Disturbing Facts about 20 Infamous Child Murderers


The act of murdering another person is usually viewed as a very gruesome thing with investigators and society not knowing what drives murderers to do it. People are used to hearing that adults commit murders, but children can also cause fatal harm as well as kill others. In the past and the current world, we have witnessed several incidents of children taking away lives in some gruesome ways.

Several murder instances of child killers involve children who kill other children younger than them. These children usually attack others using blunt objects without the motive of killing them. Other children who are exposed to bullying, and loneliness and are usually segregated get themselves into such scenarios of killing.

A child-like Eric Smith is a good example of those children who went through bullying and loneliness which drove him to murder a 3-year-old. Here are the Disturbing Facts about 20 Infamous Child Murderers:

1. Carroll Cole

Born on 9th May 1938, Carroll Cole was an American serial killer who began his killing spree as a young child. His father joined the army to fight in World War II leaving him with his siblings and mother. Carroll鈥檚 mother began having affairs with several men and threatened him with a beating if he told his father.

At the age of 8, Carroll committed his first murder which shocked many when he confessed about it later in life. He had drowned his classmate, Duane in a lake in Richmond, California. Carroll went on to kill thirty-five people as he confessed. He was sentenced to death and killed by lethal injection.

Read 10 Horrifying Things To Know About the Clutter Family Murders in 1959.

2. Eric Smith

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At the age of 13, Eric Smith committed the worst possible thing in his life as he murdered a little boy after he had tortured him. Eric was subject to torment from his bullies who laughed at his protruding low-set ears and his other body features.

He was a loner who used to play alone most of the time which made him develop a negative attitude towards other children. On 2nd August 1993, Eric was riding his bike to a summer camp at their local camp when he came across 4-year-old Derrick Robie who was heading to the same camp.

Eric lured Derrick to nearby woods where he strangled him, then dropped a huge rock on his head and raped him using a small stick. He later poured Derrick鈥檚 food on his wounds before leaving the place. Eric later confessed to his mother about the murder which led to his arrest.

A psychiatrist later diagnosed Eric with an intermittent explosive disorder. He was handed a nine years jail sentence to life but was later paroled in 2022.

3. James Osmanson

In the early 1990s, HIV was not a common disease with those infected alongside their families getting tormented and stigmatized. James Osmanson whose parents had divorced and had HIV was subjected to much torment from fellow pupils at his school. The torment that 10-year-old James received from his fellow pupils affected him psychologically and he was planning on something big.

Before the fateful day, James challenged his fellow pupils to a fight after getting fed up with the torment he received. On 12th April 1994, James Osmanson arrived at school with a .22 caliber firearm ready to face off with the pupil he had challenged to a fight.

While at the school playground, James aimed at the other pupil but missed and struck Jeremy Bullock who was 11 years old and a fifth grader. James Osmanson struck Jeremy from behind the ear which killed him the following year. James was arraigned to a hearing at a youth court and sent to a mental facility for mental examination.

4. Mitchell Johnson

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Mitchell was born on 11th August 1984 in Rochester, Minnesota, and raised with his family until his parents divorced. His mother was remarried to Terry Woodward, an inmate at the correctional she worked. Mitchell’s relationship with his stepfather and brother was good, but his life changed later.

At around the age of 6 or 7, Mitchell was sexually used by a 鈥榝amily member of the daycare he was usually placed鈥. At the age of 12, he was charged with molesting a 3-year-old he was with his family in southern Minnesota. While at school, Mitchell was a known bully who used to brag about drugs and how he was supposed to be on the street with cartels.

At the age of 13 on 24th March 1998, Mitchell and 11-year-old Andrew Golden rode in Mitchell鈥檚 mother’s van to Westside Middle School while loaded with nine weapons. During the fifth period, Mitchell raced to the woods where he had left the weapons and began shooting at the pupils indiscriminately alongside Andrew. The two killed five, four students and one teacher as well as injuring nine students and one teacher.

Mitchell and Andrew then tried to escape from the shooting and killing but were arrested. They were not given tough sentencing as Mitchell was later released on 11th August 2005 when he was 21 years old.

5. Andrew Golden

Andrew was born on 25th May 1986 in Jonesboro Arkansas to a stable family where he faced no challenges when growing up. However, he was among the group bullies at Westside Middle School alongside Mitchell Johnson.

Andrew Golden planned the mass shooting alongside Mitchell as he helped in organizing the weapons required as well as hiding them. At around the fifth period, Andrew joined Mitchell in the woods they had hidden the weapons and opened fire on the students and teachers.

Andrew killed five people, four students, and one teacher, and injured nine students and one teacher. He was arrested alongside Mitchell, and sent to jail but was later released on 25th May 2007.

Also, read 10 facts about the killings of the four in Farmville.

6. Danny & Ricky Preddie

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A 10-year-old Nigerian schoolboy, Damilola Taylor was killed in London which became a case with major controversy. Initially, four children were arrested in connection to the murder but they were later released due to no evidence.

However, Danny and Ricky Preddie, brothers, were arrested and convicted of manslaughter. At the time of the murder, the two were 12 and 13. The two had attacked Damilola and stabbed him using a bottle in the femoral artery which made him bleed to death. The case of the two brothers lagged for years as they were underage, but they were acquitted which angered the family of the deceased.

7. Lionel Tate

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The youngest American to be convicted of a life sentence without the possibility of parole is Lionel Alexander Tate. On 28th July 1999 when Lionel was 13, he was left alone with Eunick, a 6-year-old who was being babysat by his mother. The kids were downstairs playing when Lionel went to his mother to report that Tiffany was not breathing.

He had claimed that they were wrestling when he had Tiffany in a headlock and she accidentally hit her head on a table. However, autopsy reports stated that Lionel stomped on Tiffany and that her liver was lacerated.

Other than that, she had clear marks of serious bruises on her legs, feet, and neck. Her skull was fractured, her rib was fractured and she had a swollen brain. He was handed a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

8. Dedrick Owens

The six-year-old first grader at Beecher Community School District in Michigan used to live with his mother and 8-year-old brother after his father was taken to jail. His mother failed to pay the required rent making them relocate to their uncle鈥檚 place which was not a good idea. He shared a coach with his brother as their bed in a house which was a crack house as his uncle鈥檚 friend dealt with firearms and drugs.

The 6-year-old had several behavioral troubles at school as he used swearing words, pinching, hitting, and giving the finger. A week before his worst crime, the boy had stabbed a girl with a pencil. On 29th February 2000, he brought a firearm and a knife to school and fatally shot 6-year-old Kayla Rolland in the presence of a teacher and other students.

He told Kyla that he did not like her, and pulled the trigger hitting her in the right arm and traveling through a vital artery. Kyla died at Hurley Medical Center while in cardiac arrest. The boy was not convicted because of his age.

9. Kristen Pittman

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At the age of 12 on 28th November 2001, Kristen shocked the nation by killing her grandparents, Joe and Joy Pittman. Before committing the murders, Kristen had escaped from home twice, threatened to commit suicide, and was put on Paxil for depression.

After she was sent to her paternal grandparents’ home, Kristen was switched from Paxil to Zoloft which had bad side effects making her manic. On that fateful day, Kristen had an argument on the school bus and choked a fellow student, as well as she disturbed the piano guy in church.

That night, her grandfather paddled her from leaving her room which angered her. She then murdered her grandparents using their shotgun and used a candle and paper to set the house on fire. Kristen later took her grandparents鈥 car, her dog, their guns, and $33 before leaving.

She was found stuck two counties away and came up with a story that a huge black male had kidnapped her, killed her grandparents, and touched their house. However, she confessed later, stated they deserved the death and she was handed 30 years sentence to life.

10. Derek & Alex King

13-year-old Derek, aided by his 12-year-old brother, Alex, murdered their father with an aluminum baseball bat on 26th November 2001. The boys claimed that they committed the murder to stop 鈥渕ental abuse鈥 such as being 鈥渟tared down鈥 and spanked.

In order to cover their crime, the lads set fire to their family鈥檚 home in Cantonment, Florida (near Pensacola). Ricky Chavis, a family friend, was found guilty of being an accomplice to murder after hiding the boys in his trailer home after the murder and washing the blood from their clothes. Chavis was also accused of molesting Alex King but was eventually found not guilty. Terry King was 40 years old when he was killed.

Read Top 10 Facts About the West Mesa Murders.

11. Evan Drake Savoie and Jake Lee Eakin

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On the afternoon of 15th February 2003, two boys aged 12 years old, Evan Drake Savoie and Jake Lee Eakin, invited 13-year-old autistic boy Craig Sorger to play with them. Craig accepted the invite and went to the park near their home to play with his friends.

However, Evan dropped a large rock on his neck which knocked him to the ground. Evan went ahead and started stabbing him continuously. Jake joined Evan in the act of attacking Craig in the head and legs using a tree branch.

The two killed Craig and were later arrested and charged with first-degree murder, however, they maintained their innocence. They made history as the youngest murder defendants tried as adults in Washington state history. Jake was handed a 14 years sentence while Evan was handed 26 years which was later reduced to 20 after an appeal.

12. Jasmine Richardson

12-year-old Jasmine Richardson was involved in the murder of his family members alongside her boyfriend, 23-year-old Jeremy Steinke. On 23rd April 2006, the bodies of Marc Richardson and his wife Debra were found in their home鈥檚 basement, and the body of 8-year-old Tyler Jacob was upstairs. Jasmine was missing which brought fears that she might be a victim.

However, she was later arrested alongside her boyfriend. The Richardson family was mutilated by knife stab wounds inflicted by their daughter and his weird boyfriend. A close friend of Jasmine revealed that her parents were against having an affair with him which might have led to the triple homicide.

13. Amarjeet Sada

India recorded the youngest serial killer in 7-year-old Amarjeet Sada. Amarjeet was born into a poor family that could not afford some basic needs including toys which he could ask for and not get. This made him short-tempered and he used to have tantrums.

Amarjeet murdered his victim, his 6-month-old brother who had been left under his care. The boy started inflicting pain on the baby by pinching him which woke him and started crying. The cries made Amarjeet choke the child to death. This death was hidden as his parents lied to his aunt that the baby had died accidentally.

A year later, his mother gave birth to his baby sister who he never felt any connection with. One afternoon, his mother left him to watch over the baby only to wake up and find that he had killed her. His third murder was of an 8-month-old who he had found left alone in a school. Amarjeet was handed to the police where he was diagnosed with a conduct disorder that made him feel good when inflicting pain on others.

14. Joseph Hall

10-year-old Joseph Hall murdered his father, Jeffrey Russell Hall while he slept on his couch. His father, Jeff, was a Neo-nazi who divorced his wife remarried, and started living with his children and their stepmother. Jeff used to brag about how he was teaching his young son how to use firearms as well as using night-vision equipment.

On 1st May 2011, Joseph pulled a .357 revolver, aimed at his father鈥檚 ear while he slept, and shot him dead. After the incident, Joseph told the police that his father had threatened to kill them by burning their house. His stepmother revealed that Jeff used to punish the children in various extremes, he kicked them and hit them which made Joseph tired.

15. Jose Reyes

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Born on 2nd July 2001, Jose Horacio Reyes shocked many in the US after he was involved in the shooting at Sparks Middle School. On 21st October 2013, the 12-year-old who was in seventh grade stormed the school鈥檚 basketball court where other children were. Jose shot and injured 12-year-old KJ Kersey in the shoulder and 12-year-old Mason Davis.

In the process of shooting with the shotgun, Jose shot and killed 45-year-old math teacher Michael who was trying to intervene. He then committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Jose Reyes had left 2 suicide notes claiming that he was tormented by bullying and he had taken antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs.

Also, read 10 Scary Things To Know About The Night Stalker Murders.

16. Kyle Alwood

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On 6th April 2019, a fire was reported around 11:00 p.m. in the central section of Peoria, near the village of Goodfield, Illinois. Firefighters arrived at the scene shortly after the call. Three children, all under three years old, 69-year-old Kathryn Murray, and 34-year-old Jason Wall died from smoke inhalation. 27-year-old Katrina Alwood and her son Kyle escaped the fire.

However, 9-year-old Kyle Alwood was arrested and charged with the murders six months after the incident. Five counts of first-degree murder, two acts of arson, and one count of aggravated arson were filed against the youngster. Alwood might face five years of probation if convicted due to his young age.

17. Max Porta

Another incident of a disturbing child murder was carried out by 13-year-old Max Porta. On 20th April 2015, Max carried out an attack at IES Joan Fuster High School in Barcelona where he killed one teacher and injured four others. He had arrived at school with a machete and crossbow.

Max initiated the attack by arriving late to class and aiming a crossbow at a female teacher鈥檚 face. The boy then fatally attacked another instructor, Abel Martnez Oliva, as he arrived to assist the female teacher in escaping.

The attack also harmed two other pupils, including the female teacher鈥檚 daughter. David Jurado Fern谩ndez, the school鈥檚 physical education teacher, was able to bring the boy down from the attack. His poor academic record might have led to his attack which some students stated that he had planned for some time. He was diagnosed with a psychotic breakdown.

18. Nathaniel Brazill

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Growing up, Nathaniel was not given the best treatment for a child as usually expected. He was surrounded by domestic abuse and alcoholism which affected him. This saw his school performance go low.

On 26th May 2000, 13-year-old Nathaniel shot and killed an English teacher at Lake Worth School in Florida. He had been sent home for throwing a water balloon which angered him. Nathaniel rushed home and retrieved a .25-caliber handgun then he shot and killed his teacher. He was later sentenced to 28 years in prison after attaining adulthood.

19. Nickalas Kedrowitz

13-year-old Nickalas was linked to the killings of his 2-year-old half-sister Desiree McCartney and his 11-month-old stepbrother Nathaniel Ritz. On 1st May 2017, Christina, the mother of the three found her daughter unresponsive and rushed her to the hospital but she died days later. On 20th July 2017, Nathaniel was found unresponsive like Desire and died hours later.

An autopsy report showed that both children died out of smothering and suffocation which never raised alarm and was linked to Nickalas. However, Nickalas started showing negative behaviors while he was at his aunt鈥檚 place as he tortured their cat raising doubts.

Investigators later found out that Nickalas suffocated Desiree by wrapping a towel around her neck. Nathaniel was suffocated to death using a blanket. He was sentenced to 50 years for each murder which he will serve consecutively after attaining 18 years in 2022.

20. Ethan Crumbley

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Another shocking mass shooting occurred at Oxford High School in the Detroit exurb of Oxford Township, Michigan. 15-year-old Ethan Crumbley stormed into the school armed with a 9 mm semi-automatic handgun which he used to shoot indiscriminately.

He shot and killed four students as well as injured seven other people with a teacher included. He was arrested and charged as an adult for 24 crimes which include murder and terrorism.


All these child murderers shocked many people as they attracted media attention because of the nature of how they were carried out. However, proper child care and raising contribute largely to the behavior of children.

Read 10 Gruesome Things To Know About Jeffrey Dahmer鈥檚 Murders.


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