though.

57 The wild fig tree in South Africa

A picture of a fig tree-

South Africa boasts of a fig tree that has roots that grow down to 400 feet deep. This fact is known because the roots go down and extend to a cave known as the Echo Cave. People interested in seeing the roots can go up the cave system and witness it for themselves.

58 The origin of trees can be traced back to 450 million years ago

The existence of trees can only be traced back to 450 million years ago and during this time, the trees did not grow tall. The tallest tree would be at one metre. Before trees, there were enormous fungi that covered the ground. The fungus did not look like the normal mushrooms and instead look like some stick rising from the ground.

59 The Chincona plant produces quinine

The dried bark of a South American native evergreen tree is used to make quinine, one of the most significant medicines ever discovered. The plant is often referred to as the tree that saved mankind as quinine which is extracted from the plant is used to cure malaria.

60 The orange colour in carrots

A picture of carrots by Tomascastelazo-

Carrots’ vibrant orange hue indicates that they are a great source of vitamin A, which is crucial for healthy eyesight, especially at night. Vitamin A keeps your skin and hair healthy and aids in the body’s ability to fight infections.

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